Question: MEN: What's your take on the new path human evolution is taking regarding male and female dynamics?
Question Details: Have you heard of that new discovery channel documentary called: the science of sex appeal?! It shows some interesting and very revealing stuff about us as a species, and about what we genetically chemically and therefore intuitively look for in a partner! However, it also alerts us to the fact that things are progressively changing, and that the progression is kind of becoming very fast. For the whole of the human History men have been the providers. They've been the hunters who had to bring home the meet for thousands of years. All of a sudden, most women can bring home their own meet.. and it seems like things are flowing more and more on that direction, meaning that things will become a bit more relative and balanced when it comes to the parts men and women play in society, therefore also altering what both genders search in one another. Does that affect you in any way? Do you think its better coz it eases the load for you guys? Do you think it's bad, coz you like to be the providers, or like to be in control in some way? Thoughts! I mean I personally think it's for the best for both sexes, coz that way women can leave the realm of male influence and control, and as for you guys you can stop being chosen and judged by what kind of car you drive, your money and status, and start being chosen by what really matters! But still wanna hear your opinions. Thank you. p.s. I'm calling on intelligent male specimens to reply to this. By intelligent I don't mean that you should have to own a degree on anything or know how to sort out the magic cube even, but just that you shouldn't be a prejudiced ignorant. Chauvinists, for instance, don't have a saying, and if you try to I'll just report your ***. This is a pole, which means that I want frank, very honest and strait to the point opinions, but also polite ones, Thank you! It's interesting how chauvinists seem to have a problem with my spelling. So here's a lovely direct message for them: This woman here is actually intelligent enough to speak your language losers, while I'm quite positive that your ignorant asses wouldn't be able to pronounce or write a single word in any other language than English! Now how about that for great spelling?! :)
This was my response. (and I have to admit its pretty tame from the masses of other response mrs jedimaster recieved. Those were all reported also)
Run spell check before you whip out the %26quot;I'll report you %26quot; card. Its hard for someone to question the validity of our intelligence when yours seems a bit askew. Perhaps an extra english class might help your poor grammar also. As for bringing home the %26quot;meet%26quot; (it is MEAT by the way) The man will always be the physically stronger species. We are just built that way. We also supply the seed for conception. So no, I don't think there is a %26quot;new%26quot; path because discovery channel says so.
I was reported! What do you guys think?
Well, considering that the question was a violation itself, virtually ANY answer would be a violation as well.
However, never, EVER, start out an answer by insulting a person's spelling and grammar skills. That is a sure way to trigger a violation for yourself, as most folks will stop reading at that point and report you for 'not an answer' or 'insulting'.
I was reported! What do you guys think?
You are truly WRONG at times. You do not really know what you are talking about. (Maya Calendar). Read a book or two, old man.
Report Abuse
Being a girl I disagree with you.. lol but you have a right to your opinion and people shouldn't try to change that. Also, nothing you said was abuse so I dont know why you got reported. I guess for the fact someone didn't like your view
I think the person who wrote the question reported you. It was kind of insulting.
Too long and too much of a rant which is against community guidelines.
Yahoo! specifically forbids insulting other members. Saying that someone's intelligence %26quot;seems a bit askew%26quot; is insulting that person. Therefore, your answer was a violation and was correctly reported.
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