Friday, 16 September 2011

Graduation Speech?

Just wanted to show you my speech...and I want you to say what you think about it...I can handle it...

Before I came to Welby Way, I was in an elementary school that didn’t enjoy. That time, I was still in 1st grade. But then, my parents told me that I was accepted to this school. At first, I never really understood why this was such a big deal, and I only pretended to care. I absolutely regretted that. Never have I known that the next few years of my life could be so special. It was the first day of Welby Way, and also the first of 2nd grade. I had a teacher named Mrs. McNutt, who was different from all the teachers from the past school, making it hard for me. This was my first time in the magnet, cause all of the assignments weren’t easy.

There were a lot of projects, homework, and something called the “Reading Log”. At first I wanted to switch schools, just because I didn’t get all of the work, the teachers, and I also didn’t have many friends. But after all, this was only the 1st day of a new grade level. This may not have happened to some of you, but it had to me. I know sometimes you could accidentally miss your homework, get WAM’s, or not read everyday. It’s okay though, but without the saying “no pain, no gain”, maybe it wouldn’t be. Days passed and I’ve known some people longer and actually had a few buddies. I was happier, and every new day I forgotten about thinking of leaving this school, which was a good thing. Then there came my first official report card. Everything was fine, except for self-control. I can be a bit talkative, and my mom and dad also got very worried. But it was way worth it since I have people to talk to!

Then weeks went by, then the weeks turned into months, making it years. 3rd and 4th grade were a blast, but they weren’t easy, I have to say. But they were fun. Many kids knew me by now, and I could never hesitate to raise my hand during class if I needed help, or if I wanted to participate. After Summer Vacation, 5th grade came. I had a teacher named “Mrs. Metson”. I’ve seen her, but wasn’t really sure about how well, or how strict she was. I’ve always thought that 5th grade was the hardest out of the other ones, but maybe I could prove that it isn’t. Part of me wanted Graduation Day to pass by quickly so I could head out for middle school, and the other really didn’t want to leave some of my friends, even some teachers! But elementary school had to end sometime right? But you know what’s best out of them all? The big 5th grade trip, and the graduation party!

Even though I have only been here since 2nd grade, I feel I have been here for a longer time. Welby Way was nearly my home. Other people have different opinions about this school, but I am here because I love it here, and I always look forward to the next day when I see my teacher and friends. Most kids like it because they could socialize with other people, make new friends, and play sports and hang out in the yard. I have to admit, I do too. Going to middle school will be hard for me...and will also be hard for some of you because you will meet new teachers you have never met before, a new principal, and more kids. It will be a new experience for all of us. Right now us 5th graders are in the older kid zone, but once we get to middle school, you’d be all the way down to the youngest kids. Some are happy to be leaving, but deep down you will miss the people you’ve known the closest like the coaches, the friends you made, and the whole staff. But it’s okay, because sometimes change is good. Now for all who have listened, I’ve learned to make what’s most of what’s happening this very moment. Now we just have to deal with it. I will miss Welby Way Elementary School a lot. I hope you do too.
Graduation Speech?
If you're only just now graduating from Elementary school, then i have to say, your writing level is wayyyyy above your current grade. Your writing is excellent for your age, and i'm sure that many of the adults will think the same thing. Nicely written, and not a single negative about it. Good luck, and congratulations.
Graduation Speech?
wake me up when its over
Personally, I LOVE IT! You made me wish I went to Welby Way!

Remember to make eye contact.
its good
I never had an elementary or middle school graduation.

But anyways, for a 5th grader, that speech was actually

very good. No wonder you're the one that's talking.

Of course you have fragments and grammar errors,

but it's all about verbalizing well.
You're only in the 5th grade? Your parents must be very proud of you.
In my opinion, its a little on the surface. A graduation Speech should make you want to cry, and understand what you went through. Maybe you should add something about your favorite teachers, and the life lessons he/she might have taught you, and how you apply them to your life now, and how you will apply them to life in middle school. Thank the people that helped you out.
:) Excellent writing skills for your age and grade! Where is this school located?
considering you are only graduating from 5th grade this is pretty suggestion I would have is to talk more about the school in general to help make the other students and parents feel more included instead of just talking about your own experience
I think it's very, very good! You spoke from your heart and I could just imagine how you felt when I read it. I'm impressed!
yawn, this a speech by a 5th grader? I doubt it.
hehe... McNutt...

thats a funny name...

the speech is good ,though it does sound a bit like a life story

Confused on how to plan out my future?

I'm 13 years old and I'm in grade eight. I will start grade nine next year except the conditions in the place I live are really annoying. Well let鈥檚 just say the high school that I can go to (the one that follows the same curriculum as I do right now) is about 2 hours away from the place I live in. Everyone does that but not everyone plans like me and I want the best for myself so I prefer not considering what everyone else does. The problem is, most people change schools (go to the one 2 hours away) in grade 10 because they think it's better to stay away from the crazy hassle as much as possible. I would do the same except the problem is that I always need a year to adjust to a new school, EVEN IF THEY'RE FOLLOWING THE SAME CURRICULUM AS ME! So I'm not sure if I should go and change schools in grade 9 or 10. I personally want to go in grade 9 but I'm not sure if I'm just wasting my efforts by going earlier than most people go. I want to get into a good university to be a good doctor, which means I NEED high grades. Right now my grades aren't so bad. This year I'm working a lot harder and my report card is due next week or so. But from previous experiences, I know I'll do well; last year my report card throughout the year was the same; 7 A's and 1 B. If I go in grade 10, I might mess up on my grades and I can't do that at any cost because grade 10 grades DEFINITELY matter a lot. If I go in grade 9, I don't mind messing up a little because some universities don't even look at your grade 9 grades. And I want to go in grade 9 because by grade 10 I'll be used to the hectic travelling back and forth and all, so I'll probably have more energy to stay after school and join extracurricular activities because as everyone knows, grades aren't the only thing universities look at. And one more thing, some universities don't even look at your grade 10 grades so if I actually do well in grade 10 by adjusting to the environment and all the year before, don't I increase my chances of getting accepted into a better university?
Confused on how to plan out my future?
i think you should go in grade nine so as you said you can get used to the travelling and you would increase your chances of getting accepted into a better university =)

I'm freaking out, and not sure what to do. Please read. Kind of long, sorry.?

My baby and I both have state run insurance, and the other day I got a letter in the mail saying we were being cut off. The reason, they stated, was because they feel they have lost contact with me. I lived in Kingman with my friend while I was pregnant, and one month after my daughter was born, I bought us a trailer and moved us 11 miles from Kingman to a small town called Golden Valley. I sent the Welfare office a change report stating my new address. You are required to fill out a change report everytime anything changes in the case. I always do. So anyways, they had to switch my case from the Kingman welfare office, to the Golden valley office. I called the Golden Valley office on March 2nd because my foodstamps were different, and I wanted to make sure there wasn't a problem. The lady I spoke to said that since I purchased a trailer, and am working full time, that my benefit amount was going to decrease. I told her that was ok as long as my baby still had insurance. I asked her if she needed any info from me at that time and she said no. So then the other day I get this letter, at my new address, that says I never put in a change of address, and that since they lost contact with me, our case was being closed and all benefits have been stopped. I freaked out. I'm like how could they have sent me a letter to my new address if I never put in a change report, and how could I have talked to someone in the Golden Valley office about my case if It was never transferred. So I called the office to find out what was going on, and the lady said they recieved mail back that was sent to me at the old address, and therefore assumed they had lost contact with me. Now I have to investigate the actions I can take or re-apply for benefits. Now, my baby is sick. She isn't running a fever, but her eyes are leaking this gross eye burger stuff, her nose is leaking, and she has a slight cough. My boss doesn't think she needs to see a doctor, but I am scared things might get worse. I have no problem paying cash for my baby to see a doctor, but I never have a bunch of money all at one time except on rent day. I don't have a bank account or a credit card. I get paid weekly, but now that my boss is taking hours away for my baby being at work with me, my pay checks aren't that great.

My question is, when you have to pay cash for a doctor, do they make you pay it all at one time? Like if we go there today, will I have to pay for it today?

I'm just absolutly at my wits end. We are do to go to a family reunion in Vegas in like 2 days, which I will now probably not go, and I had a doctors appt last friday for Tresa because that is when her eyes started leaking, but my boss had me cancel it because she really needed me here, and she said Tresa was just having a reaction to all the wind we have had here lately and that is why her eyes were leaking. I don't have a car, so my boss would have had to be the one to give us a ride, so I just did like she said and cancelled the appt. Now, I feel like the lousiest mom on the planet. Tresa is not really fussy, she doesn't have a fever, still smiles and all. She just has a leaky nose, and the stuff coming out of the corners of her eyes. On friday, the stuff coming out of her eyes was bright green. Today it just looks like normal eye burgers, but just a little bigger. She is coughing too, but also has been drooling like crazy for the past 2 weeks, and I read that excessive drooling causes them to almost choke because of all the saliva they are producing.

Anyways, you guys always have some of the best advise and answers. Do you think it sound like Tresa needs to see a doctor? If so, do you know about payment plans or anything?

Please, Please don't just tell me what a piece of $hit mom I am, because I already feel far worse than anyone could possibly make me feel, so you would just be wasting your time.
I'm freaking out, and not sure what to do. Please read. Kind of long, sorry.?
If you don't have insurance, you should check with your doctor's office as to what their payment policy is - they may require cash at the time of the visit, or they may bill you.

Welfare offices are so overwhelmed with cases it's possible that your address didn't get changed on all of your paperwork and that's why you didn't get some of the things they say they sent you. At this point it would probably be easiest to just re-apply for benefits - as long as you are still eligible, your benefits will date back to the day that they cut you off, and if you explain to Tresa's doctor's office, they may just bill you and wait for the insurance to re-start up.

Does the welfare office offer transportation to doctor's visits? I don't think you should rely on your boss for a ride or take her word for when your baby needs to go to the doc. The goopy eyes could be a blocked tear duct (which is very normal and doesn't need any treatment) or it could be an infection. Either way, with such a young baby, you should take her in to see her doctor. Cough and runny nose are really not cause for concern.

Don't freak out, you're doing the best you can! Just be sure to re-apply for benefits ASAP so your baby will have insurance.

Good luck!
I'm freaking out, and not sure what to do. Please read. Kind of long, sorry.?
if you make an appt at your pediatrician, then yes you need to pay at the time of the visit, but if you go to the ER then you can arrange a payment plan.
I would say, just this once, take your baby to the ER if you feel she needs to be seen. Most clinics will just not see a patient who doesn't have insurance, even if they have cash to pay up front. I believe an ER will bill you for the cost of treatment. You are not a bad mom, things happen to all of us.
I know how you feel I have a 13 week old son and worry everytime he coughs. Well my SIL workes at a clinic where they charge you based on your income and if you do not have money then, you can be billed. If you are considered low income, it might even be free, but all those benefits are just to be used in that clinic. If you need services they do not offer there, you will have to pay for them according to the policy of where you get those services. I hope your baby gets better and your medi-cal situation gets fixed. By the way my SIL workes in san diego, so if you are in that area, you can go to her clinic.
First off you are NOT a bad Mom you are doing the very best you can for daughter. But yes I would take her to the doctor It could be that she has a cold in her eye but It also could be an infection. With all the different illness out there it is not worth taking a chance. Hang in there all Mom's feel that way at one time or another. The other thing is listen to your gut we have this thing I call Momma gut instinct go with it. It better to be over protective than not enough. And your boss sounds like a jerk so take what she has to say with a grain of salt.

First off usually they ask when you apply or reapply for benefits if you have any unpaid medical bills for the last three months. it should still get paid by medicaid. Secondly go off on your case worker and ask to talk to a supervisor. If they don't get you the help you need to get your benefit reinstated call your local Ombudsman. It's listed in the government pages in your phone book. Good Luck and I hope Tresa feels better soon!
Wow what a story, sorry to hear of your issues with the Welfare office. Always remember that when you speak with someone always write down the date, time and the name of who you spoke with so that you have that for your records. believe me it has helped me out in a lot of different situations.

As far as your baby being sick, Im probably not the kind of person that you want to talk to about this, because I am the type of person that goes to the Doctors for the most minor things.

For the payment at the Doctors office, well that all depends on how the Doctor is. I know that my Doctor will allow you to make payments so I am sure if you explain your situation to the Doctor that they will work with you or if you have a County Hospital where you live, you could always go into the ER and they can not refuse you service and they will bill you. Watch out because going to an ER is rather expensive.

I hope I have helped you out some and I hope that your baby is getting better and you get your problems resolved with the Welfare office.

God Bless
I'm obviously not around your baby to get the best sense of the situation, but from what you describe I wouldn't be headed to the doctor. If she gets a fever, that changes things a bit but still no reason to run in to a doctor. Most likely its a virus that has to run its course, and just the first of a lot of viruses your child will have during her childhood. You can't run to the doctor for every little thing. But, if you feel the situation warrants a trip to the doctor then go.

All doctor's offices are different as far as paying for service. Most of the time you have to pay in advance if you have no coverage. But if they don't know that you've been cut off, then you can always go and buy yourself a little bit of time until the bill reaches you. We have crappy insurance that doesn't cover very much. I know that it won't cover my daughter's trip to the dermatologist tomorrow, but I'll let them try to bill insurance first so that we have an extra 30 days before paying. I'd use the ER as an absolute last resort because it will probably cost at least 5 tims as much as going to a doctors office.
I would not be so hard on yourself. It sounds like you really care about your daughter. If she does not have a fever and is not being fussy I would say it is just a cold, make sure she gets lots of fluids, water and fruit juice, and some steam from a humidifier or a steamy bathroom might make her feel better. Gently wipe her eyes with a warm clean face cloth using a different part for each eye, if her eyes are infected you do not want to spread it from one eye to the other. If you are really concerned about her try calling the doctor's office or walk in clinic that is closest to you and ask them what type of payments you can make. I would also recommend you call the welfare office and do not hang up the phone until you get an answer, ask to speak to a manager or supervisor if they can not answer you. Explain your situation and demand to know why your insurance has cancelled if you notified them of your move and the proof is that your case was transferred to the new office. Explain to them that your daughter needs to see a doctor right away and don't take no for an answer. You may want to call the old welfare office and ask them as well, they may be more familiar with your case. Good luck with everything and I hope your daughter is feeling better, you sound like a wonderful and concerned mother.

Paypal fraud- how hard is it to get your money back?

My boyfriend found a $500 debit on his account this morning from paypal (and believe me- we don't drop $500 on ebay, ever). He called the bank and his bank is AWFUL and won't stop payment. He's going to call paypal to report it as the person changed the passwords to his account too.

A credit card of his was stolen about a year ago and he has since closed it, but I have a feeling the same person found a way into his paypal account.

Has this ever happened to you and what was the outcome? Is he going to get his money back- and when? People who do this sort of thing are just horrible and I don't know how I would live with myself stealing money from someone. Especially $500!
Paypal fraud- how hard is it to get your money back?
I can't believe the bank won't deal with potential fraud. Your boyfriend should call back and demand to speak with the branch manager, or he should go to the bank in person. They *must* deal with a case of potential ID theft.

Please have him continue to contact his bank about this.

I'm so sorry this happened.

Do you have any idea how the person got back into his account? Are you talking about hacking? Maybe look into how to prevent it in the future. My husband and I were hacked twice three years ago. Our bank was good and worked with us, though. It took about a month for their investigation but after that time, even though they didn't actually find the ID thief, they returned the money to our account.

Good luck.
Paypal fraud- how hard is it to get your money back?
You need to go to the bank and talk to a bank officer the debit can be reversed. This is why ebay and paypals have so much trouble. You might even visit with the district attornies office. Yhis is the crime of fraud also go to and report it there
I agree with melanie. It is hard to believe that the bank will not help you with getting your money back from paypal. They should be able to file a charge back for you for paypal. Perhaps the person you talked to was not very educated in these matters and you should try talking to someone else.
Something similar to this happened to me, but it wasn't PayPal related. Some of this may give your boyfriend some ideas to try...

My bank had called and said there seemed to be suspicious activity on my account -- a lost debit card # that had been closed maybe 7 years ago. So they wanted me to authorize three weird purchases on it.

The lady only was able to tell me a little about the transactions before me cell phone battery weirdly died. Call disconnected.

I broke my neck getting to my bank branch in about 15 minutes and told the customer service lady what happened. She looked it up and said they'd gone ahead and processed it. I was NOT happy - and told three different people at the bank this. They %26quot;had%26quot; to undo this, I kept insisting. I had bills to pay and this was going to cause a shortage...

They said it was their policy to go ahead and process these online purchases, as it wasn't the online stores' fault. They said I could dispute it after the fact.

I told them this wasn't good enough or fair. Or even logical: If the bank knew that use of this old card number was suspicious -- and was suspicious enough to call me for permission -- and I gave NO permission (due to the call being dropped by cellphone), then it's wrong to process it.

Days later, I learned that I'd screamed 'bloody murder' loud enough to enough of the right people. They didn't wind up taking it out of my account after all. ;-)

Bottom line: Get the Fraud Prevention/Investigation dept. (or whatever) of the bank on the phone. These people are out of state, at headquarters. But they have the juice to undo things and protect you, if you tell them you NEVER authorized this, and the bank should have known to ask your permission.

Is there a way to find professional email hackers/crackers and get them in trouble? Where 2 report the problem?

This message was sent to everyone in my contact list. The hackers changed my password and secret question and temporarily stole my account. Is there anyway to find out who they are, get them in trouble? Can I report the problem to anyone? Also, the address given in London is a fake one. I've included the hacker (cracker) email below:

How are you? I tried to reach you through phone before I traveled to inform you of my trip to the United Kingdom, I went for a program. I arrived a nights successfully. But presently, I have a problem in which i misplaced my wallet on my way to the hotel. Inside my wallet,I have most of my valuable items which I traveled with like my credit card, money and my telephone contact diary .

Please I need you to lend me about 拢1380. You should help me have it sent via Western Union Money Transfer so I can re-arrange myself and return back home. I will refund the money back to you once I am out of here . Below is the information you would require.

Name : XXX

Address: 32 Alderton High St - London W8 4PT

Please, kindly let me know if you can be of assistance as I'm seriously in need of your help. Thanks and waiting to hear from you.
Is there a way to find professional email hackers/crackers and get them in trouble? Where 2 report the problem?
Your best bet would be to check your logs and also run a full system scan to try to find their IP address although i doubt it would do much good. If your a fair hand at code and you are infected with monitoring software you can try to reverse engineer the code and analyze the program to try to find out where they are running through and take it from there.

If you can do the above or at least get some functioning IP addresses security professionals may be interested but the police most likely will not.
  • girl myspace
  • reptiles
  • Is my friend to smart for his own good?

    Well to start, report cards came out. My friend was thinking how bad his grades were an he decided he didnt want an *** woopin.

    So he decided to change his. Couldnt be the ones they send home because they have special bars an crap so he thought outside of the box and at school teachers have access to your grades an can print up a simple form of your classes an grades on normal paper. So he got one of those waited for the other one to be sent home so he could take it an destroy it. Scans it puts it on the computer edits the grades to normal ones A's B's etc and keeps the F because he will have summer school an if his report card says other wise then he will get cought. so he changed his other grades to higher so he could explain to his parents math was just really hard an that would clear the madness of the F not just all D's and F's. waits the next day an gives it to his parents an he doesnt get in trouble and his parents were glad to give him math help. Clever or is he a smart dumbass
    Is my friend to smart for his own good?
    Basically, he'll probably get away with it with his parents... but the truth will come out when he either:

    1) flunks


    2) can't get any good grades in later classes because he didn't understand the basic stuff.

    So sure, he might have saved himself some strife with the parents now... but as time goes on... it will show.
    Is my friend to smart for his own good?
    A very dumbass thing to do. He'll get caught.
    Depends on if the parents notice that they don't ever get the official grades or not. I don't know how intuitive his parents are, but if they see at the end of the year that he has F's and D's, they are going to wonder how they got so low after the A's and B's.

    I want your opinion on this situation.?

    Ok, two months ago, I was going on computer after school everyday, and barely exercizing, so my mom told me to join Track team at my school.

    I said I didn't want to, and after some arguing, she stopped talking about it.

    I thought about joining later, because I DID want to get better at running, and track wasn't THAT bad, so I made a suggestion to her.

    If I join Track team, when my online membership expires, 4/4/2010, about a month and a half before it expired, then she would rebuy it the day it expired, the same membership I had, for 6 months.

    Ok, she agreed, like it was a pretty good deal.

    I joined, and went to track practice Monday - Thursday, and on 4/1/2010, I got a progress report from my Algerbra teacher.

    It said I had a 67 in Math, my parents were mad, but nothing changed. On 4/4, my membership expired, and I told my parents, %26quot;My membership expired, you have to renew it, since you said you would if I joined the track team%26quot;.

    They said, %26quot;With your grades? No way%26quot;.

    That kinda p!ssed me off, because I was running 2-4 miles a day, spending 2.5 hours extra in school, execersizing, spending time at school I could have been at home, playing on PC, but I kept my part of the deal.

    I feel ripped off, it was only a 50 dollar membership, after they said they werent getting it, I said I would pay for it, all they had to do was get the online card, and they still refused.

    I don't see how this is right, because I kept every part of my deal, and they couldn't keep their easy, money-less part of the deal, because of something that happened that had nothing to do with this.

    Even if I had gotten suspended(but somehow still on team), I should get the membership.

    Sorry it's kinda long, and whiny, but what do you guys think?
    I want your opinion on this situation.?
    Well, they should have handled the situation better. In my opinion it's never a good idea for a parent to make a promise or deal with a child and then when the child holds up their end, they don't. To me, it's teaching the child that no matter how much effort they put into a promise or deal on their end, the child will not get what the parent promised, thus helping the child to believe promises are broken. It's not a good thing to teach a child and they handled this wrong. I understand that they are worried about your grades, but honestly? They could renew your membership but restrict your computer time until your grades are raised. This way they are still showing you that your efforts to uphold your end of the promise did not go unnoticed, but you still have to maintain your grades in order to use the computer. This seems like a fair deal to me and you should mention this to them if you agree.
    I want your opinion on this situation.?
    wow your parents are being buck tards
    Yup, long and whiny and you are wrong. You cannot FAIL in math and think because you run a little after school that somehow make it ok. I am sure when your parents made the offer it did not come with the thought that you were going to let your grades slip. Suck it up, improve your grades, keep running and show them you are responsible to do both.
    Your grades going down is what is commonly called a deal breaker. Your grades are more important than track or anything else. In your immaturity, you can't see this, but, I promise you, your parents are making the right call here. You can play lawyer ball all you want, but you know in your heart that your parents only want what is best for you.
    This is a tough one, because I can see both points of view here. I was once a kid. You made a bargain, %26amp; kept it %26amp; I can understand that you want what you feel is right. I'm also a parent, so I can see that they want the best for you. You need to get good grades to get ahead in life. They are probably thinking that you must have seen that your grade in math was going down before your report card came out, %26amp; they probably feel that you should have come to them %26amp; said that you can't keep up with track %26amp; keep your math grade up or that you should have put more effort in, by completely staying off the computer for a while. The track season is fairly short, %26amp; your parents are probably feeling that they didn't see you putting enough effort into your learning. My daughter is the manager of the girl's track %26amp; field team. She has some learning problems %26amp; math is really tough for her, she has to try much harder than others, but she got on the honor roll. I just can't help thinking that you kind of sloughed off a little here, %26amp; are trying to take the easy way out. That's probably what your parents are thinking too. You probably won't like hearing this. I'm's just my opinion. Try talking to your parents nicely %26amp; tell them that you understand that they want the best for you %26amp; you'll try harder. Maybe it'll help. I hope so.
    It is reasonable to say that your poor grade in math happened because you were spending too much time on the computer playing, so deal or not, it is reasonable for your parents to renege on the deal, as you reneged on your schoolwork.

    I generally believe that when kids and parents have an agreement, they should keep the deal. But in this situation, they did the right thing. Sorry.
    Your parents are right... if you don't have good grades.. which is your OBLIGATION, they shouldn't keep the deal... sorry.. next time get better grades.
    that really is messed up. you should go to your parents and let them know you feel jipped and you guys had a deal. how about if your mom made a shitty dinner so you decided you don't have to do the dishes?
    You shouldn't compare yourself or anyone you love to North Korea?

    Just communicate with your parents. They are probably just doing what they think is right, and as you can see, most of us agree with there methods.

    Create a math game. please help!?

    So I only have 3 assignments left I must pass because I have a 63% average. well i'm not good at math at all! can someone please help me majorly and give me some ideas...

    Create a game that students can use to learn or review algebra concepts. Prepare rules, question cards and answers, a name for your game, a game board, playing pieces, questions cards and answers, etc. All aspects of the game should be thoroughly described in your paper. The topic of the questions should be researched and included in your paper. You may want to actually construct the game and try it out, reporting on how well it works, what you would or should change to make it better, how others enjoyed it, what you learned from this experience, etc. Photographs of the game could then be included in your report.
    Create a math game. please help!?
    I would choose a game the entire class can do at once.

    Something like Math Bingo.

    Or create a crossword puzzle with a list of definitions as clues to the word/phrase. See link for online crossword creator.

    Or just view for a lot of educational ideas. You're instructor may have access to it and let you use it as a resource.
    Create a math game. please help!?
    Oh man. 3 of my teachers last year made us do board games. Each time I did a Candyland type game. But in order to move forward to the next space, you need to answer a question. So make question cards for that.

    If you don't get what I mean or need some more help you can email me.


    my life is in a weird place right now. i used to be just your normal teenager who had friends good grades a lovely family and more. but going into the 8th grade is when my life has changed. every 6 weeks we get a report card and mine would get crapier and crapier as the year wood go by. i still have the same friends. you know i hang with all the jocks and stuff. but this year everyay in class i would get in trouble. 2 weeks ago i was suspeded for 3 days for gettin in a fight. some 7th grader was talkin trash too me and my friends and was trin to start stuff, so he punched m a few times and we fought, i put him in the hospital, he had a broken nose, colar bone and a fractured rib or 2. yeah me and my friends laughed and stuff. i got suspeded and came back to school. 2 days after returniing to school i got in school suspention for cusin out the teacher. my parents have taken away my phone my friends my tv everything. i am just now gettin my tv back and laptop. i dont want to be this bad person any more. my parents think im goin to jail here soon. and these past few weeks ive noticed some of my friends have stopped invitin me to hang out with everyone at there house or somewhere. it does make me mad. i dumped my girl friend who was the world to me. i loved her so much. and she loved me. i dumped her because i mean im just gonna say it . im a man whore. i cant be with 1 woman for long. i have to screw around with other girls. and just yesterday she is going out with one of my friends. he is so mad at me cause i treated her like ****. so thats another friend that is gone. i want my life back. i want my phone and all my privledges back. i want my friends to call me and want me to hang out with everyone. i want all the teachers not hating me. i want to go out with someone i really care about and not break up with them cause i want to **** around with other people. as you can see i need help. if you could please gimme some advice on how to get my life back the way i want it.

    oh and there is this girl. she is soo gorgeous. and out of my league. but people say i should still ask her out and she would prolly say yes. do you have any advice on ho i could get this girl who hardley nos me to my girl friend with out being a total fag about it?
    Yes you are immature and you will grow out of it.

    You want to be the main man, thinking with your little head instead of your main one. You don't need help you need to change your attitude.

    Beating people up, cusing your teacher etc is not smart its stupid.

    If you really want to change, however I doubt it, I would apologize to my parents and my teacher and be sincere. Gorgeous women come and go. It also sounds like you have done your ex girlfriend a favour by dumping her. Wake up and smell the coffee... People are laughing at you not with you. Sorry for being so blunt..
    wow that sucks. Well you cant really get advise about that but if you really want to get your life in order then you just have to think about what your doing before you actually do it. like for getting in the fight you should have ignored that kid and walked away and if he keeps trying to fight you, you should tell him that you don't want to get in trouble and walk away. And well for cussing at the teacher well dont you know thats just a bad idea. I think all you need to do is actually think these things threw before you actually do it. and for your girl issue I would just get my life together so you can leave a good impression on her. and maybe talk to her and stuff to actualy like her a lot so you wouldnt want to hurt her like that. and if you cant keep a long relationship maybe you should just stay away from relationships till you can handle one
    I don't even know where to begin... but you need to get your priorities in line. I think you know what you need to do, but you are overwhelmed by what you want to do. You are too concerned with what others will think of you and not concerned enough with doing the right thing. If you did the right thing, you never would have gotten in the fight with the kid, or cussed the teacher, or broken up with the girl that you %26quot;loved%26quot; because you %26quot;have%26quot; to screw around with other girls - dude. You're in 8th grade. You have all the time in the world to be an adult. Enjoy being a kid while you still can, because if you keep going at the rate youre going you'll grow up way too fast and instead of getting to enjoy everything that's wonderful about being an adult, you'll be behind bars. And when you're 18 and in prison you'll be wishing you'd cared less about sex when you were 13, and what your jock friends think, and how that 7th grader pissed you off.

    but by asking coming online here and admitting you have these problems at least you show that you want to change and the fact that you want to change means SO MUCH. just ACT on that. TALK to your parents...they want to help you. talk to guidance counselors at school - they can be discreet about meeting with you and you can trust them. What about church? Always a good thing there.

    Do not wait until it's too late. It gets more difficult as you get older. You get set in your ways; you become hardened. you don't sound like a bad kid, just dont let peer pressure get to you the way it does to a lot of kids now.

    Should I purchase Identity Theft?

    I lost my ssn card a few days ago, so I applied for a new one, and I also put a fraud alert with the 3 credit bureaus, BUT I was reading this Protection Plan they offer for $15 a month and I was wondering, is it a good idea to sing up for it? They give you a $20,000 insurance policy with no limits on how often you check your credit reports and they also monitor any BIG changes in your credit....So if you have any experience or input in this matter, I would greatly appreciate your comments!!!
    Should I purchase Identity Theft?
    Well I worked for a bank that sold ID Protect but in reality I don't think it works in most cases because there is people who could have gotten a hold of you SSN a while ago, I mean if you call any customer service and give your SSN more than likely they write it down and it goes to the trash and then you have people going through garbage to get that kind of info, what I would just do is get a membership with a credit check company and they send you info about your credit every month and you can keep track of it and if anything does happen which more than likely it wont you have to just go through the goverment which is the same thing but cheaper.

    Try it out I mean they will try to tell you all this stuff just to sign up for IDP but really they get comission so don't listen. It's better to take advise from someone who knows about it and isn't benifitting from it.

    Hope everything works out for you and you have any other question let me know.
    Should I purchase Identity Theft?
    I don't think it's necessary.
    just check with ur credit bureaus.. and keep checking ur acct info every week...thats what protection plan really does... so whats the point just do it ur self ..which saves u money and time in some ways..
    I think those Identity theft insurance programs way overcharge ($15 a month) for what they offer. Placing the fraud alert with the credit bureaus and monitoring your credit report once a year (you are entitled to one free credit report annually) should be sufficient to protect you from any fraud.

    If had a need to check your credit report more than once a year, then you could order another one for much less than you would be paying for the insurance ($180 a year).

    You are not liable personally anyway for any fraud someone commits in your name. What those insurance policies offer that you can't really do for yourself is reimburse you for any time and financial costs associated with having to straighten out any identity issues.

    The only real reason I can see for getting this plan is if you are someone who chronically worries. In that case, the $180 a year may be worth the piece of mind it brings you.
    Zander Insurance, a frequent advertiser on the Dave Ramsey Show, has come up with a new identity theft protection program, called their %26quot;Identity Safegaurds%26quot; program which might be a good solution for people worried about having their identity stolen, and really, we all should be worrying about it because it's happening so often and the instances of theft are growing rapidly. In addition to the prevention services, they do a great job on cleaning up the mess if your identity is stolen. They will assign you a personal recovery representative which is essentially a case worker for you. They'll put fraud victim alerts on your credit bureaus, notify creditors, financial institutions, and law enforcement agencies. They'll work with you to take care of any legal issues and make sure your identity theft mess has been cleaned up. In the event that you have to miss work or have to pay anything to clean up after your identity theft has been stolen, such as legal fees, court costs, credit reports, all the way up to $20,000 per individual, and there's no deductible to speak of. Overall this product is very solid. If you're going to get identity theft insurance, Zander insurance is definitely the place to go for it. It actually takes care of the problem rather than just writing you a check and making you clean up the mess.
    I have a rider on my home owners policy...$25 bucks a year.
    Credit cards have become a necessity in society nowadays, you can't go anywhere without having to use one. That's why it's imperative to maintain a good%26lt;!--credit rating and use your credit card smart. Lots of credit card related question been asked here and yours just another one. Check it out this website, hope it helps.

    After all, without a credit card, it's harder to live, and especially hard to shop online. Lots of credit card related questions are often being asked and yours is just another one. Credit cards are great to use as long as you control them--%26gt;They are useful, helpful, and make buying things a whole lot easier. But it's important to remember that people go into thousands of dollars of debt because of them, and the same thing could happen to you
  • grown dutch rabbit
  • made on fingernails
  • Graduation help plzzzzzzzz?

    i know this is extremely long but bare with me please

    Ok so im 17 years old and is suppose to be graduating in june but before I get to that let me tell u how my past 3 years of high school went freshman year everything was perfect I was got straight A's then my sophomore year came and for the first quarter I got straight A's just to let u know I don't live in a stable home both parents unemployed and have problems which I don't want to mention so second quarter sophomore year we got evicted out of our home and had to stay with my cousin and she has four kids including a new born at the time and me and my sister would always have to skip school and watch them about three times a week so my grades dropped and I got C's and D's then 3rd quarter I asked my counselor to give me a print out of my transcript when I got It,it had said that my GPA was about 1.6 and i knew that a couple of C's and D's couldn't do this then I looked and it said that I got all D's and C's my freshman year so I took it to my counselor who told m there was nothing she could do about it so I went to the dean of students and sh told me if i could prove that my grades were different by getting a report card or another transcript that my counselor would change it but I didn't have any then she told me that this has happened before with students who had my counselor and maybe something will come up so the next quarter me and my sister switched school who were on a different credit system but the converted my credits and I got mainly A's but a few B's then my junior year I went back to my old school and my counselor was suppose to convert them back but she never did and said that she wasn't suppose to so for first quarter I got straight A's second quarter I was doing well had As and B's then right before finals we got A big snow storm about three feet of snow the schools didn't close down but my parents wouldn't let me go then after the snow had melted it was the day of finals and the temperature dropped to about 21 degrees below zero and his is not normal in Iowa but this time they closed the schools and put off finals till after winter break and during the time of the temp drop we had to move in with my sister which is about 2 miles from the school and they don't have bus service unless your 2 1/2 miles away so after spring break it was still pretty cold outside and classes resumed to take finals but my parents wouldn't let me walk 2 miles in the freezing cold so I didn't go then after the temp went back around normal and I went back to school and asked my teacher if I could make them up the said yes I just need and ok from my counselor and of course she said no so I ended up failing two class and the other two I passes with D-'s so i ended up transferring schools again and got all A's for the last two quarters then senior year came and i went to yet a different school and I got in trouble for going back in the school 20mins after it was let out and got sent to the principal and she asked what grade I was in I told her 12 and she went and searched my name in the computer and told me I only had credits of a 10th grader so the next week I got tired of the school and transferee back to my old school where I asked my counselor to print my transcript and my. GPA was about 1.9 and it said I failed nearly every class at the school where I had the counselor who did nothing fair so now it's 3rd quarter and I'm currently not in school because my parents took me out because we were suppose to move to Arizona this month but never did and I can't go back until next quarter and even if I do go back I won't be able to graduate and overtime I think of it I cry my heart out and I would just go get my GED but I won't let my self because i really want to graduate and I deserve to if it wasn't for my parents and my grades somehow changing I would be graduating so I need help what do I do and I'm crying right now because i've gave up all hope and I don't know what to do and I know I won't even be able to go to college and I don't have money for it and I really don't want to have go to community college but if i have to i will
    Graduation help plzzzzzzzz?
    That's not fair! If you got straight A's in grade 9 and 10 and even in 11 then your stupid counselor SHOULD HAVE THEM. It really ticks me off when stupid counselors like these just hate their lives and they take it out on you. If she was supposed to convert them back then KEEP going back to her and get the grades you DESERVE! Why didn't your counselor let you make up for your grades? She messed you up in the first place by not converting your rightful grades back anyway. Don't take NO for an answer! Ask her %26quot;Why? How come? Why didn't you convert my grades? When are you going to convert my grades?%26quot; Keep asking her until you get an answer out of her! That is NOT fair! She won't let you graduate? What kind of counselor is THAT? If she keeps doing this, talk to the principal, talk to the school board of education, get her fired if you have to. You can ALWAYS go talk to the principal or even the vice principal if your counselor isn't doing her job and they can help you instead of her. Do you have previous report cards proving that you got those grades? If you don't graduate, that's not fair at all! ): I hope you get the grades you so rightfully deserve.

    Do food stamp cards normally RENEW the Same day of each month? (Even if renewing again?)?

    why this is the case? is this because it is a federal program..that they are so strict and orderly for same day each month you get issued again food stamp money on your card?

    how they determine which day it is and does this ever change?

    please explain

    also, another question..WHY they have you give a new interview each 5 months...? why not 6 months? (As this makes it kind of confusing for some reason and just seems strange they dont go ahead and make it meeting with a person at the food stamp office every 6 months..also is this for EVERYBODY ? meaning everyone has to report back to have an interview each new 5 month period?) is this all over the USA?

    please explain what would ever disqualify you from food stamps if you still were at same situation financially as before? how many times can renew usually? and for how long been this way?

    (btw, if you dont mind sharing which area of the USA you are, please do)

    thanks for your answers!
    Do food stamp cards normally RENEW the Same day of each month? (Even if renewing again?)?
    Your Food Stamp card is not being renewed. It is your FS benefits that are being renewed. All government assistance programs have strict requirements including FS. Fs are being reviewed every 6 month. Which means that they have to be renewed by the beginning of the first day of the 6th month. And the requirement is the same all over USA. If you need more information you can go to SNAP website:

    Do food stamp cards normally RENEW the Same day of each month? (Even if renewing again?)?

    why this is the case? is this because it is a federal program..that they are so strict and orderly for same day each month you get issued again food stamp money on your card?

    how they determine which day it is and does this ever change?

    please explain

    also, another question..WHY they have you give a new interview each 5 months...? why not 6 months? (As this makes it kind of confusing for some reason and just seems strange they dont go ahead and make it meeting with a person at the food stamp office every 6 months..also is this for EVERYBODY ? meaning everyone has to report back to have an interview each new 5 month period?) is this all over the USA?

    please explain what would ever disqualify you from food stamps if you still were at same situation financially as before? how many times can renew usually? and for how long been this way?

    (btw, if you dont mind sharing which area of the USA you are, please do)

    thanks for your answers!
    Do food stamp cards normally RENEW the Same day of each month? (Even if renewing again?)?
    it is always on the same day of the month.

    if you gross less than $1174 per month you will get it until you die.

    it is every 6 months; you must renew one month in advance to keep the benefits going.

    Create a game that students can use to learn or review algebra concepts. Prepare rules, question cards and ans?

    Create a game that students can use to learn or review algebra concepts. Prepare rules, question cards and answers, a name for your game, a game board, playing pieces, questions cards and answers, etc. All aspects of the game should be thoroughly described in your paper. The topic of the questions should be researched and included in your paper. You may want to actually construct the game and try it out, reporting on how well it works, what you would or should change to make it better, how others enjoyed it, what you learned from this experience, etc. Photographs of the game could then be included in your report.
    Create a game that students can use to learn or review algebra concepts. Prepare rules, question cards and ans?
    You didn't like my answer ?

    Is this standard for a credit card company to ask you over the phone?

    OK so I have an overdue citi credit card for $500... I call the # on the back of the card and am sent to collections. I asked the guy if I could pay the bill online and he said he didn't think key bank (the bank the card was through) allows online bill pay. I said ok that's fine (I later find out that they do have online bill pay, which is red flag #1)... so I say I want to use my checking and I give him my routing and acct. #... then he asked me to verify my address and I did.. then I asked if I could also change my address because I'm not at college anymore. He said sure. I told him the updated address and he said... %26quot;Ok what's your social security #?%26quot; %26quot;I said why do you need that%26quot; he said %26quot;to update your address%26quot;... sounds fishy doesn't it? I mean the guy has all my info (routing included) and now he is asking for my ss #?

    Also, how secure are these departments? Am i giving this information to a very trustworthy person? Or do they hand those collection jobs out like hot cakes... The background was very noisy like he was in a large room with tons of people... and he didn't seem too intelligent... i'm kind of worried and am thinking about changing my bank account #... what do you guys think?

    edit- also at the end i asked for his id name and a reference code just so i could possibly report this all somehow... how would i report it?

    sorry for such a long questions with many sub questions.. but a nice answer would be very very appreciated!!
    Is this standard for a credit card company to ask you over the phone?
    Yes, it's perfectly fine for him to ask. Remember, when you applied for the card, you put your SSN on your application. Since you called him, you can be certain you've got the right person. It would be different if they called you and asked for your SSN, since you couldn't verify who they actually were.

    As for reporting the person you spoke with, which you don't need to, you'd just call the number again and ask for a supervisor. The ID identifys the employee and the reference code brings up a file covering what your previous call was about and what they did.
    Is this standard for a credit card company to ask you over the phone?
    The bank needs to verify that they are talking to the actual account owner in order to change the address. That's why he asked for your social, as a way to verify that he was talking to the right person.

    As long as you called the number on the back of your card, you are fine. It's when someone calls you that you should never give any information.
    That's the problem you experience when you don't pay your bills. You are at the mercy of the bank or collection agency and you really don't know who's telling you the truth.

    Now it's too late. You've given that person all the information they need to do whatever they wish to do with it.

    Since you called the number on the back of the card, it's probably save if they transferred your call to the collections department.

    They have to ask for the personal info to update their files on you. SS#s are required for all financial transactions. I expect that they will take the $500 out of your bank account within the next 24 hrs.
    My suggestion is that you do everything online, including updating your you don't have to give out your SS#!
    It doesn't matter WHAT they ask. NEVER deal with a collection agent on the phone. Until you have it in WRITING, they can provide a TAPE of everything they WANT to remember and you can't prove ANYTHING.

    Also note: EVERY major bank has on-line bill payment. If you give a collector your bank info, they ENTIRE $500 will disappear. They will have a TAPE of you authorizing the debit, but the actual amount you agreed to will NOT be on the tape.

    Question: How do you know a collection agent is lying?

    Answer: You can hear their voice.

    Edit: When the transferred you to collections, they meant the guy in the next cubicle to the left.
    You should never give out your full ss#- he should have been able to verify with the last 4 digits only: I would change my bank account immediately.
  • identifying rows
  • Twister DOUBLE duvet set
  • How can i convince my mother to get me a phone?

    my mother got an horrible report from my teacher but now ive worked hard and i got b's on my report card to get a phone but her point isyou should've did your work in the begining but i really want this phone (motorola W315). how can i change her mind
    How can i convince my mother to get me a phone?
    Hmmm... B is not enough in my opinion. I think you should get As. But, if you really want the phone... explain to your parents that it's for safety reasons. Also your parents will be able to contact you any time.
    How can i convince my mother to get me a phone?
    A child is less likely to get into trouble of any kind if they have a phone... need to call for help.....for a ride ....ect...ect ..thats why I got my son one.

    The best thing to do is continue to work hard and show her that you made a mistake and you really deserve this phone that your asking for. Just remember that if she does decide to get it for you don't abuse it. Hope that helps. Good luck.
    try figuring out how you will be resposible and pay for it, and the monthly bill, maybe you can work out a deal with her by taking on extra chores
    Continue to do good in school and show her that not only are you responsible but that you have worked hard and earned it.Trust me I am a mom I know.

    I was reported! What do you guys think?

    Here is the question posted by jedimaster:

    Question: MEN: What's your take on the new path human evolution is taking regarding male and female dynamics?

    Question Details: Have you heard of that new discovery channel documentary called: the science of sex appeal?! It shows some interesting and very revealing stuff about us as a species, and about what we genetically chemically and therefore intuitively look for in a partner! However, it also alerts us to the fact that things are progressively changing, and that the progression is kind of becoming very fast. For the whole of the human History men have been the providers. They've been the hunters who had to bring home the meet for thousands of years. All of a sudden, most women can bring home their own meet.. and it seems like things are flowing more and more on that direction, meaning that things will become a bit more relative and balanced when it comes to the parts men and women play in society, therefore also altering what both genders search in one another. Does that affect you in any way? Do you think its better coz it eases the load for you guys? Do you think it's bad, coz you like to be the providers, or like to be in control in some way? Thoughts! I mean I personally think it's for the best for both sexes, coz that way women can leave the realm of male influence and control, and as for you guys you can stop being chosen and judged by what kind of car you drive, your money and status, and start being chosen by what really matters! But still wanna hear your opinions. Thank you. p.s. I'm calling on intelligent male specimens to reply to this. By intelligent I don't mean that you should have to own a degree on anything or know how to sort out the magic cube even, but just that you shouldn't be a prejudiced ignorant. Chauvinists, for instance, don't have a saying, and if you try to I'll just report your ***. This is a pole, which means that I want frank, very honest and strait to the point opinions, but also polite ones, Thank you! It's interesting how chauvinists seem to have a problem with my spelling. So here's a lovely direct message for them: This woman here is actually intelligent enough to speak your language losers, while I'm quite positive that your ignorant asses wouldn't be able to pronounce or write a single word in any other language than English! Now how about that for great spelling?! :)

    This was my response. (and I have to admit its pretty tame from the masses of other response mrs jedimaster recieved. Those were all reported also)

    Run spell check before you whip out the %26quot;I'll report you %26quot; card. Its hard for someone to question the validity of our intelligence when yours seems a bit askew. Perhaps an extra english class might help your poor grammar also. As for bringing home the %26quot;meet%26quot; (it is MEAT by the way) The man will always be the physically stronger species. We are just built that way. We also supply the seed for conception. So no, I don't think there is a %26quot;new%26quot; path because discovery channel says so.
    I was reported! What do you guys think?
    Well, considering that the question was a violation itself, virtually ANY answer would be a violation as well.

    However, never, EVER, start out an answer by insulting a person's spelling and grammar skills. That is a sure way to trigger a violation for yourself, as most folks will stop reading at that point and report you for 'not an answer' or 'insulting'.
    I was reported! What do you guys think?
    You are truly WRONG at times. You do not really know what you are talking about. (Maya Calendar). Read a book or two, old man.

    Report Abuse

    Being a girl I disagree with you.. lol but you have a right to your opinion and people shouldn't try to change that. Also, nothing you said was abuse so I dont know why you got reported. I guess for the fact someone didn't like your view
    I think the person who wrote the question reported you. It was kind of insulting.
    Too long and too much of a rant which is against community guidelines.
    Yahoo! specifically forbids insulting other members. Saying that someone's intelligence %26quot;seems a bit askew%26quot; is insulting that person. Therefore, your answer was a violation and was correctly reported.

    I own no credit cards and I am in Debt, How do i get out????

    I have never owned a credit card and i am in debt. I want to make my credit score better. I have heard things fall off your credit after 7 years is this true? How can I change what is showing on my credit report?
    I own no credit cards and I am in Debt, How do i get out????
    There may be a few things that you can do but, I do not know none of them, but all jokes aside first thing you can try is to talk to an accountant, that you can trust, and ask them what are the things you need to start doing to get your credit out of debt.

    I know that my husband %26amp; I both have bad credit and what we have started doing is, getting checking account and a saving account and we have direct deposit for our job checks, that way we can pay all of our bills through the debit/visa card or by checks so that we can make a paper trail, showing that we are paying all of our bills, and if you do have bills that are way over due what you can do is start paying off that bill, even if it is just $5.00-$10.00 every pay period, that way it shows that you are trying to pay it off.As I said I am not a pro but, I am in debt also and we are trying to get there, I hope that some of these things are helpful for you and good luck okay....
    I own no credit cards and I am in Debt, How do i get out????
    Things don't fall off in 7 years - at least not in Canada. You need to get out of debt, and then you need spend only as much money as you make. Then your score will improve. There are no 'tricks' to bringing it up.
    win the lottery....
    go to some credit aid Ive seem commercials for such thinking but did not pay attention but they take all of your bill and help you make them smaller from many bills to one smaller one not sure how but you could check into that
    They do fall off in 7 years. Just keep paying your bills on time and it will rise.
    consolidate all of your bills into one bill and make that payment.
    you can't change need to get a real help
    What kind of debit do you have? If you have no credit cards, it must not be revolving debt. So, make your payments on your existing loans. The debit will decrease. Problem solved.
    Pay off your debt first.

    After that I am not sure how to get a card.

    I have no debt. just some bills that I am not going to pay.

    and I am not broke.

    And I can not get a card.

    so I pay cash.

    this is not a good way to get a card.
    Most things leave your credit report after 7 years. Are you in debt because of loans?? You said you didn't have any credit cards. You should try to consolidate and get a lower interest rate. Your credit score increases based on low debt and high income. If there are errors on your credit report, you need to contact the credit agency you are going through (experian, etc). To correct these.
    Pay your debts. Make arrangements with your creditors and then stick to the arrangement. Most places will be happy to help you find a way to pay them back, they just want you to pay. Don't run away from debts because yes they will disappear in 7 years but you will just keep making the same mistakes and keep adding to the debts.

    Make a budget and designate so much to paying your debt down every pay and then stick to it. If you can not do this your self, see a financial planner the cost of doing so will be well worth it.
    Go to the National Consumer Law Center Website at There you will find a lot of information on the consumer page under Free Consumer Information. Even the information for Seniors is helpful for anyone. Also, you can order an excellent book called Surviving Debt from the National Consumer Law Center. This book is a great guide for dealing with and getting out of debt.
    go to: get credit cards for bad credit. There is a list of credit cards to choose from. This will help repair your credit.
    Pay off your debts to your creditors, that will have a positive effect on your credit score. Also make payments on time and don't incurr ant more debt unless you have a significant increase in income and are able to make scheduled payments. Basically, you need to demonstrate that you are credit worthy. A bankruptcy filing will eventually not be counted against you, but it will always remain in your credit history.
    Their are several ways to get out of debt that are attainable. The best one is to attempt to get a loan and use the money from it to pay your outstanding bills up. Then all your outstanding bills are on one consolidated monthly loan payment.

    As for credit issues that generally spawn from behind bills and debt, you should look into getting a credit card and buying something fairly cheep every month that you can pay off easily. Your credit report will react positively to that.

    You can't just change what is on your credit report, but you can improve it. We all have been young at one point or another and thus, getting out of debt and getting good credit is possible, but will take time. Make sure you pay all your bills on time, and look into that credit card (But do NOT go overboard with it.)
    Jeez I just love all of this %26quot;pay your bills%26quot; advice.

    Folks, why is it so hard for you to understand that if he could pay his bills, he wouldn't be in debt and wouldn't be asking how to fix his credit report.

    By they way, he asked how to fix his credit report, not how to get out of debt.

    Yes, negative information comes off your credit report after 7 years, beginning on the day of the delinquency.

    But here is your real problem. If your debt isn't credit cards, then it must be a house/car loan. That means you have a written contract, and the statute of limitations on those is usually a lot longer. You need to be more worried about a judgement being filed against you then fixing your report.

    To fix your credit report, you need to get the negative information deleted from your report. There are only two ways to do that. Either the creditor has to remove it, or they fail to respond to a dispute investigation deleted from the credit bureau. This basically involves some letter writing and phone calls.

    See the link below if you want to give this a try. Good luck.
    Contact each place you owe. Arrange with them to make payments - do not just make minimum payments because the interest will eat you up. You may wish to contact a debt payment agency - many are free and supplied by the state you live in. Make payments on time. It may cause you to tighten your blet for a time but will be of benefit in the longer run. Almost anyone will grant you a credit card after you demonstrate your ability AND willingness to pay your bills.
    Debt Management and Building Wealth

    How to lower your debts?鈥?/a>

    How to reduce debt : How to lower your expenses?鈥?/a>
    It has been said that bad credit is better than no credit at all. You should try getting a credit card, and being very careful with it. Go to college, get a student loan. You won't have to repay it until 6 mos out of school, use the extra you will get to pay off other loan, your score will improve just from that. You must show your ability to deal with credit in order to get a better score. Things do not automatically fall off in 7 years necessarily. Sometimes, you have to request that it be taken off through the bureau. If it's older than 7 years, they have to remove negative items. To improve your credit, get a loan, get a credit card, get old stuff taken off, if it is bad and true, contest the stuff anyway. Worst case senario, it will stay on your report. I have had several true things removed simply because I said it wasn't mine and the creditor never responded. Therefore, the stuff was taken off. You can contest anything! Credit is the path to good credit. Things can always improve.

    Can someone revise my essay and make any changes needed and try to make it clear from mistakes?

    fix any grammar, commas and make clear n simple sentences

    Everyone loves shopping online; you save time and money, and you won’t need to fight for a parking spot in the hectic malls. In America, almost everyone has a computer or at least knows how to operate one. People like the easy way out, and it has its own benefits. As technology grows, things get easier yet risky for everyone. For example, online shoppers need to be aware of where and how they use their important IDs, such as credit or debit cards.

    Identity theft is something you can do very little prevent, and you won’t know it’s happened to you until it’s too late. Identity theft is currently the fastest growing type of robbery in the United States. When a person steals and uses’ the victim’s identity without them knowing, it is called “Identity Theft”. Last Monday, the Fed arrested Albert Gonzales for cyber robbery. Federal prosecutors believe Albert Gonzales stole more than 130 million credit card data information making Albert the largest identity scammer.

    Hackers' main %26quot;target to steal information%26quot; hot spots are major retail stores and banks. When a scammer steals a person’s personal information the only thing the thief can do is steal money from a credit card or a bank account. Most identification scammers get caught when they try to open a credit card or a bank account, write bad checks, or take out a loan from a bank, while leaving the victim with countless charges and years of bad credit on record. Identity scammers in United States have increased by 22% in 2008 from 2007. In 2008, nearly 10 million American’s identity was stolen.

    Identity theft can happen to anyone, and many don’t realize it until they spend their next dollar and the credit card declines. To protect your personal information online, as well as at home, you need to purchase a shredder to shred all documents with personal information before throwing them away. Don’t send mail using unsecured mailbox. Have your social security number changed if it is the same as your driver’s license number. Have a secured internet network. Lastly, have a confined place to keep your important and person information.

    Although the work for scammer is hard, only a little information is needed. Some examples are, but not limited to: your birth date, credit card numbers, or a social security number. Some important tips that online shoppers can remember are: limit shopping online and never buy from unknown sites. Always shred all mail before throwing it away, and make sure to check your credit report at least one time a year. If you do all these things to protect your information, people like Albert Gonzales will never be able to steal someone’s information again.
    Can someone revise my essay and make any changes needed and try to make it clear from mistakes?
    Everyone loves shopping online; you save time and money, and you won’t need to fight for a parking spot in the hectic malls. In America, almost everyone has a computer or at least knows how to operate one. People like the easy way out, and it has its own benefits. As technology grows, things get easier yet risky for everyone. For example, online shoppers need to be aware of where and how they use their important IDs, such as credit or debit cards.

    Identity theft is something you can do very little to prevent, and you won’t know it’s happened to you until it’s too late. Identity theft is currently the fastest growing type of robbery in the United States. When a person steals and uses’ the victim’s identity without them knowing, it is called “Identity Theft”. Last Monday, the Fed arrested Albert Gonzales for cyber robbery. Federal prosecutors believe Albert Gonzales stole more than 130 million credit card data information, making Albert the largest identity scammer.

    Hackers' main %26quot;target to steal information%26quot; hot spots are major retail stores and banks. When a scammer steals a person’s personal information, the only thing the thief can do is steal money from a credit card or a bank account. Most identification scammers get caught when they try to open a credit card or a bank account, write bad checks, or take out a loan from a bank, while leaving the victim with countless charges and years of bad credit on record. Identity scammers in United States have increased by 22% in 2008 from 2007. In 2008, nearly 10 million American’s identity was stolen.

    Identity theft can happen to anyone, and many don’t realize it until they spend their next dollar and the credit card declines. To protect your personal information online, as well as at home, you need to purchase a shredder to shred all documents with personal information before throwing them away. Don’t send mail using unsecured mailbox. Have your social security number changed if it is the same as your driver’s license number. Have a secured internet network. Lastly, have a confined place to keep your important and person information.

    Although the work for a scammer is hard, only a little information is needed. Some examples are, but not limited to: your birth date, credit card numbers, or a social security number. Some important tips that online shoppers can remember are: limit shopping online and never buy from unknown sites, always shred all mail before throwing it away, and make sure to check your credit report at least one time a year. If you do all these things to protect your information, people like Albert Gonzales will never be able to steal someone’s information again.
    Can someone revise my essay and make any changes needed and try to make it clear from mistakes?
    lazy! periods after sentances, capital letters, or just get your second grade teacher :P

    I found an interesting clause in my new credit card agreement, what do you think?

    I know that credit card companies are up to no good now that the CARD act is in place, so I decided to take the time and read every single line of my new %26quot;agreement%26quot; they just sent out.

    In the section they define as %26quot;Default%26quot;, they state that if you are in default, they will charge you a %26quot;fee%26quot; and I'm assuming tack negative delinquent information on the account and report it to the credit bureaus. They say that I will be in %26quot;default%26quot; if I fail to make the minimum monthly payment by the due date and here's the *interesting* part:

    %26quot;You will also be in default if your ability to repay us is materially reduced by a change of employment, an increase in your obligations, bankruptcy...your death...your failure to abide by this Agreement...[ect].%26quot;

    Can this seriously be interpreted as for example, I change my job or get laid off that I will be put into default according to their terms? And who do you suppose defines %26quot;obligations%26quot; or determines how the %26quot;increase%26quot; is evaluated? I also thought that your death nullifies most financial obligation contracts...apparently not here; they also don't specify who acquires debt obligation in the case of my death. They go on to say that they also have the right to demand full payment, collection fees, and %26quot;reasonable%26quot; attorney fees as well...again specifying %26quot;you%26quot; (the card agreement signer) as the payer.

    I've always prided myself as having flawless credit, but given the new terms here - do you think it's better off declining the changes and closing my account?
    I found an interesting clause in my new credit card agreement, what do you think?
    Not if you change jobs by itself. Only if you change jobs and your income decreases significantly to the point that your debt to income ratio increases.

    State laws: Your death causes your debts to be transferred to your estate for payment, not your family. So, any assets you own individually or jointly, may have to be sold to satisfy any outstanding debts. Life insurance passes to beneficiaries OUTSIDE of probate, so that money cannot be used to satisfy your debts (unless your estate is the beneficiary).

    All that stuff is legal mumbo-jumbo to keep you ill-informed so that you don't understand what they are going to do to you when you go into default. The less you know and understand, the better off they are.
    I found an interesting clause in my new credit card agreement, what do you think?
    I suggest you simply quit using that card ... you can keep it open or close it ... although closing it could have a negative affect on your credit score as it raises your debt-to-credit ratio. As long as you pay in full every month you have no worries. Credit card debt can really eat at your ability to save for the future. Find a different bank to do business with, but they are about all the same.
    I think all that the default statement just gives them the option to drop you or change the terms of your agreement based on your income. If you have a loan out for $500,000 and you lose your job and have no other income, why shouldn't they have the right to cut you off? It is invasive and it's a real shame that the whole intent of this legislation (to give more rights to the consumer) is actually hurting us all even more! If you have paid on time and keep low balances I wouldn't worry about it for yourself. . . but others will undoubtedly be screwed over by this backhanded attempt to use fine print against the credit holders. SMH!
  • server
  • sexy hair
  • I found an interesting clause in my new credit card agreement, what do you think?

    I know that credit card companies are up to no good now that the CARD act is in place, so I decided to take the time and read every single line of my new %26quot;agreement%26quot; they just sent out.

    In the section they define as %26quot;Default%26quot;, they state that if you are in default, they will charge you a %26quot;fee%26quot; and I'm assuming tack negative delinquent information on the account and report it to the credit bureaus. They say that I will be in %26quot;default%26quot; if I fail to make the minimum monthly payment by the due date and here's the *interesting* part:

    %26quot;You will also be in default if your ability to repay us is materially reduced by a change of employment, an increase in your obligations, bankruptcy...your death...your failure to abide by this Agreement...[ect].%26quot;

    Can this seriously be interpreted as for example, I change my job or get laid off that I will be put into default according to their terms? And who do you suppose defines %26quot;obligations%26quot; or determines how the %26quot;increase%26quot; is evaluated? I also thought that your death nullifies most financial obligation contracts...apparently not here; they also don't specify who acquires debt obligation in the case of my death. They go on to say that they also have the right to demand full payment, collection fees, and %26quot;reasonable%26quot; attorney fees as well...again specifying %26quot;you%26quot; (the card agreement signer) as the payer.

    I've always prided myself as having flawless credit, but given the new terms here - do you think it's better off declining the changes and closing my account?
    I found an interesting clause in my new credit card agreement, what do you think?
    Not if you change jobs by itself. Only if you change jobs and your income decreases significantly to the point that your debt to income ratio increases.

    State laws: Your death causes your debts to be transferred to your estate for payment, not your family. So, any assets you own individually or jointly, may have to be sold to satisfy any outstanding debts. Life insurance passes to beneficiaries OUTSIDE of probate, so that money cannot be used to satisfy your debts (unless your estate is the beneficiary).

    All that stuff is legal mumbo-jumbo to keep you ill-informed so that you don't understand what they are going to do to you when you go into default. The less you know and understand, the better off they are.
    I found an interesting clause in my new credit card agreement, what do you think?
    I suggest you simply quit using that card ... you can keep it open or close it ... although closing it could have a negative affect on your credit score as it raises your debt-to-credit ratio. As long as you pay in full every month you have no worries. Credit card debt can really eat at your ability to save for the future. Find a different bank to do business with, but they are about all the same.
    I think all that the default statement just gives them the option to drop you or change the terms of your agreement based on your income. If you have a loan out for $500,000 and you lose your job and have no other income, why shouldn't they have the right to cut you off? It is invasive and it's a real shame that the whole intent of this legislation (to give more rights to the consumer) is actually hurting us all even more! If you have paid on time and keep low balances I wouldn't worry about it for yourself. . . but others will undoubtedly be screwed over by this backhanded attempt to use fine print against the credit holders. SMH!

    What are some ways to protect my identity without going through lifelock?

    I have heard some pretty crazy things about lifelock and will not use them but I like the idea of being notified if someone tries to open up a credit card under my name. How can I do this myself? I checked out the Transunion website and you can get credit monitoring done where they will alert you if their are any major credit changes on any of your 3 reports for $15 a month. Has anyone done this? Do they contact you if someone is trying to get a credit card with your name? Please share your experiences and make some recommendations. I filled out a rental application yesterday and had to put my social security number on it, I get freaked out about that stuff. Thanks!
    What are some ways to protect my identity without going through lifelock?
    as far as the rental that is standard as they will pull a credit report to see if you pay your bills. Life lock isn't the way to go since his identity has been stolen now 5 times I think. Place fraud alerts on your credit and that is about all you can do
    What are some ways to protect my identity without going through lifelock?
    I BANK WITH CITIBANK and i have identity monitor from citi and i love the service.

    it gives you all 3 credit scores

    e-mail alerts when there's new activity on your account

    they have where you can analyze your credit account when you make different changes to your credit,like what will happen to your score if you open a new account or close a account,pay this much on your account,miss a payment or whatever it tells you how it may affect your score and about by how many points also.

    it gives you a credit update every 30 days including scores.

    you don't have to have a bank account with them either.

    1st 30 days are free then only 12.95/month afterwards.

    i love it,and highly recommend them to is their website.

    good luck!
    Call Trans Union Fraud Dept toll free @ 1-800-680-7289 and have the account put on fraud alert. They'll notify the other 2 bureau for you at no cost. It has to be renewed every 90 days at no cost.

    Credit Card Question?

    I've done a little research and i've tried to completely understand, but some things arent clicking in, too much business jargon i don't understand.

    But i'm a senior in high school and i am probably going to apply for a student credit card from Discovery.

    I understand the caution I have to take when applying for one and using them, and I know I will be.

    But I wanted to compare my calculations to someone else who knows credit cards well, to make sure i know how to calculate everything right.

    So in this card, I see it has a 14.99 apr.

    does this mean that it will only charge 14.99 % if i take a year to pay off what i borrowed?

    Also what is grace period?

    And once you've explained this can you just do an example for me?

    like let's say i buy a 500 dollar guitar.

    how much would that be once i get my bill?

    how often do i get bills?

    so much to answer i know, but if you could help i would appreciate immensely.

    Here is the credit card info:

    Annual Percentage Rate (APR) For Purchases

    0.0% until the last day of the billing period ending during August 2009;* then the standard APR, 14.99% variable

    Other APRs

    Cash Advances: 23.99%

    Default Rate: Up to 30.99%*

    Variable Rate Information

    The standard purchase APR may vary monthly and equals the Prime Rate + 11.74%.鈥?br>
    Grace Period for Repayment of the Balance of Purchases

    At least 25 days when you pay your balance in full each month

    Method of Computing the Balance for Purchases

    Average Daily Balance (including new purchases)

    Annual Fee


    Minimum Finance Charge


    Other Fees

    CASH ADVANCE TRANSACTION FEE: 3% for each cash advance, with a minimum of $5 and no maximum. LATE FEE: $19 on balances up to $250 and $39 on balances over $250. OVERLIMIT FEE: $15 on balances up to $500, and $39 on balances over $500.

    * If you are late making a payment or your account is overlimit twice, we may increase your APRs to a Default Rate. Your Default Rates are determined based on factors such as your current purchase APR, your payment history with us and your general credit history. See Cardmember Agreement for details.

    鈥?The Prime Rate used is the highest prime rate listed in The Wall Street Journal on the last business day of the month.

    INTRODUCTORY/SPECIAL APR OFFERS: If you are late making a payment or your account is overlimit twice, any introductory/special rates will terminate and the Default Rate will apply.

    PAYMENT ALLOCATION: We apply payments to balances with low introductory/special APRs (such as special balance transfer and purchase APRs) prior to balances with standard APRs. Therefore, your savings will be reduced by making additional transactions or having balances with standard APRs. In addition, the length of time the introductory/special APRs will apply to your account may be reduced by the amount of your payments.

    APPLICATION INFORMATION: Federal law requires that we obtain certain information about you such as your date of birth and street address in order to verify your identity. You authorize us to obtain a consumer report from consumer reporting agencies in considering this application and for review, renewal, change in credit limit, collection or other legitimate purposes associated with your Account. Upon your request, we will inform you of the name and address of each consumer reporting agency from which we obtained a consumer report relating to you. Offer only available to US residents 18 and older. To apply with a joint applicant, write to us at PO Box 30943, Salt Lake City, UT 84130-0943. Every applicant, including a spouse, may apply for a separate account. THIS OFFER SUPERSEDES ALL PRIOR OFFERS. Terms of this offer, including fees and calculation of variable rates, are accurate as of December 2008 and may change after that date. To find out what may have changed after that date write to us at PO Box 15410, Wilmington, DE 19886-0820. Please allow 30 days for us to process your application.

    Offer valid for new cardmembers only.

    CARDMEMBER AGREEMENT: You agree to be bound by the terms of the Cardmember Agreement, which will be sent with the card. You also agree that the Cardmember Agreement and the account are governed by Delaware and federal law. The terms and conditions of your account, including rates and fees, are subject to change.

    ARBITRATION: The Cardmember Agreement provides that we may choose to resolve a claim relating to your account by binding arbitration, in which case, you will not have the right to have that claim resolved by a judge or jury and you will not have the right to participate in a class action in court or arbitration. You may reject the arbitration provision with respect to your new account within 30 days after receiving your card. For restrictions and details, write to us at PO Box 15192, Wilmington, DE 19886-1020.

    OHIO RESIDENTS: Ohio laws against discrimination require that all creditors make credit equally available to all creditworthy customers, and that credit reporti
    Credit Card Question?
    Gar -

    Credit cards are billed monthly and your billing cycle depends on when the card is opened. The interest and fees you will pay can't be answered precisely, because the APR, in particular, does not depend solely on your behavior on that particular credit card: it can be impacted by other behaviors that show up on your credit report, such as timely payment of your rent or financial aid bills. That might seem unfair, but credit card companies try to protect themselves from you %26quot;going bad%26quot; by attempting to predict the likelihood that you will pay your bill. If they see other behaviors start to %26quot;go bad%26quot; on your credit report, the credit card company might raise your APR so that it can get more money in, faster.

    A credit card company can also decrease your credit line or cancel the card altogether should it decide to do so.

    The bottom line is that there are a lot of fees that can go along with a credit card, and the card agreement text you copied into your question says that the card's default rate can go as high as 30.99% so if it were me, I would assume that my APR might go as high as that level.

    Hope this helps!

    Stephanie Fierman


    Please help with Consumer Math B Lesson 22: Assignment 4 need help asap!!?

    1. What is NOT an advantage of Direct Deposit? (1 point)

    Funds are available immediately

    More money will be deposited than through a standard check

    Some banks offer incentives if you open an account with Direct Deposit

    You鈥檒l get the same record of payment via a pay-stub

    2. When you create an online account for your checking account, how often can you check your balances? (1 point)

    Once a day

    Many times a day

    Every other day


    3. What should you NOT do if you receive an e-mail from your bank asking for personal information? (1 point)

    Provide the information

    Call your bank

    Delete the e-mail

    Respond asking for more information

    4. Credit monitoring companies will do everything EXCEPT? (1 point)

    Notify you when your credit report has changed

    Dispute charges

    Provide you with periodic credit reports

    Provide you with an online reporting tool

    5. Since online banking was created, most overdraft fees charged by banks have been eliminated. (1 point)



    6. Computer-based financial programs allow people to view all accounts at one time securely on your personal computer. (1 point)



    7. Registering for Direct Deposit requires paying for an application fee. (1 point)



    8. Online credit card registration allows you to see everything you would on a statement, anytime/anywhere. (1 point)



    9. When you pay a bill online you have to wait the same amount of time as a check would take to clear. (1 point)



    10. By using the Internet effectively to manage your finances you鈥檙e: (1 point)

    Preventing yourself from being charged overdraft fees

    Preventing yourself from being charged over limit fees

    Avoiding the chance of payments being late due to mail delays

    Accomplishing all of the above
    Please help with Consumer Math B Lesson 22: Assignment 4 need help asap!!?
    1. What is NOT an advantage of Direct Deposit? (1 point)

    More money will be deposited than through a standard check

    2. When you create an online account for your checking account, how often can you check your balances? (1 point)

    Many times a day

    3. What should you NOT do if you receive an e-mail from your bank asking for personal information? (1 point)

    Provide the information

    4. Credit monitoring companies will do everything EXCEPT? (1 point)

    Notify you when your credit report has changed

    5. Since online banking was created, most overdraft fees charged by banks have been eliminated. (1 point)


    6. Computer-based financial programs allow people to view all accounts at one time securely on your personal computer. (1 point)


    7. Registering for Direct Deposit requires paying for an application fee. (1 point)


    8. Online credit card registration allows you to see everything you would on a statement, anytime/anywhere. (1 point)


    9. When you pay a bill online you have to wait the same amount of time as a check would take to clear. (1 point)


    10. By using the Internet effectively to manage your finances you鈥檙e: (1 point)

    Accomplishing all of the above
    Please help with Consumer Math B Lesson 22: Assignment 4 need help asap!!?
    1.You鈥檒l get the same record of payment via a pay-stub

    2 Many times a day

    3 Respond asking for more information

    4Dispute charges

    5 TRUE

    6 TRUE

    7 FALSE

    8 TRUE

    9 FALSE

    10 Accomplishing all of the above