Friday, 16 September 2011

Graduation help plzzzzzzzz?

i know this is extremely long but bare with me please

Ok so im 17 years old and is suppose to be graduating in june but before I get to that let me tell u how my past 3 years of high school went freshman year everything was perfect I was got straight A's then my sophomore year came and for the first quarter I got straight A's just to let u know I don't live in a stable home both parents unemployed and have problems which I don't want to mention so second quarter sophomore year we got evicted out of our home and had to stay with my cousin and she has four kids including a new born at the time and me and my sister would always have to skip school and watch them about three times a week so my grades dropped and I got C's and D's then 3rd quarter I asked my counselor to give me a print out of my transcript when I got It,it had said that my GPA was about 1.6 and i knew that a couple of C's and D's couldn't do this then I looked and it said that I got all D's and C's my freshman year so I took it to my counselor who told m there was nothing she could do about it so I went to the dean of students and sh told me if i could prove that my grades were different by getting a report card or another transcript that my counselor would change it but I didn't have any then she told me that this has happened before with students who had my counselor and maybe something will come up so the next quarter me and my sister switched school who were on a different credit system but the converted my credits and I got mainly A's but a few B's then my junior year I went back to my old school and my counselor was suppose to convert them back but she never did and said that she wasn't suppose to so for first quarter I got straight A's second quarter I was doing well had As and B's then right before finals we got A big snow storm about three feet of snow the schools didn't close down but my parents wouldn't let me go then after the snow had melted it was the day of finals and the temperature dropped to about 21 degrees below zero and his is not normal in Iowa but this time they closed the schools and put off finals till after winter break and during the time of the temp drop we had to move in with my sister which is about 2 miles from the school and they don't have bus service unless your 2 1/2 miles away so after spring break it was still pretty cold outside and classes resumed to take finals but my parents wouldn't let me walk 2 miles in the freezing cold so I didn't go then after the temp went back around normal and I went back to school and asked my teacher if I could make them up the said yes I just need and ok from my counselor and of course she said no so I ended up failing two class and the other two I passes with D-'s so i ended up transferring schools again and got all A's for the last two quarters then senior year came and i went to yet a different school and I got in trouble for going back in the school 20mins after it was let out and got sent to the principal and she asked what grade I was in I told her 12 and she went and searched my name in the computer and told me I only had credits of a 10th grader so the next week I got tired of the school and transferee back to my old school where I asked my counselor to print my transcript and my. GPA was about 1.9 and it said I failed nearly every class at the school where I had the counselor who did nothing fair so now it's 3rd quarter and I'm currently not in school because my parents took me out because we were suppose to move to Arizona this month but never did and I can't go back until next quarter and even if I do go back I won't be able to graduate and overtime I think of it I cry my heart out and I would just go get my GED but I won't let my self because i really want to graduate and I deserve to if it wasn't for my parents and my grades somehow changing I would be graduating so I need help what do I do and I'm crying right now because i've gave up all hope and I don't know what to do and I know I won't even be able to go to college and I don't have money for it and I really don't want to have go to community college but if i have to i will
Graduation help plzzzzzzzz?
That's not fair! If you got straight A's in grade 9 and 10 and even in 11 then your stupid counselor SHOULD HAVE THEM. It really ticks me off when stupid counselors like these just hate their lives and they take it out on you. If she was supposed to convert them back then KEEP going back to her and get the grades you DESERVE! Why didn't your counselor let you make up for your grades? She messed you up in the first place by not converting your rightful grades back anyway. Don't take NO for an answer! Ask her %26quot;Why? How come? Why didn't you convert my grades? When are you going to convert my grades?%26quot; Keep asking her until you get an answer out of her! That is NOT fair! She won't let you graduate? What kind of counselor is THAT? If she keeps doing this, talk to the principal, talk to the school board of education, get her fired if you have to. You can ALWAYS go talk to the principal or even the vice principal if your counselor isn't doing her job and they can help you instead of her. Do you have previous report cards proving that you got those grades? If you don't graduate, that's not fair at all! ): I hope you get the grades you so rightfully deserve.

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