Friday, 16 September 2011

How do I turn my life around?

I'm only 15, and I'm everything I thought I never would be.

I've been suspended from school for 6 times. I have had more detentions than A's, B's, and C's combined from all the report cards I have gotten last school year. I failed my class. I smoke weed all the time now. I was picked up by the cops for being drunk in public. I was arrested for a breaking and entering into a house to spend the night. I am on probation for 6 months. I am going to fail my drug test and most likely go to juvie.

I've reached the end, and now I have no idea what to do with my life, or even how to change it. I used to be such a good kid. Trustworthy, knows whats best, Honor Roll, good choice kinda kid. Now I don't know what to do but smoke weed.

Without being %26quot;you get what you deserve%26quot; or %26quot;your such a bad kid! stop smoking!!%26quot; I get this at my house ALL the time. I am trying so hard to change, I just need advice on how to do it.

How do I turn my life around?
Stop surrounding yourself with people that hurt you.

Know what you want and keep striving for your goal.

I'm an ex weed smoker, drinker etc. and what really helped was removing myself from the situation.

Don't let ANYONE tell you, you can't do something.

Have faith and stay strong!
How do I turn my life around?
try talking it out or go to someone you trust after all keeping it inside is not a good thing.
Well, weed isn't necessarily bad...hehe. its way better than cigarettes at least. Though, you shouldn't let yourself smoke THAT much. The only thing you can do is set a straight record for the new school year, and just do your best on doing the work, and don't hang out with any bad people. try to surround yourself with those who are trustworthy.
you really cant figure this out?

stop smoking and drinking you tard
I commend you for wanting to change. Just you admitting that you've fvcked up is a good start. You should probably distance yourself from the people you've been hanging out with...they're just fair weather friends anyway. You're only 15, you've got tons of time to turn your life around if you start right this second. So you popped your drug test, nothing you can do about it except accept the consequesnces and if that means going to Juvenile detention so be it. Do your time and be done with. My other advise is to ahnf out at home, spend more time with your family (even if you can;t stand them at the moment) How much trouble can you get into listening to music or reading in your bedroom right? Distance yourself from the negativity in your life and concentrate on how great and successful you're going to be in the future. Good luck kid...
This happened to a good friend of mine in 8th grade he started to hang out with a different crowd and he started smoking weed and doing a lot of stupid things he used to get drunk a lot but then he went and got help, he looked into rehab type things and he's a lot better now he, if you hang out wit people who do drugs then you should not hang out with those people anymore.
definetly seek counseling. i believe that may be your first step. try to get involved in a achurch group or something work on surrounding yourself with people that will help you not bring you down. maybe try to have your parents go to counseling with you as well so they can maybe understand what is going on and it may help them cope with it so they can be support to you! Goodluck and congrats on taking the first step and that is admitting you have a problem and wanting to change!
To define insanity-(doing the same thing over and over again and exprcting different results) One thing in your favor is that at the young age of 15, you know your on a dead end street. Most kids at your age do not care where the street is going, they just want to go fast. The thing that is not in your favor, is you don't take advice even when you know its right. You need to stop doing what you are doing that makes you feel the way you feel now, and start doing what you did before that made you feel good about yourself. In short start likeing yourself, then you won't need any substance to make you feel good.

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