Can someone please explain my (canada) Credit Report to me. It says at the bottom Under %26quot;comments:%26quot;
Transferred or sold
and another one said This Under Comments:
Comments: Written-off
Monthly payments
Comments: Written-off
Acct assigned to third party for collection
Are these written off Or are they with collections?? There are two from 2-3 years ago under the section %26quot;Collection Accounts%26quot;
there are two and they say date of last payment was over 2 years ago. Im almost 100% sure date of last payment was even further back then what is posted.
Anyways Both are from 2008 April, and 2008 May, I know these werent paid before that because the one account was Rogers home phone and I switched to Cogeco when my contract was up And Cogeco was suppose to %26quot;take care of everything%26quot; and Somehow i was still being charged every month for a phone service that was disconnected so that is why It wasnt paid. It was maybe 20-50 dollars i actually owed which they somehow turned it into 500 and something.
Is there any way I can find out if they are Lying about the date of last payment? If i contact my bank and see what were my last payments is there anyway to change this on Equifax without Acknowledging the debt?????
Theres also another one an ex got in my name and then stopped talking to me we broke up then he lied got a peace bond against me because he owed me money and did not want to pay it ont he credit card even though i had written proof so i wasnt able to contact him again or else i would of been arrested (nice guy eh) there was NEVEr any payments on this card opened Sept 2006 and It says last date of activity 07 2007 this sint correct... If they have proof of acknowledgment How would that be? A recording or just there word versuses yours/ Shouldnt the date of last activity be sepot 2006??? Not July 2007???
Also the site says This section contains information on each account that you%26#039;ve opened in the past. It is retained in our database for not more than 6 years from the date of last activity.
does that mean after 6 years debts are removed off your report??|||First, yes written off simply means a bad debt. The debt will undoubtedly be shopped around to various collection agencies for the next 10-15 years, and you%26#039;ll keep receiving random phone calls and letters trying to threaten, cajole and con the money out of you. You do OWE this money, they will keep trying to collect.
Now, despite the fact that you owe this money you are correct again, the statute of limitations for consumer debt in Ontario, Canada is two years. After this limitation period has expired they cannot get a judgement against you (you should note that in some cases they may try, and you would have to go to court to defend yourself to make sure they do not obtain a default judgement - the SOL is not automatic).
The debt will continue to be reported with both equifax and transunion for 6 years after the date of last activity (this could be a payment or other acknowledgement of the debt) at which time it will %26quot;drop off%26quot; your credit report.
Collection agents will continue to try and collect the money, this is what they do. And they have a series of shady practices involved in this (multiple hard credit inquiries to drive your score down, multiple reporting - different collection agencies reporting the same debt, and in some cases %26quot;re-aging%26quot; the debt where they report the debt as being more recent than it is, they also contact debtors and offer to settle debt for a fraction of the original debt, if you take them up on this make sure you get it in writing, otherwise you have just %26quot;reset%26quot; the date of last activity, and it%26#039;s your word against theirs that you didn%26#039;t promise to pay it all and the %26quot;settlement%26quot; wasn%26#039;t just the first payment).
Complaints against collection agents and agencies often fall on deaf ears. You don%26#039;t own the moral highground here. You skipped out on a debt, and failed to pay your obligations. It%26#039;s hard to paint that as a victim. Even so you can complaint to Consumer Affairs about their conduct.
Finally, the items will fall off your credit report 6 years after the date of last activity.
One last important note. The companies you defaulted on have LONG memories. If you do business again later with the same company they can take money you give them and apply it against the old debt. The 6 years rule applies to credit bureaus, not the creditors.
Hope this was some help. Good luck!|||it is not written off. it is on your record and the company are waiting to see if there are any takers (collection agent) to harrass you for collecting the amount. reagrdless, your credit record is tarnished. you have to contact the company where you owe the money and sort it from them. make sure you contact them via letter so you%26#039;ll have proof in the future because they will come again if the debt is not erased on your record and maybe that time, the amount is larger than 500.|||They are %26#039;written off%26#039; in the sense that the creditor does not think you will pay, but they can use a collection department, lawyer, or collection company to try to collect the amount you owe. Sometimes activity is not just you paying, but some other change in information or collection process. Even closing an account can be an activity.
Dispute the items through the credit bureau and you might just get lucky and get them removed, IF the creditor does not respond and verify the debt and information within 30 days.|||Last question first: Most of those reports will drop off after 6 or 7 years.
Date of last activity would be accurate as to CONTACT by the company requesting payment, or last payment on that account. Nobody is %26quot;LYING about%26quot; date of last contact. You are free to contact any creditor on report that you have, and ask for PROOF of DEBT! That is you don%26#039;t remember having that account or using that line of credit or whatever (works well with books clubs) or you were a victim of ID theft.
Saturday, 4 June 2011
How do you get your parents to get you a cell phone?
Okay so my mom told me that she would think about getting me a cell phone when my first report card came out. Then I messed up and she now says when my second report card comes out and I have good grades she will think about it. Well I talked to her about it tonight and she said things can change and that we will just have to evaluate the situation when my second report card comes. Then she asked when it came out and I told her mid January. So now she said that she might as well wait until my birthday in April because the phone costs a lot. And she is worried about me getting obsessed with it and my grades falling and things like that.I told her it won%26#039;t happen. And my parents read about the texting in the paper and stuff. So I need to persuade my mom into getting me a cell phone and then she can talk to my dad. So I need your help. How do I do that? PLEASE HELP ME. I feel left out because I don%26#039;t have one and all me friends do. And I want it as a way to communicate with family and friends better. I really need it cause I have a guy asking for my number because he has to ask me something and he can%26#039;t ask me until Wednesday because I won%26#039;t see him until then. So what do I do? How do I persuade my parents? HELP!!|||I think you keep doing what you have been doing. Keep getting good grades and being a good person. BE PATIENT. And aside from a misspelled word or two, your question was well written and understood. You should be proud of yourself. Don%26#039;t worry about feeling left out. Having a cell phone is a big responsibility and your parents want to make sure you are ready for it. And when you are they will tell you.|||I think you shld make the good grades and get your teachers to sign a paper saying your grades are goo. Ask for an trial period of having a phone so you will know how to act once you have one! Then tell her that you need a phone because you are maturing and you would like to be responsible. Parties and extracurricular activities are starting up since school has. And if you ever have to stay for tutorials, you will be able to call her and tell her.|||aww you%26#039;re so cute. Well, best way is to point out the problems with you not having a cell phone. Sit them down, make a list if you have too. Some reasons are, you could be lost or in trouble and its always safe to have a cell phone for emergencies. They can always know where you are. Tell them you%26#039;ll be responsible with it. That%26#039;s pretty much the best you can do. they can always get u a little prepaid cell phone from the store. they%26#039;re not the best looking but theyre good enuff for talk and text and that%26#039;s all that matters
What would you do if this is your child?
Children are so picky these days, both of my nephews only buys from certain names, one of them buys from Pacific Sun only, the other one likes A%26amp;F, American Eagles. My 7 years old son demand his cloth to be bought in Gaps, he was asking for an iphone the other day ( he carries my husband%26#039;s old cell phone, incase there%26#039;s change in our schedules) I caught him bargaining with my husband, but really how do parents these day afford their life styles?
Everytime he get a good report card, he expect something from us|||I think that you are describing two spoiled boys, due to no other credit than yourselves! 7 year old with a cell phone? So what if its an %26quot;old one.%26quot; When they get %26quot;new ones%26quot; give back the old ones or cut the service to them. Gosh, this is why he%26#039;s asking for an iphone..he already has a regular cell phone. Kids will ask for more that what they have, but it%26#039;s the parents%26#039; responsibilty to teach them limits. You need to become the parent and put your foot down and start telling them they are going to get clothes where it%26#039;s affordable. And even if you have the money to shop there, it sounds like you%26#039;re not teaching your children the value of money and the responsibility that you carry to teach them to be good stewards of their money (possibly because you aren%26#039;t good stewards of your own own money??).
If you do try to change your ways and get back on the parenting track, then I would advise you to stay away from awarding good behavior with material items. Instead, if your children do good, or get good grades then the whole family can plan a special family outing or devote some one-on -one time for the reward. And if your nephews are coming to you for rewards, then be firm and do the same; reward with some activities instead of material items.
Here are some links below that perhaps will help you with budgeting your money and get you on the right track that material items aren%26#039;t eveything:
God Bless you!|||You tell them to get a job and pay for those things themselves if they want them.|||you learn to say the word ..........NO to your children when they demand unreasonable or expensive things|||Learn To Say NO! How old is he?|||He only does what he knows you will let him do. Put your foot down. Let him know that he isn%26#039;t the only one in the world and you have bills to pay and you have to feed him too. Don%26#039;t let him become the head of the household. You will be miserable if you do.|||grown ups make the rules.......that%26#039;s what makes us different from the children who follow them|||Tell her that when she is old enough to get a job, she can go wherever she wants and buy things. Until then, she%26#039;ll get what we give her. That%26#039;ll be the day that I bargain with my child.|||I took a lesson supernanny. I use tokens to award and disipline my kids. Tokens go towards purchases they want. It%26#039;s a lesson on the value of money as well as teaches how to save for what they really want.|||he is 7. he will wear what he is given. or he will be wearing a sore butt.|||Well...i feel a 7yr old should not know about brands....and i know at 7 its the parents who teach if you put emphasis on brands then it will carry to your child as it has done! If my son happened to get like that i know how to say NO to him and i wont buy it...he can go w/out if he wont accept what i give job as a mom is not to dress my child in expensive things its to give a nurturing, positive, loving environment and provid him w/ food, shelter, and clothing....that does not mean the most expensive stuff....My son may have name brand stuff, but only b/c i bought it on a sale rack or a yard sale! I dont emphasize name brand to my child and never will......|||well if all he has is what you let him have then he%26#039;ll have to wear it...I doubt hed run around naked!!|||You have to learn to say no.You don%26#039;t have to show your love for them by spending ridiculous amounts of money on them.I have no children(I am 18),but that%26#039;s what my parents did.|||You definitely need to sit down and explain finances. It doesn%26#039;t really matter if he doesn%26#039;t understand bills, etc... it%26#039;s the value of a dollar that he needs to grasp. That%26#039;s ridiculous and insane. He cannot expect you to buy him such things (like a $450 Iphone)- you just have to put the smack down! Your husband has to be in agreeance too, or the disciplining will never work!|||Your son is 7 years old, he is already brand conscious? and he wants an Iphone? ok, if this were my son, seriously, I would sit him down and tell him that he has a choice, he can either have the phone or he can get his clothes from good will and regarding the report card, well, I would tell him that I will discontinue the monetary rewards because even though I want him to do well in school if he doesn%26#039;t he%26#039;ll be held back a year and that he will not enjoy that, and it isn%26#039;t hurting you any for him to re take all his classes but him.|||Its like this, they don%26#039;t get it.
I have a 9 and 7 yr old. They would %26quot;love%26quot; to have all the cool things, and ya know they do, but, they work for it.
My 9 yr old, cleans, helps cooks, folds and puts away laundry, helps pull weeds etc.
My 7yr old, loads and unloads dishwasher, scrapes plates, mops, vacumes. etc.
They earn $5 a week. I take them to slackers they found a gameboy for $60. didn%26#039;t have enough money just so happend a girl had two and she was trading them in, we got both for $30. so what they had a scratch on the outside, they weren%26#039;t pink, but my kids are happy with them.
Everything they have, they work for. Nothing is just %26quot;given%26quot; to them. Those nephews of yours, will amount to nothing in life except loafers. Their mom and dad really need to put a stop to it now. There is not affording their life styles. Its kids need to accept how things are, they do NOT rule, parents do.|||Parents need to stand together on big issues. He is too young for a cell phone. Tell him when he%26#039;s a teen-ager you%26#039;ll discuss it.
Even if parents can afford the life styles, they shouldn%26#039;t give in to everything. Kids don%26#039;t need or want to be in charge. Step up to the plate.|||well tell them to get a job and buy them themselves but for now wear what i can afford and if u don%26#039;t like it tough crap as far as the report card goes with the good grade u can say great job honey we knew u could do it!!!hes 7 and has a cell phone hes already has one up on my 10 yr she doesn%26#039;t even have that.
normal parents that work a 40 hr a week job with bills cant afford those clothes my opinion yr only paying for the name A%26amp;F is way tooooo expensive
just remember u not giving in to his demands will make him a better man when he grows up and not a slacker and thinks that he only has to ask to get what he wants and u buy it . give him little jobs around the house and set an allowence to $5 per week and then let him but what he wants when he has the money he earned|||Your 7 year old is obviously in charge of your house right now. He needs to realize that he%26#039;s going to be leaving the house without clothes if he doesn%26#039;t wear what you buy him. He has no sense of fiscal responsibility and it%26#039;s probably about time to sit down and have a talk about it and his responsibilites to your family, and when he fulfills those responsibilities, he will receive his allowance. Spell out what exactly he is responsible for, and what you expect him to use his allowance to purchase. If he does not fulfill his responsibilities, he should not receive his allowance. He should not receive any awards for good grades, those are part of his familial responsibility, but he should have other chores around the house, like emptying the dishwasher, taking out the garbage, vacuming and dusting-along with keeping his room clean.
(An I-Phone for a 7 YEAR OLD???????????? Tell him how many weeks allowance he needs to earn to buy it without spending money on any necessities!)
You and your husband need to take back control of your house! You and he make the money, and pay the bills, and make the decisions-not your 7 year old!|||He is 7, and is asking for an iPhone? That is absolutely ridiculous.
Teach him to do household chores (to make YOUR lives easier) and pay him accordingly, so that he can save up for the things he wants. Unless and until he is ready to buy his own clothes, he wears what you buy him. And explain to him that no matter how much he %26quot;thinks%26quot; he wants something, some things (for example, iPhones) are just not reasonable.|||How did you and your sister-in-law/brother-in-law let your kids get so bad? Make it clear that since it is your money which you work for you choose where to spend it. They can start picking their store when they earn their own money. Also make it clear that your son does not get rewarded everytime for a report card because good grades are expected and not to be ALWAYS celebrated. A %26quot;good job%26quot; or maybe a special meal should be enough. It%26#039;s not parents these days, it%26#039;s whoever spoils their child. My nieces and nephews are very well behaved and don%26#039;t even know the name of the store their clothes are from. Sounds like people in your family are too materialistic. Your son should just be happy he%26#039;s got a cell phone period considering he%26#039;s seven.|||I think that we parents get our kids used to wearing expensive stuff then of course they%26#039;ll demand it when they get older. My son doesn%26#039;t really care but we don%26#039;t make a huge deal about buying him things from known brands. We do sometimes but it is not a must. As long as they are clothed and fed.|||that wouldnt be my son he is told you wear what we can afford and like it. your the parent put your foot down and your kids doesnt need any cell phone hes too young to be anywhere alone
this is your fault because you started it|||You need to start good money managment skills NOW! Hes 7 and already bargening..
Give him a weekely allowance ( I gave my kids 10 /wk)..anything that is not a neseccity that he wants,he will have to save and pay for....10/wk..heck,he%26#039;ll be able to get an Iphone in a few years!..Its not okay for him to demand what kind of clothes he is going to wear..once he learns the concept of money and how it is earned and saved,he will understand the reasond why walmart is so much better then the And DO REWARD EXTRA for good report want to encourage this now,so he has a good concept of why he wants to get good grades.... 20$ for each A, and 10$ for each B is how we did it,but you can do any varieation....We never rewarded c%26#039;s or below..and our kids kept themselves on the honoroll..they knew they could get an extra 120 bucks every few months if they kept up the good. food dont have to use money can have him pick out a toy that he wants out of the sunday paper,and hang the picture of it on the fridge..and tell him %26quot;If you get ___ A%26#039;s,mommy will get you this toy%26quot;..that way he has SOMETHING to work his age..if there isnt some light at the end of the tunnle,its not worth it.|||You needed to say the word NO when he was a year old.
He is old enough to have a allowance and if he saves money, he can buy small items. This gives him a sense of the value of money. You keep giving him things, you are the looser right now and both of you will loose big time as he gets older. What I am trying to say is, teach him the value of money. He needs this in order not to over spend in later childhood years and his adult life.|||Sounds just like my oldest...she%26#039;s 7 too and will not wear anything but Limited Too which is horrible because she%26#039;s really small and the clothes practically fell off of her all last year!! She too has a cell phone, it%26#039;s only an extra 9.99 a month and she doesn%26#039;t really waste any of our minutes because she really has noone to call, but it made me feel better knowing she has easy access to a call for help in an emergency. My 5 year old son has a firefly cell phone, i programmed in all the numbers he is allowed to call and it is really cheap, but again it gives me peace of mind! They too constantly bargain with me even though they don%26#039;t realize it, like when i tell them to eat there vegetables, they make offers like if i only have to eat half of them i will clear the table! At the end of the day though i feel better with myself knowing that i told them no to at least one thing they wanted during the day and as long as they know i am in control i think it%26#039;s harmless! So i suggest you tell him no once in a while and it will make you feel better! As for the clothes....i try and trick my daughter sometimes!! Especially with bathing suits because Ltd2%26#039;s are sooo expensive! Anyways i cut the tags off of her outgrown limited too clothes and sew them on before i give it to her, she then thinks its from there and she will wear it!|||I would tell our daughter that she can buy what she likes, so long as she pays the difference. When we would buy school clothes, we would alot the amount of money it would take to buy the clothes at Target or Wal-Mart. If she wanted something different, she would have to fund the difference. Needless to say, her tastes in clothing brands changed rather quickly. Don%26#039;t be suckered into feeling guilty. Not EVERY kid wears name brand stuff. Don%26#039;t believe it? go to a mall on a Saturday. You will see SOME kids with the pac sun and holister clothes, but not all and probably not more than 35%. Don%26#039;t buy into the costly brand name clothes.|||Wow, I wonder what you%26#039;ve taught him. You know a lot of times when our children act like this it%26#039;s really hard to acknowledge that we are actually the problem. My son is nine and would never ask me for such things. How can you allow your seven year old child to have a sell phone. I do award my son good report cards but I reward him with things that make common sense. For example last year he won author of the month. So I bought him things to encourage hime to write. When he won reader of the month we bought him books. I would never reward him with clothes. I think that%26#039;s just asking for trouble. I know for a fact my son%26#039;s class mates don%26#039;t wear those kinds of clothes and neither does my son.|||The greatest and longer lasting gift you can teach your children is about finances and what it takes to live in today society. Other than saying no, set up a bank account for them, and then set allowance limit for grades/chores/etc. If they want something that you deem unreasonable, make them save up for it with their allowance. That way it will make them think twice if they really want it, and hopefully make them respect their stuff more. They probably won%26#039;t like the idea, cause that means they will have to wait for their %26quot;now%26quot; wants, you will have to be strong and turn deaf ears, which will be hard, I know. Good luck!|||first does your 7 year old now what gap is?? at his age the only store he should be aware of is k-bee toys or something like that? iphone?? no offense, he sounds spoiled and maybe its the lifestyle you live...if your whole focus is around material things it will def rub off on your kids|||Your 7 yr old son DEMANDS clothes and cell phones???
Girl, it%26#039;s time to start acting like an adult. Say it with me now
%26quot;I will not buy that for you%26quot;
If he%26#039;s like this at 7 and you give in you will have one heck of a teenage horror on your hands.
Everytime he get a good report card, he expect something from us|||I think that you are describing two spoiled boys, due to no other credit than yourselves! 7 year old with a cell phone? So what if its an %26quot;old one.%26quot; When they get %26quot;new ones%26quot; give back the old ones or cut the service to them. Gosh, this is why he%26#039;s asking for an iphone..he already has a regular cell phone. Kids will ask for more that what they have, but it%26#039;s the parents%26#039; responsibilty to teach them limits. You need to become the parent and put your foot down and start telling them they are going to get clothes where it%26#039;s affordable. And even if you have the money to shop there, it sounds like you%26#039;re not teaching your children the value of money and the responsibility that you carry to teach them to be good stewards of their money (possibly because you aren%26#039;t good stewards of your own own money??).
If you do try to change your ways and get back on the parenting track, then I would advise you to stay away from awarding good behavior with material items. Instead, if your children do good, or get good grades then the whole family can plan a special family outing or devote some one-on -one time for the reward. And if your nephews are coming to you for rewards, then be firm and do the same; reward with some activities instead of material items.
Here are some links below that perhaps will help you with budgeting your money and get you on the right track that material items aren%26#039;t eveything:
God Bless you!|||You tell them to get a job and pay for those things themselves if they want them.|||you learn to say the word ..........NO to your children when they demand unreasonable or expensive things|||Learn To Say NO! How old is he?|||He only does what he knows you will let him do. Put your foot down. Let him know that he isn%26#039;t the only one in the world and you have bills to pay and you have to feed him too. Don%26#039;t let him become the head of the household. You will be miserable if you do.|||grown ups make the rules.......that%26#039;s what makes us different from the children who follow them|||Tell her that when she is old enough to get a job, she can go wherever she wants and buy things. Until then, she%26#039;ll get what we give her. That%26#039;ll be the day that I bargain with my child.|||I took a lesson supernanny. I use tokens to award and disipline my kids. Tokens go towards purchases they want. It%26#039;s a lesson on the value of money as well as teaches how to save for what they really want.|||he is 7. he will wear what he is given. or he will be wearing a sore butt.|||Well...i feel a 7yr old should not know about brands....and i know at 7 its the parents who teach if you put emphasis on brands then it will carry to your child as it has done! If my son happened to get like that i know how to say NO to him and i wont buy it...he can go w/out if he wont accept what i give job as a mom is not to dress my child in expensive things its to give a nurturing, positive, loving environment and provid him w/ food, shelter, and clothing....that does not mean the most expensive stuff....My son may have name brand stuff, but only b/c i bought it on a sale rack or a yard sale! I dont emphasize name brand to my child and never will......|||well if all he has is what you let him have then he%26#039;ll have to wear it...I doubt hed run around naked!!|||You have to learn to say no.You don%26#039;t have to show your love for them by spending ridiculous amounts of money on them.I have no children(I am 18),but that%26#039;s what my parents did.|||You definitely need to sit down and explain finances. It doesn%26#039;t really matter if he doesn%26#039;t understand bills, etc... it%26#039;s the value of a dollar that he needs to grasp. That%26#039;s ridiculous and insane. He cannot expect you to buy him such things (like a $450 Iphone)- you just have to put the smack down! Your husband has to be in agreeance too, or the disciplining will never work!|||Your son is 7 years old, he is already brand conscious? and he wants an Iphone? ok, if this were my son, seriously, I would sit him down and tell him that he has a choice, he can either have the phone or he can get his clothes from good will and regarding the report card, well, I would tell him that I will discontinue the monetary rewards because even though I want him to do well in school if he doesn%26#039;t he%26#039;ll be held back a year and that he will not enjoy that, and it isn%26#039;t hurting you any for him to re take all his classes but him.|||Its like this, they don%26#039;t get it.
I have a 9 and 7 yr old. They would %26quot;love%26quot; to have all the cool things, and ya know they do, but, they work for it.
My 9 yr old, cleans, helps cooks, folds and puts away laundry, helps pull weeds etc.
My 7yr old, loads and unloads dishwasher, scrapes plates, mops, vacumes. etc.
They earn $5 a week. I take them to slackers they found a gameboy for $60. didn%26#039;t have enough money just so happend a girl had two and she was trading them in, we got both for $30. so what they had a scratch on the outside, they weren%26#039;t pink, but my kids are happy with them.
Everything they have, they work for. Nothing is just %26quot;given%26quot; to them. Those nephews of yours, will amount to nothing in life except loafers. Their mom and dad really need to put a stop to it now. There is not affording their life styles. Its kids need to accept how things are, they do NOT rule, parents do.|||Parents need to stand together on big issues. He is too young for a cell phone. Tell him when he%26#039;s a teen-ager you%26#039;ll discuss it.
Even if parents can afford the life styles, they shouldn%26#039;t give in to everything. Kids don%26#039;t need or want to be in charge. Step up to the plate.|||well tell them to get a job and buy them themselves but for now wear what i can afford and if u don%26#039;t like it tough crap as far as the report card goes with the good grade u can say great job honey we knew u could do it!!!hes 7 and has a cell phone hes already has one up on my 10 yr she doesn%26#039;t even have that.
normal parents that work a 40 hr a week job with bills cant afford those clothes my opinion yr only paying for the name A%26amp;F is way tooooo expensive
just remember u not giving in to his demands will make him a better man when he grows up and not a slacker and thinks that he only has to ask to get what he wants and u buy it . give him little jobs around the house and set an allowence to $5 per week and then let him but what he wants when he has the money he earned|||Your 7 year old is obviously in charge of your house right now. He needs to realize that he%26#039;s going to be leaving the house without clothes if he doesn%26#039;t wear what you buy him. He has no sense of fiscal responsibility and it%26#039;s probably about time to sit down and have a talk about it and his responsibilites to your family, and when he fulfills those responsibilities, he will receive his allowance. Spell out what exactly he is responsible for, and what you expect him to use his allowance to purchase. If he does not fulfill his responsibilities, he should not receive his allowance. He should not receive any awards for good grades, those are part of his familial responsibility, but he should have other chores around the house, like emptying the dishwasher, taking out the garbage, vacuming and dusting-along with keeping his room clean.
(An I-Phone for a 7 YEAR OLD???????????? Tell him how many weeks allowance he needs to earn to buy it without spending money on any necessities!)
You and your husband need to take back control of your house! You and he make the money, and pay the bills, and make the decisions-not your 7 year old!|||He is 7, and is asking for an iPhone? That is absolutely ridiculous.
Teach him to do household chores (to make YOUR lives easier) and pay him accordingly, so that he can save up for the things he wants. Unless and until he is ready to buy his own clothes, he wears what you buy him. And explain to him that no matter how much he %26quot;thinks%26quot; he wants something, some things (for example, iPhones) are just not reasonable.|||How did you and your sister-in-law/brother-in-law let your kids get so bad? Make it clear that since it is your money which you work for you choose where to spend it. They can start picking their store when they earn their own money. Also make it clear that your son does not get rewarded everytime for a report card because good grades are expected and not to be ALWAYS celebrated. A %26quot;good job%26quot; or maybe a special meal should be enough. It%26#039;s not parents these days, it%26#039;s whoever spoils their child. My nieces and nephews are very well behaved and don%26#039;t even know the name of the store their clothes are from. Sounds like people in your family are too materialistic. Your son should just be happy he%26#039;s got a cell phone period considering he%26#039;s seven.|||I think that we parents get our kids used to wearing expensive stuff then of course they%26#039;ll demand it when they get older. My son doesn%26#039;t really care but we don%26#039;t make a huge deal about buying him things from known brands. We do sometimes but it is not a must. As long as they are clothed and fed.|||that wouldnt be my son he is told you wear what we can afford and like it. your the parent put your foot down and your kids doesnt need any cell phone hes too young to be anywhere alone
this is your fault because you started it|||You need to start good money managment skills NOW! Hes 7 and already bargening..
Give him a weekely allowance ( I gave my kids 10 /wk)..anything that is not a neseccity that he wants,he will have to save and pay for....10/wk..heck,he%26#039;ll be able to get an Iphone in a few years!..Its not okay for him to demand what kind of clothes he is going to wear..once he learns the concept of money and how it is earned and saved,he will understand the reasond why walmart is so much better then the And DO REWARD EXTRA for good report want to encourage this now,so he has a good concept of why he wants to get good grades.... 20$ for each A, and 10$ for each B is how we did it,but you can do any varieation....We never rewarded c%26#039;s or below..and our kids kept themselves on the honoroll..they knew they could get an extra 120 bucks every few months if they kept up the good. food dont have to use money can have him pick out a toy that he wants out of the sunday paper,and hang the picture of it on the fridge..and tell him %26quot;If you get ___ A%26#039;s,mommy will get you this toy%26quot;..that way he has SOMETHING to work his age..if there isnt some light at the end of the tunnle,its not worth it.|||You needed to say the word NO when he was a year old.
He is old enough to have a allowance and if he saves money, he can buy small items. This gives him a sense of the value of money. You keep giving him things, you are the looser right now and both of you will loose big time as he gets older. What I am trying to say is, teach him the value of money. He needs this in order not to over spend in later childhood years and his adult life.|||Sounds just like my oldest...she%26#039;s 7 too and will not wear anything but Limited Too which is horrible because she%26#039;s really small and the clothes practically fell off of her all last year!! She too has a cell phone, it%26#039;s only an extra 9.99 a month and she doesn%26#039;t really waste any of our minutes because she really has noone to call, but it made me feel better knowing she has easy access to a call for help in an emergency. My 5 year old son has a firefly cell phone, i programmed in all the numbers he is allowed to call and it is really cheap, but again it gives me peace of mind! They too constantly bargain with me even though they don%26#039;t realize it, like when i tell them to eat there vegetables, they make offers like if i only have to eat half of them i will clear the table! At the end of the day though i feel better with myself knowing that i told them no to at least one thing they wanted during the day and as long as they know i am in control i think it%26#039;s harmless! So i suggest you tell him no once in a while and it will make you feel better! As for the clothes....i try and trick my daughter sometimes!! Especially with bathing suits because Ltd2%26#039;s are sooo expensive! Anyways i cut the tags off of her outgrown limited too clothes and sew them on before i give it to her, she then thinks its from there and she will wear it!|||I would tell our daughter that she can buy what she likes, so long as she pays the difference. When we would buy school clothes, we would alot the amount of money it would take to buy the clothes at Target or Wal-Mart. If she wanted something different, she would have to fund the difference. Needless to say, her tastes in clothing brands changed rather quickly. Don%26#039;t be suckered into feeling guilty. Not EVERY kid wears name brand stuff. Don%26#039;t believe it? go to a mall on a Saturday. You will see SOME kids with the pac sun and holister clothes, but not all and probably not more than 35%. Don%26#039;t buy into the costly brand name clothes.|||Wow, I wonder what you%26#039;ve taught him. You know a lot of times when our children act like this it%26#039;s really hard to acknowledge that we are actually the problem. My son is nine and would never ask me for such things. How can you allow your seven year old child to have a sell phone. I do award my son good report cards but I reward him with things that make common sense. For example last year he won author of the month. So I bought him things to encourage hime to write. When he won reader of the month we bought him books. I would never reward him with clothes. I think that%26#039;s just asking for trouble. I know for a fact my son%26#039;s class mates don%26#039;t wear those kinds of clothes and neither does my son.|||The greatest and longer lasting gift you can teach your children is about finances and what it takes to live in today society. Other than saying no, set up a bank account for them, and then set allowance limit for grades/chores/etc. If they want something that you deem unreasonable, make them save up for it with their allowance. That way it will make them think twice if they really want it, and hopefully make them respect their stuff more. They probably won%26#039;t like the idea, cause that means they will have to wait for their %26quot;now%26quot; wants, you will have to be strong and turn deaf ears, which will be hard, I know. Good luck!|||first does your 7 year old now what gap is?? at his age the only store he should be aware of is k-bee toys or something like that? iphone?? no offense, he sounds spoiled and maybe its the lifestyle you live...if your whole focus is around material things it will def rub off on your kids|||Your 7 yr old son DEMANDS clothes and cell phones???
Girl, it%26#039;s time to start acting like an adult. Say it with me now
%26quot;I will not buy that for you%26quot;
If he%26#039;s like this at 7 and you give in you will have one heck of a teenage horror on your hands.
How do you like this one????????????
A mom and dad were worried about their son not wanting to learn math at the school he was in, so they decided to send him to a Catholic school. After the first day of school, their son comes racing into the house, goes straight into his room and slams the door shut. Mom and dad are a little worried about this and go to his room to see if he is okay. They find him sitting at his desk doing his homework. The boy keeps doing that for the rest of the year. At the end of the year the son brings home his report card and gives it to his mom and dad. Looking at it they see under math an A+.
Mom and dad are very happy and ask the son, %26quot;What changed your mind about learning math?%26quot;
The son looked at mom and dad and said, %26quot;Well, on the first day when I walked into the classroom, I saw a guy nailed to the plus sign at the back of the room behind the teacher%26#039;s desk and I knew they meant business.%26quot;
***STAR IF YOU LIKED IT***|||Now I%26#039;m sending all my kids to Cathlic school.|||Pretty funny.Ive actually heard it though.|||I wouldn%26#039;t wanna get nailed on a plus sign myself. lol.|||* haha!|||Haha, funny lame.|||One who likes may give stars
One who dislikes???? What should he give. Moon, Sun, Earth ...... what..... and how many|||okay not that funny|||another 1950%26#039;s joke. boo|||It%26#039;s cute.|||haha? haha. haha! kinda long... punchline not delivered soon enough...
Mom and dad are very happy and ask the son, %26quot;What changed your mind about learning math?%26quot;
The son looked at mom and dad and said, %26quot;Well, on the first day when I walked into the classroom, I saw a guy nailed to the plus sign at the back of the room behind the teacher%26#039;s desk and I knew they meant business.%26quot;
***STAR IF YOU LIKED IT***|||Now I%26#039;m sending all my kids to Cathlic school.|||Pretty funny.Ive actually heard it though.|||I wouldn%26#039;t wanna get nailed on a plus sign myself. lol.|||* haha!|||Haha, funny lame.|||One who likes may give stars
One who dislikes???? What should he give. Moon, Sun, Earth ...... what..... and how many|||okay not that funny|||another 1950%26#039;s joke. boo|||It%26#039;s cute.|||haha? haha. haha! kinda long... punchline not delivered soon enough...
Cleaning up credit report?
I recently printed out a copy of my credit report. It shows credit cards that I used years ago as paid but open accounts. Should I contact each credit card and have them changed to %26quot;paid and closed%26quot;? How does closing paid credit card accounts effect your credit?|||Contrary to logic, it%26#039;s not always best to close old, unused accounts. It can make the overall credit rating worse. Check out the linked article below. It explains how closing those accounts will affect a credit rating.|||having too many open credit cards will make it seem like you have access to way too much credit. it can negatively impact your credit score.
if they are all closed, they should have sent you letters indicating this. make copies and send to each credit bureau to indicate the closure. if you don%26#039;t have those letters, contact the bureaus and tell them of the discrepancy and make them verify the accounts. they should be able to figure out that the accounts are closed. all you should have to do is indicate that your report has errors. most credit report printouts have space to indicate errors or corrections.|||It will hurt your score. Before you consider closing them, go to the link below.
Here is why.
Part of your score relates to your debt to credit ration. That is the differance between how much credit you have, and how much you owe on it.
Take this example. You have 4 credit cards. Two of them have a zero balance, with a $5000 credit limit. One has a $7000 limit and $1500 balance, the third has a $1000 limit with $200 balance.
So that means you have $1700 in debt, with a total credit limit of $18,000. Your debt/credit ratio is an great looking 9%.
Now lets cancel those two empty cards and close them out. You still have a debt of $1700, but now you have a credit limit of $8,000. Your new debt/credit ratio is 21%. Reasonable, but nowhere near as nice looking as 9%. Your credit score will drop due to the change.
If you have a huge number of cards, consider canceling them 1 at a time over a few months. It%26#039;s fine to have 4-6 cards, that%26#039;s not going to hurt your score.
Go to the link below and read up about how your FICO score is actually put together. This site is from the folks to actually designed the system.
if they are all closed, they should have sent you letters indicating this. make copies and send to each credit bureau to indicate the closure. if you don%26#039;t have those letters, contact the bureaus and tell them of the discrepancy and make them verify the accounts. they should be able to figure out that the accounts are closed. all you should have to do is indicate that your report has errors. most credit report printouts have space to indicate errors or corrections.|||It will hurt your score. Before you consider closing them, go to the link below.
Here is why.
Part of your score relates to your debt to credit ration. That is the differance between how much credit you have, and how much you owe on it.
Take this example. You have 4 credit cards. Two of them have a zero balance, with a $5000 credit limit. One has a $7000 limit and $1500 balance, the third has a $1000 limit with $200 balance.
So that means you have $1700 in debt, with a total credit limit of $18,000. Your debt/credit ratio is an great looking 9%.
Now lets cancel those two empty cards and close them out. You still have a debt of $1700, but now you have a credit limit of $8,000. Your new debt/credit ratio is 21%. Reasonable, but nowhere near as nice looking as 9%. Your credit score will drop due to the change.
If you have a huge number of cards, consider canceling them 1 at a time over a few months. It%26#039;s fine to have 4-6 cards, that%26#039;s not going to hurt your score.
Go to the link below and read up about how your FICO score is actually put together. This site is from the folks to actually designed the system.
What is the Highest 'Level' That Can be Taken in High School?
I am starting high school next week for my first time, so I don%26#039;t understand their system yet.
To help me get a better understanding, what is the highest level that can be taken? And when can it be taken? What is the next best thing?
Also, when transferring from grade 8 (Middle School) to Grade 9 (high school), have my classes already been chosen for me depending on my report card and strengths from the last year? If so, can I change this, and how?
Thank you for your time!|||The highest level classes are AP ( advanced placement) courses. Usually they are not offered to freshman, Then there are CP1 and CP2 courses ( college prep courses) and honors classes. Your levels are determined by your middle school transcripts, but you can always talk with your guidance counselor about changing your levels .|||A.P ( advanced placement) classes are the highest placement
To help me get a better understanding, what is the highest level that can be taken? And when can it be taken? What is the next best thing?
Also, when transferring from grade 8 (Middle School) to Grade 9 (high school), have my classes already been chosen for me depending on my report card and strengths from the last year? If so, can I change this, and how?
Thank you for your time!|||The highest level classes are AP ( advanced placement) courses. Usually they are not offered to freshman, Then there are CP1 and CP2 courses ( college prep courses) and honors classes. Your levels are determined by your middle school transcripts, but you can always talk with your guidance counselor about changing your levels .|||A.P ( advanced placement) classes are the highest placement
What to do to change your name?
I want to change my name. However, I have not much idea.
I need to know what do I must do. I%26#039;ve found a business that it%26#039;s reported to the BBB as an excellent business with 0 complaints.
The guys will do everything for me... they will send my documents and all that thing. However, what after?
I have credit cards, a car loan, a car title, car insurance, checking accounts and I%26#039;m self employed, we share SSies for payments and that stuff. Driver%26#039;s license and passport.
Will my social security change? I have an excellent credit history, will it %26quot;reset%26quot; to zero? How can I transmit my credit history as My Name to my new social security below my New Name?
Thanks a lot for you help!!!!|||I changed my last name several years ago after I got married, and it is a pain getting all the important things changed - SS card, passport, driver%26#039;s license, etc, etc. Your credit history should not change. My SS # stayed the same.
Also, if you want to represent yourself in getting your name changed you can download instructions and fillable forms from for just $20.|||Change your name to Bindy Shingles and i will love you.. for your question.. i have no idea.. good day to you ...uh mam? sir?
sorry i didnt get the time to look! XD|||o.k if you want to pay for the change is you choice, after that you have to change everything in every single place you have credit, but I can tell you I change my name last year including at the social security office, you won%26#039;t get a new number but your old name will stay in your personal record , and it is a pain in the neck to change everything trust me even my heath insurance uses both of my names good luck
I need to know what do I must do. I%26#039;ve found a business that it%26#039;s reported to the BBB as an excellent business with 0 complaints.
The guys will do everything for me... they will send my documents and all that thing. However, what after?
I have credit cards, a car loan, a car title, car insurance, checking accounts and I%26#039;m self employed, we share SSies for payments and that stuff. Driver%26#039;s license and passport.
Will my social security change? I have an excellent credit history, will it %26quot;reset%26quot; to zero? How can I transmit my credit history as My Name to my new social security below my New Name?
Thanks a lot for you help!!!!|||I changed my last name several years ago after I got married, and it is a pain getting all the important things changed - SS card, passport, driver%26#039;s license, etc, etc. Your credit history should not change. My SS # stayed the same.
Also, if you want to represent yourself in getting your name changed you can download instructions and fillable forms from for just $20.|||Change your name to Bindy Shingles and i will love you.. for your question.. i have no idea.. good day to you ...uh mam? sir?
sorry i didnt get the time to look! XD|||o.k if you want to pay for the change is you choice, after that you have to change everything in every single place you have credit, but I can tell you I change my name last year including at the social security office, you won%26#039;t get a new number but your old name will stay in your personal record , and it is a pain in the neck to change everything trust me even my heath insurance uses both of my names good luck
My younger sister hates me wants to kill me because i told on her?
my sister is 15 in grade 10 and i am 20 we are Asian
my sister gave her report card and my dad gave her 200 dollars because she got 4 A
in math, biology, physical education (PE), Spanish
i found it suspicious because the school phones all the time that she not at class so we all know she skips a lot of classes and my family never seen her study and she talk long hours on the phone with this girl from another school who is younger plus she is lazy and unorganized and i know she don%26#039;t even try so no way can she get an A in PE
so in my computer i saw many report card copies
when i click on one it different from the next so then i knew she fake her report card
i told my dad that maybe her report is fake he should go see principal to see real version
my dad said if she fake it he can not tell them because he is scared they might kick her out of the school for changing the real copy i told him it not like she changed it from the school she just cheated on him . He asked her and she said it is real
the next morning my dad made up his mind i guess he spend all night thinking about it so he confront her he yelled at her saying no way can you get good grades in the end she showed her real report card and he showed me the real and fake the real one is yellow paper and fake is white so she fail Spanish but got b in math and bio she dropped PE there was no mark there
my dad ask for his money back but she spend it on her ipod
i told my dad he should take away the ipod she didn%26#039;t earn it and that she don%26#039;t even feel guilty if you were guilty you would have not spend it
i notice my tunes $50 dollars gift card my parents won it from a draw gave it to me so i can sell it
it was missing i ask her about it and she kept ignoring until finally she told she took it and sold one
i told my dad that she stole the tunes and sold it she stole my money before i yelled at her before that if you take my stuff without asking me that is stealing
she was planing to run away from home but my dad came out to stop her
later on she came to my room and almost threw a heavy bottle at me but instead she threw it on the ground later my youngest sister told me she was planing to smack me with a textbook
she really want to kill me and beat me up
my sister who is 15 said it was my fault that i told him and she didn%26#039;t tell my dad when i failed my driver test on the computer im like so they found out and wanted to see proof about it she said by failing i cheat on my dad money that was 30 dollars not 200 i told her and i paid it with the money i got from new years he didn%26#039;t give me money
im like ya i told about your report card but not on you running away i said to her i don%26#039;t care if you do, so why would i tell on you about it i want you to go away she keeps telling me to shut up
my dad told he will forget about it but she can not it again
i don%26#039;t think she even wants to forget because my dad called for breakfast today and she didn%26#039;t come i said to him you want to forget how come she still ignoring you that means she wont let it go
she blaming it all on me that i told my dad about her report card i think my dad should ship her to china and live in those village where my mom is from
i am tired of her altitude thinking it all my fault and not even thinking of the wrong she did
how should i handle it? is it any of my fault should i not tell
if you saw someone stealing shouldn%26#039;t you tell the police|||sounds like your sis is a very difficult teenager... this is really something your parents have to deal with, I%26#039;m afraid you can%26#039;t do that much
your parents have to give her the same strict education...|||Some things one needs to do because it is the right thing to do. What you did was the right thing to do. If you need protection from you sister, hire a bodyguard. :) OF COURSE, she%26#039;ll blame it all on you. That is what folks do when they cannot take responsibility for their own actions. You have done a good thing. Keep up the good work!!!|||%26quot;How should I handle it?%26quot;
I think you should just stop worrying about it, but since you%26#039;ve already told your father, all you should do now is stay away from the situation. Soon enough everyone will have forgot about it, just don%26#039;t bring it up for a few days. Good luck with everything, and next time leave your sister alone, she wouldn%26#039;t have faked her report card if she didn%26#039;t care, so obviously she still cares.|||ok im asian too (korean specifically) and i dont talk to my brother anymore (im 23 hes a year older) cus he did the same sh*t u did and always told on my parents when it couldve been avoided. he couldve just talked to me about it first instead of getting me in trouble to my parents like u did with ur sis. trust me, she really hates u now and i wouldnt be surprised if she stopped talking to u. and she didnt tell on u but u told on her which is what my bro did all the time and he was a hypocrite. u couldve at least talked to ur sister and told her either use the $200 for the family or ur gonna tell ur dad about the report card. she woulda still been pissed but at least u warned her first. when ur sister starts to give u an attitude and stops talking to u, dont wonder why shes bein a b*tch and ask urself what u did wrong.
my sister gave her report card and my dad gave her 200 dollars because she got 4 A
in math, biology, physical education (PE), Spanish
i found it suspicious because the school phones all the time that she not at class so we all know she skips a lot of classes and my family never seen her study and she talk long hours on the phone with this girl from another school who is younger plus she is lazy and unorganized and i know she don%26#039;t even try so no way can she get an A in PE
so in my computer i saw many report card copies
when i click on one it different from the next so then i knew she fake her report card
i told my dad that maybe her report is fake he should go see principal to see real version
my dad said if she fake it he can not tell them because he is scared they might kick her out of the school for changing the real copy i told him it not like she changed it from the school she just cheated on him . He asked her and she said it is real
the next morning my dad made up his mind i guess he spend all night thinking about it so he confront her he yelled at her saying no way can you get good grades in the end she showed her real report card and he showed me the real and fake the real one is yellow paper and fake is white so she fail Spanish but got b in math and bio she dropped PE there was no mark there
my dad ask for his money back but she spend it on her ipod
i told my dad he should take away the ipod she didn%26#039;t earn it and that she don%26#039;t even feel guilty if you were guilty you would have not spend it
i notice my tunes $50 dollars gift card my parents won it from a draw gave it to me so i can sell it
it was missing i ask her about it and she kept ignoring until finally she told she took it and sold one
i told my dad that she stole the tunes and sold it she stole my money before i yelled at her before that if you take my stuff without asking me that is stealing
she was planing to run away from home but my dad came out to stop her
later on she came to my room and almost threw a heavy bottle at me but instead she threw it on the ground later my youngest sister told me she was planing to smack me with a textbook
she really want to kill me and beat me up
my sister who is 15 said it was my fault that i told him and she didn%26#039;t tell my dad when i failed my driver test on the computer im like so they found out and wanted to see proof about it she said by failing i cheat on my dad money that was 30 dollars not 200 i told her and i paid it with the money i got from new years he didn%26#039;t give me money
im like ya i told about your report card but not on you running away i said to her i don%26#039;t care if you do, so why would i tell on you about it i want you to go away she keeps telling me to shut up
my dad told he will forget about it but she can not it again
i don%26#039;t think she even wants to forget because my dad called for breakfast today and she didn%26#039;t come i said to him you want to forget how come she still ignoring you that means she wont let it go
she blaming it all on me that i told my dad about her report card i think my dad should ship her to china and live in those village where my mom is from
i am tired of her altitude thinking it all my fault and not even thinking of the wrong she did
how should i handle it? is it any of my fault should i not tell
if you saw someone stealing shouldn%26#039;t you tell the police|||sounds like your sis is a very difficult teenager... this is really something your parents have to deal with, I%26#039;m afraid you can%26#039;t do that much
your parents have to give her the same strict education...|||Some things one needs to do because it is the right thing to do. What you did was the right thing to do. If you need protection from you sister, hire a bodyguard. :) OF COURSE, she%26#039;ll blame it all on you. That is what folks do when they cannot take responsibility for their own actions. You have done a good thing. Keep up the good work!!!|||%26quot;How should I handle it?%26quot;
I think you should just stop worrying about it, but since you%26#039;ve already told your father, all you should do now is stay away from the situation. Soon enough everyone will have forgot about it, just don%26#039;t bring it up for a few days. Good luck with everything, and next time leave your sister alone, she wouldn%26#039;t have faked her report card if she didn%26#039;t care, so obviously she still cares.|||ok im asian too (korean specifically) and i dont talk to my brother anymore (im 23 hes a year older) cus he did the same sh*t u did and always told on my parents when it couldve been avoided. he couldve just talked to me about it first instead of getting me in trouble to my parents like u did with ur sis. trust me, she really hates u now and i wouldnt be surprised if she stopped talking to u. and she didnt tell on u but u told on her which is what my bro did all the time and he was a hypocrite. u couldve at least talked to ur sister and told her either use the $200 for the family or ur gonna tell ur dad about the report card. she woulda still been pissed but at least u warned her first. when ur sister starts to give u an attitude and stops talking to u, dont wonder why shes bein a b*tch and ask urself what u did wrong.
Ever heard of this happening? Identify TakeOver Scam So Beware!?
Imagine this. Someone where u work gets access to your personal infosuch as ssn, dob etc. They might need to make buy w/o their spouse knowing. They open up some charge cards in your name w/o your knowledge - get the statements- you never see them - charge on them - make payments to them. Even use cards you are aware of -you report charges not yours - payments not yours. you spot charges that are not yours - you spot payments not yours - you tell them there was an error - they send you a letter confirming - they change your credit card number to stop the fraud - but then the card comes to you at work, the person is once again aware of your new card number- Again the same thing happens - charges and payments not yours..... where might this be going? .
Well , imagine this type of identity scam - 4-5 years later and you are now being sued for any money that they CLAIM they paid on your cards!! Credit companies say it is rare - but it has happened. years later - how do you defend ?|||About 2 years ago, a best friend of mine said her best friend wanted to have a charge card but her parents would not let her. When she went away to college, her roommate had several cards. She kind of got a hold of her roommates charge card numbers, and charged things and yeah, then she paid on her roommates bills. She opened up two or three cards in her roommates name, and actually got pretty lucky cuz she got to then have her own cards. She got her roommates social number and date of birth and managed to get the mail before her roommate could get the mail. Just before graduation, 4 years later,this girl and her boyfriend had an idea so they went to the police and and told them that the roommate promised to pay back all the money that she wrote in checks for the charge cards that were in the other persons name. Kind of sounds the same type of thing. And, it sounds like people will do just about anything to take something from someone else. What you should do is find out what the card companies will do when you tell them what has gone on. Oh, and by the way, this guy and girl lost - they did not get money from her roommate . Why? because she opened accounts that the roommate did not know about. They said she did not benefit from those accounts and they were fraud accounts.
Well , imagine this type of identity scam - 4-5 years later and you are now being sued for any money that they CLAIM they paid on your cards!! Credit companies say it is rare - but it has happened. years later - how do you defend ?|||About 2 years ago, a best friend of mine said her best friend wanted to have a charge card but her parents would not let her. When she went away to college, her roommate had several cards. She kind of got a hold of her roommates charge card numbers, and charged things and yeah, then she paid on her roommates bills. She opened up two or three cards in her roommates name, and actually got pretty lucky cuz she got to then have her own cards. She got her roommates social number and date of birth and managed to get the mail before her roommate could get the mail. Just before graduation, 4 years later,this girl and her boyfriend had an idea so they went to the police and and told them that the roommate promised to pay back all the money that she wrote in checks for the charge cards that were in the other persons name. Kind of sounds the same type of thing. And, it sounds like people will do just about anything to take something from someone else. What you should do is find out what the card companies will do when you tell them what has gone on. Oh, and by the way, this guy and girl lost - they did not get money from her roommate . Why? because she opened accounts that the roommate did not know about. They said she did not benefit from those accounts and they were fraud accounts.
Proofread my essay? not long?
This essay is suppossed to tell way to end youth violence in our community. Could you tell me if my grammar, ideas, and writing sounds good? What could be improved? and for the part where I left a line, does anyone have any good ideas for that part?
As most of us know, there are a colossal amount of youth violence issues here in
the Upper Darby community. These youth violence issues include things such as fighting, bullying, cyber-bullying, physical abuse and emotional abuse. These issues cause innumerable amounts of problems in the Upper Darby community that could easily be avoided or resolved. Because of this, I have come up with a few solutions for this bullying issue that I hope will be able to cease the bullying and change our community for the better.
My first solution is that our community could open a place where young people of all ages are welcome to come and hang out. At this place, activities for the children and teens could be provided. Lessons, such as ways to be nice, include everyone, and settle arguments in a civil way. These lessons could be taught in interesting and creative ways, such as ___________________.
Secondly, while growing up, children need to be taught that differences aren鈥檛 something to make fun of, but something to celebrate. I know that elementary schools in our community stress to teach their students this, but for some reason, it isn鈥檛 getting through to all of them. My idea would be to require more teamwork activities in school, maybe instead of having recess, the children could go outside for a little while, and work with everyone as a team to accomplish one goal together. This would teach the children at a young age, that including everyone and working together is the best way to get things done, even if the people you鈥檙e working with aren鈥檛 the same as you. I understand that some people may say that this isn鈥檛 education and shouldn鈥檛 be taught in school, but not all parents teach their children these things at home. One thing that I have learned from my school teachers this year, is that it doesn鈥檛 matter what letter grade comes out on your report card at the end of the marking period because that letter doesn鈥檛 represent the type of person you are. I think this is the most important thing I have learned in school this year, and yet it鈥檚 not even something I鈥檒l be tested on, but in my mind, it happens to matter a lot more than anything I ever will be tested on. This is why including teamwork excursuses in not only elementary, but all school curriculums would powerfully effect the way young people treat each other here in this community.
Lastly, my closing resolution isn鈥檛 originally mine, but I believe that although putting it into action may be a lot of work, the outcome would greatly change our community for the better, therefore, resulting in less youth violence. Now, I bet you have seen the 2004 movie, Mean Girls, which was written by a former Upper Darby High School attendee, Tina Fey. It鈥檚 a fact that this movie was based off of the way Upper Darby High School was when Tina Fey attended there, which shows the types of problems that occur in the Upper Darby High School, but may not be obvious. In this movie, Tina Fey shows how caddy and disrespectful teenaged girls are and the ways they bully their fellow classmates, and the ways in which guys can act towards each other and the girls in their school. The movie also shows a solution to this problem. The solution is that they gather all of the girls in the high school together for a day in the gym. They do exercises with the girls, allowing them to get to know each other better. The girls also tell their fellow peers about their at home life, and what makes them the person they are. With all of the girls talking about their problems, and learning more about each other, they begin to realize how bad it was to bully their peers. In the end, these excersize bring the girls in the high school closer together; resulting in less bullying issues. I believe that if we tried this out with both girls and boys in our middle schools and high schools, it would defiantly put a stop to a lot of the bullying going on.
These are the ways in which I would choose to end youth violence here in the Upper Darby community. I hope to see my ideas for a community center where we teach children to be better people, including team-working in the school curriculums and put into action someday resulting in a positive change, however, I can鈥檛 do this alone, and it would require teamwork with adults in this community in order for these things to work effectively.|||First thing I noticed is that you don%26#039;t have a thesis. The last sentence should tell what your going to talk about in the rest of the essay.
For example %26quot;The three things I believe that would reduce the violence are community centers, violence education, and positive media influence.%26quot;
Don%26#039;t know if that required for your essay but that%26#039;s usually a standard in all types of writing.
The beginning sentence of each paragraph should also explain what the rest of the paragraph should be about. You did that with your first body paragraph but not second.
Overall, great job, a lot better than most that I write =]
As most of us know, there are a colossal amount of youth violence issues here in
the Upper Darby community. These youth violence issues include things such as fighting, bullying, cyber-bullying, physical abuse and emotional abuse. These issues cause innumerable amounts of problems in the Upper Darby community that could easily be avoided or resolved. Because of this, I have come up with a few solutions for this bullying issue that I hope will be able to cease the bullying and change our community for the better.
My first solution is that our community could open a place where young people of all ages are welcome to come and hang out. At this place, activities for the children and teens could be provided. Lessons, such as ways to be nice, include everyone, and settle arguments in a civil way. These lessons could be taught in interesting and creative ways, such as ___________________.
Secondly, while growing up, children need to be taught that differences aren鈥檛 something to make fun of, but something to celebrate. I know that elementary schools in our community stress to teach their students this, but for some reason, it isn鈥檛 getting through to all of them. My idea would be to require more teamwork activities in school, maybe instead of having recess, the children could go outside for a little while, and work with everyone as a team to accomplish one goal together. This would teach the children at a young age, that including everyone and working together is the best way to get things done, even if the people you鈥檙e working with aren鈥檛 the same as you. I understand that some people may say that this isn鈥檛 education and shouldn鈥檛 be taught in school, but not all parents teach their children these things at home. One thing that I have learned from my school teachers this year, is that it doesn鈥檛 matter what letter grade comes out on your report card at the end of the marking period because that letter doesn鈥檛 represent the type of person you are. I think this is the most important thing I have learned in school this year, and yet it鈥檚 not even something I鈥檒l be tested on, but in my mind, it happens to matter a lot more than anything I ever will be tested on. This is why including teamwork excursuses in not only elementary, but all school curriculums would powerfully effect the way young people treat each other here in this community.
Lastly, my closing resolution isn鈥檛 originally mine, but I believe that although putting it into action may be a lot of work, the outcome would greatly change our community for the better, therefore, resulting in less youth violence. Now, I bet you have seen the 2004 movie, Mean Girls, which was written by a former Upper Darby High School attendee, Tina Fey. It鈥檚 a fact that this movie was based off of the way Upper Darby High School was when Tina Fey attended there, which shows the types of problems that occur in the Upper Darby High School, but may not be obvious. In this movie, Tina Fey shows how caddy and disrespectful teenaged girls are and the ways they bully their fellow classmates, and the ways in which guys can act towards each other and the girls in their school. The movie also shows a solution to this problem. The solution is that they gather all of the girls in the high school together for a day in the gym. They do exercises with the girls, allowing them to get to know each other better. The girls also tell their fellow peers about their at home life, and what makes them the person they are. With all of the girls talking about their problems, and learning more about each other, they begin to realize how bad it was to bully their peers. In the end, these excersize bring the girls in the high school closer together; resulting in less bullying issues. I believe that if we tried this out with both girls and boys in our middle schools and high schools, it would defiantly put a stop to a lot of the bullying going on.
These are the ways in which I would choose to end youth violence here in the Upper Darby community. I hope to see my ideas for a community center where we teach children to be better people, including team-working in the school curriculums and put into action someday resulting in a positive change, however, I can鈥檛 do this alone, and it would require teamwork with adults in this community in order for these things to work effectively.|||First thing I noticed is that you don%26#039;t have a thesis. The last sentence should tell what your going to talk about in the rest of the essay.
For example %26quot;The three things I believe that would reduce the violence are community centers, violence education, and positive media influence.%26quot;
Don%26#039;t know if that required for your essay but that%26#039;s usually a standard in all types of writing.
The beginning sentence of each paragraph should also explain what the rest of the paragraph should be about. You did that with your first body paragraph but not second.
Overall, great job, a lot better than most that I write =]
Help with my mom? Please?
please, i dont know where else to turn. my mom is so mean to me, i dont know why. she yells at me all the time for anything and evreything, i know she hates me . i%26#039;m only 15 and she makes me feel as if i dont deserve to make anything of my life, shes always telling me how ugly and stupid and mean and what a horrible person i am, she screams and screams at me and my dad for all of her problems and im always so depressed, thats why i like school so much, because i can excape from her and not think about how shell hurt my fellings when i get home. shes also extremely nosey beyond belief. when im gone in school or at a friends house shell go through my entire room and take everything apart and look through all my stuff, she reads my diary and evrything. i never have any privacy, ill go in my room for like two seconds to change clothes and ill come out and shell be standing there and she says: what were you doing in there? like i was doing drugs or something. its not fair, she says shes always hated me and she wishes i would just disapear out of her life. the only time she said she was sorry to me was when i was four years old and that was after she screamed in my face, also my little brother hates me too so she will be like to him: oh what a good boy, i love you so much, your so perfect...etc, and he always sucks up to her, i get pretty good grades and im trying really hard, and my little brother didnt because he never does his homework and shes like: oh your such a genius and you did so good on your report card! and she just looks at me and she points out all of the bad things about my grades. when shes going through my stuff she hides and rearanges my stuff and when i ask her where it is she just says that she never touched it. she is always telling how bad im doing and how perfect she was (no she wasnt, shes the biggest idiot ever) she always insults me to watch me cry, i have to admit i hate her and i always have to put up with her whinning and yelling and screaming, she always whines if she wants to go on a trip (to Europe) and my dad says no because he cant afford it so she yells at him about how selfish he is and then she takes it out on my when he leaves. every day its continuous toture. please PLEASE help me. i really am not whining i am truely asking for help. please just give me some advice. she acts like a spoild 5 year old and she cant control herself when she is in her moods. thankyou for listening and only serious answers please. thankyou so much! =)|||Sounds as if mom is a little Bipolar. You need to talk to dad about all the stuff going on and if he doesn%26#039;t believe you, record the yelling that she does to you when he isn%26#039;t home. Once he hears her attacking you maybe he will step up and do the right thing and get her out of the house or some help. If dad doesn%26#039;t step up, have a school counselor listen to the recording. What you mom is doing is called mental and psychological abuse. A counselor would have to report it and a court would make her get counseling.|||What is your father doing when your mother is acting like an idiot? Is he just sitting there watching tv or what? He needs to take some action and stop this insanity now.
You can%26#039;t do it on your own. You are the victim of abuse and you don%26#039;t deserve to be emotionally abused like this.
If all else fails talk with your school counselor. Let them know about the situation and that you and your family need help. Perhaps she could give your parents some guidance and information about family therapy? Sounds like it%26#039;s desperately needed.
You can%26#039;t do it on your own. You are the victim of abuse and you don%26#039;t deserve to be emotionally abused like this.
If all else fails talk with your school counselor. Let them know about the situation and that you and your family need help. Perhaps she could give your parents some guidance and information about family therapy? Sounds like it%26#039;s desperately needed.
Can negative items be removed from your credit report?
I had an account with Chase and a few months ago paid off my balance and closed the account. My credit has always been in good standing. Yesterday I apply for a Dell card to get me a new computer. I am declined and I get the letter by email which informs me I have a delinquent account on my credit. I file my free credit report and find that it is Chase and the amount is one dollar. To my knowledge an account can not be closed with an outstanding balance still present. So I am shocked and curious how this is even possible and where this dollar came from because I checked after I paid the full balance off and the account informed me the balance was zero. I went ahead and scheduled to pay the dollar before I dispute it.
So if I contact Chase can they change this on my credit?|||小redit repair work械d fine to fix my credit. They disputed and removed lots of bad items from my credit report. I used this service -|||By closing that old credit card account you delete your credit history.
You should have left it open - even if you didn%26#039;t use it.
%26quot;Length of credit history%26quot; is 15% of your fico.
You never received statments from Chase after you closed the account?
If you have a balance, by law, they have to send you a statement.
When you pay your statement balance in full, you will be charge interest from the time they mailed out the statement and the time they received the check.
You can not delete this from your credit report.
Only one time fees, such as medical can be deleted with a negotiation of pay on delete.
Call Chase if you must, but pay the collection agency.
If you pay Chase, they may not let the collection agency know that you paid off this bill.
Note: People close their accounts all the time with an outstanding balance. This is done often when you don%26#039;t agree with new terms.
/|||Even if you get a letter from Chase Bank and send it to the three major credit reporting Agencies. You could still be disapproved by Dell Financial. Banks are just not lending to people with negative information on their credit report. It%26#039;s about risk.|||Very odd that they would go to that much trouble over a dollar. Any simpleton should see that that was an oversight. I would dispute the entry with the credit bureau. With any sense, Chase will simply not respond to the inquiry from the credit bureau which means they%26#039;ll have to remove it from your report.|||Yes they can and you can dispute it on your credit report. You will be fine and your credit will bounce back!|||You can dispute it with all credit agencies on, (that%26#039;s the free site where you can get your required free annual credit report). It gives the option to dispute for free. Rather than just checking the check boxes they offer in the dispute form, either fill out the online explanation, or if necessary, print the dispute form and mail it in, so you can give exact details of the situation. Once the credit agency investigates and decides in your favor, it will instantly be removed from your report, and your score will instantly go back to what it was.|||Hi,
if you are looking for the free credit score usa national site, check out this site
Here you can get your 3-in-1 free credit report and credit score rating
Hope my answer help,
So if I contact Chase can they change this on my credit?|||小redit repair work械d fine to fix my credit. They disputed and removed lots of bad items from my credit report. I used this service -|||By closing that old credit card account you delete your credit history.
You should have left it open - even if you didn%26#039;t use it.
%26quot;Length of credit history%26quot; is 15% of your fico.
You never received statments from Chase after you closed the account?
If you have a balance, by law, they have to send you a statement.
When you pay your statement balance in full, you will be charge interest from the time they mailed out the statement and the time they received the check.
You can not delete this from your credit report.
Only one time fees, such as medical can be deleted with a negotiation of pay on delete.
Call Chase if you must, but pay the collection agency.
If you pay Chase, they may not let the collection agency know that you paid off this bill.
Note: People close their accounts all the time with an outstanding balance. This is done often when you don%26#039;t agree with new terms.
/|||Even if you get a letter from Chase Bank and send it to the three major credit reporting Agencies. You could still be disapproved by Dell Financial. Banks are just not lending to people with negative information on their credit report. It%26#039;s about risk.|||Very odd that they would go to that much trouble over a dollar. Any simpleton should see that that was an oversight. I would dispute the entry with the credit bureau. With any sense, Chase will simply not respond to the inquiry from the credit bureau which means they%26#039;ll have to remove it from your report.|||Yes they can and you can dispute it on your credit report. You will be fine and your credit will bounce back!|||You can dispute it with all credit agencies on, (that%26#039;s the free site where you can get your required free annual credit report). It gives the option to dispute for free. Rather than just checking the check boxes they offer in the dispute form, either fill out the online explanation, or if necessary, print the dispute form and mail it in, so you can give exact details of the situation. Once the credit agency investigates and decides in your favor, it will instantly be removed from your report, and your score will instantly go back to what it was.|||Hi,
if you are looking for the free credit score usa national site, check out this site
Here you can get your 3-in-1 free credit report and credit score rating
Hope my answer help,
How do you dispute something on your credit report?
Here%26#039;s some background. I have a credit card and a vehicle loan. both of which i pay extra for some kind of protection plan in the event of unemployment, death etc. well, a time came when i was unemployed and lated on some payments (60 days for the credit card and 30 days for the vehicle loan). Of course that went on my credit report. I%26#039;m currently paying on both of these (both are up-to-date) but the late payments are showing on my credit report. how do i go about changing that to %26quot;never late%26quot;? wasn%26#039;t the credit protection i%26#039;m paying extra for suppose to cover that?!|||You should ask your lenders for both the credit card and auto loan, who is the insure for my loan protection which covers me for unemployment, death, disability etc...?
Loan Protection Insurance policies are provided by another company and not your lender hence this is why you were not %26#039;automatically%26#039; covered fro your payments during your unemployed period.
Loan Protection Insurance policies are added to your loan amount and the lender would have paid your insurance premium to the insurance co holding your policy when you took out your loan and card.
So, ask your lenders for the insurance co%26#039;s name and contact details, then contact the insurance co and explain to them what happened to see if you can still make a claim...
If they can accept a belated claim from you, ask your lenders in writing to remove the %26#039;late payment%26#039; listing on credit file and cross your fingers. For further assistance, speak with the correct regulating body for the lending institutions you are dealing with for specific advice within your jurisdiction.
Kind regards,
LK :)|||If the credit protection company violated their agreement with you, it may be possible to sue them for breach of contract. There is not enough detail here to answer that question.
If the credit protection plan was from a company other than the creditor, you probably cannot get this removed. It was your responsibility to make sure that the credit protection company paid the creditor. The creditor is correctly reporting that they were not paid on time. If a friend agrees to take my check to the mailbox and forgets, it still goes on my credit report, not the friend%26#039;s, that the payment was late.
If the credit protection plan was from the creditor, you probably did not file the claim for benefits in time or missed some other weird detail (maybe it only pays after you have been unemployed for a certain amount of time).|||You would need to take that up with the agency you supposedly bought this %26quot;protection plan%26quot; from. What does the plan promise (in writing)?|||Those plans are not automatic.
Did you contact the companies when you were unemployed?
Were you unemployed by your choice? or were you laid off?
Loan Protection Insurance policies are provided by another company and not your lender hence this is why you were not %26#039;automatically%26#039; covered fro your payments during your unemployed period.
Loan Protection Insurance policies are added to your loan amount and the lender would have paid your insurance premium to the insurance co holding your policy when you took out your loan and card.
So, ask your lenders for the insurance co%26#039;s name and contact details, then contact the insurance co and explain to them what happened to see if you can still make a claim...
If they can accept a belated claim from you, ask your lenders in writing to remove the %26#039;late payment%26#039; listing on credit file and cross your fingers. For further assistance, speak with the correct regulating body for the lending institutions you are dealing with for specific advice within your jurisdiction.
Kind regards,
LK :)|||If the credit protection company violated their agreement with you, it may be possible to sue them for breach of contract. There is not enough detail here to answer that question.
If the credit protection plan was from a company other than the creditor, you probably cannot get this removed. It was your responsibility to make sure that the credit protection company paid the creditor. The creditor is correctly reporting that they were not paid on time. If a friend agrees to take my check to the mailbox and forgets, it still goes on my credit report, not the friend%26#039;s, that the payment was late.
If the credit protection plan was from the creditor, you probably did not file the claim for benefits in time or missed some other weird detail (maybe it only pays after you have been unemployed for a certain amount of time).|||You would need to take that up with the agency you supposedly bought this %26quot;protection plan%26quot; from. What does the plan promise (in writing)?|||Those plans are not automatic.
Did you contact the companies when you were unemployed?
Were you unemployed by your choice? or were you laid off?
How long does credit debt take to fall off your credit report?
When I was younger (in 2000), I ran up 3 credit cards and never paid them (20K total). I have now become responsible and just received a new credit card which I pay promptly. My credit report says that the 3 bad ones will expire Sept%26#039;08. Can they renew the debt to me or will they just expire automatically making my credit report clear and only show the new card I got that I%26#039;m paying on time? I%26#039;m afraid they%26#039;ll see that I%26#039;ve changed and now want me to pay the back money which I can%26#039;t afford. Can anyone help me with this as I don%26#039;t know where to turn or who to ask. I%26#039;m hoping they just expire and that%26#039;s it but I%26#039;m scared the credit card lawyers can renew it once they see that I%26#039;ve changed and now want their money. Please, anyone help if you can. Thanks so much.|||Good question.
I%26#039;ll keep watching for the answers myself.|||It takes 7 yrs for bad debt to fall off. So, if your credit reports say they%26#039;ll drop off in Sept. of %26#039;08, they should. If they don%26#039;t, you can always dispute the inaccuracy.
The creditor cannot re-age the debt to prolong/renew the reporting period.
Making a payment or reselling the debt also doesn%26#039;t renew/re-age the reporting period.
There%26#039;s also a statute of limitations on debt. The SOL is how long a creditor has to seek legal remedy. If the debts are over the SOL, I wouldn%26#039;t pay them a dime.
Also, paying on debts this old would actually hurt your credit. The longer a debt remains unpaid the less impact it has on your credit score. If you really want to, pay off the debts once they%26#039;ve dropped of your reports.|||Just let them fall away - if you make **any** type of payment to them, including a collection agency payment, the 7-10 year clock starts all over again and it will stay on your report for another very long in October of 2008 check your credit report. If they are not off, dispute w/each of the credit reporting agencies - they will have to remove them.
I%26#039;ll keep watching for the answers myself.|||It takes 7 yrs for bad debt to fall off. So, if your credit reports say they%26#039;ll drop off in Sept. of %26#039;08, they should. If they don%26#039;t, you can always dispute the inaccuracy.
The creditor cannot re-age the debt to prolong/renew the reporting period.
Making a payment or reselling the debt also doesn%26#039;t renew/re-age the reporting period.
There%26#039;s also a statute of limitations on debt. The SOL is how long a creditor has to seek legal remedy. If the debts are over the SOL, I wouldn%26#039;t pay them a dime.
Also, paying on debts this old would actually hurt your credit. The longer a debt remains unpaid the less impact it has on your credit score. If you really want to, pay off the debts once they%26#039;ve dropped of your reports.|||Just let them fall away - if you make **any** type of payment to them, including a collection agency payment, the 7-10 year clock starts all over again and it will stay on your report for another very long in October of 2008 check your credit report. If they are not off, dispute w/each of the credit reporting agencies - they will have to remove them.
When do credit files get updated?
How long does it generally take for a credit card company to report a balance change to reporting companies?
Do all credit card companies report at the same time of month (beginning or end)?
Is it possible to actually use your credit card and pay it back in the same month and not have it show on your credit file? If so when should I use the credit and how much time would I have to pay it back before it gets reported?
Please help|||In general most do it in 30 day increments at the begining or the end of the month. This is not the same for everyone though some only report every 60 days. Contact the issuer of your credit card and ask a customer service rep when they do their credit reporting. I%26#039;m sure they can tell you.|||If you have new credit cards, you probably want to just pay enough to show you%26#039;re at a 3rd of the limit balance. This away when it does show on your credit, it will show very good status and paying history, which will make your credit score go up. The reporting is based on the bank, some do beginning and most ending month reporting. If you are trying to build your credit, I am a distributor with VR-Tech Marketing Group/United Credit Education Services and you can visit my site at and visit our UltraScore tab. This is a game plan with education to help you and you can get free customer service.
Do all credit card companies report at the same time of month (beginning or end)?
Is it possible to actually use your credit card and pay it back in the same month and not have it show on your credit file? If so when should I use the credit and how much time would I have to pay it back before it gets reported?
Please help|||In general most do it in 30 day increments at the begining or the end of the month. This is not the same for everyone though some only report every 60 days. Contact the issuer of your credit card and ask a customer service rep when they do their credit reporting. I%26#039;m sure they can tell you.|||If you have new credit cards, you probably want to just pay enough to show you%26#039;re at a 3rd of the limit balance. This away when it does show on your credit, it will show very good status and paying history, which will make your credit score go up. The reporting is based on the bank, some do beginning and most ending month reporting. If you are trying to build your credit, I am a distributor with VR-Tech Marketing Group/United Credit Education Services and you can visit my site at and visit our UltraScore tab. This is a game plan with education to help you and you can get free customer service.
Discover Cards Credit Score Tracker. Should I enroll Or shouldnt I? Those who own Discover Credit Card Answer?
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Discover%26#039;s Credit Score Tracker? Should I enroll in it?
So I was chatting with customer service from discover, they have great customer service btw, anyway I told her that this was my first credit card and that I wanted to keep my account in good standing. She told me about the services they had, like the credit score tracker. Each month discover mails you your credit report. The enroll fee is 7.99. This is so you can see how your credit score changes for month to month good or bad. Anyhow, I told her that I haven%26#039;t had my credit card for 6months so I may not have a score yet, She told me I may and I may not. My concern is that I heard that when you get your credit report it lowers your credit score. Is this so with the discover card tracker.Also do I need to enroll now or should I wait till June? I know that each credit card company reports to the credit bureau each month, but I doubt I have a score. Ive only made two payments so far. December and January. So what do you guys think?|||What they show isn%26#039;t a REAL credit score. The only REAL credit scores are the ones obtained by They are called FICO credit scores and they are the ones that lenders see when you apply for credit.
Many places try to sell you what they call %26quot;credit scores,%26quot; but FICOs are the only true scores. You can bet that when Discover gave you a card, they checked your FICO.
When a consumer checks their own credit report, it does NOT lower your score. It is coded with the company as a %26quot;soft%26quot; pull, which does not count towards any credit scoring. Only %26quot;hard%26quot; credit pulls count toward your score -- they are used by the business extending you credit, and these types of pulls stay on your credit report for 2 years and are viewable by other lenders.|||it is not a 1 time fee. It will be a monthly charge as credit scores are never free
Discover%26#039;s Credit Score Tracker? Should I enroll in it?
So I was chatting with customer service from discover, they have great customer service btw, anyway I told her that this was my first credit card and that I wanted to keep my account in good standing. She told me about the services they had, like the credit score tracker. Each month discover mails you your credit report. The enroll fee is 7.99. This is so you can see how your credit score changes for month to month good or bad. Anyhow, I told her that I haven%26#039;t had my credit card for 6months so I may not have a score yet, She told me I may and I may not. My concern is that I heard that when you get your credit report it lowers your credit score. Is this so with the discover card tracker.Also do I need to enroll now or should I wait till June? I know that each credit card company reports to the credit bureau each month, but I doubt I have a score. Ive only made two payments so far. December and January. So what do you guys think?|||What they show isn%26#039;t a REAL credit score. The only REAL credit scores are the ones obtained by They are called FICO credit scores and they are the ones that lenders see when you apply for credit.
Many places try to sell you what they call %26quot;credit scores,%26quot; but FICOs are the only true scores. You can bet that when Discover gave you a card, they checked your FICO.
When a consumer checks their own credit report, it does NOT lower your score. It is coded with the company as a %26quot;soft%26quot; pull, which does not count towards any credit scoring. Only %26quot;hard%26quot; credit pulls count toward your score -- they are used by the business extending you credit, and these types of pulls stay on your credit report for 2 years and are viewable by other lenders.|||it is not a 1 time fee. It will be a monthly charge as credit scores are never free
Did you know this about your credit card?
The Outrage In Your Credit Card%26#039;s Fine Print
Blue Ridge Summit, PA. - Would you sign a contract that says, %26quot;Any term can be changed at any time for any reason, including no reason%26quot;? Anyone who uses a credit card already has.
Such are the absurd terms of the consumer credit-card industry, which is poised to be the next big crisis (after housing) that banks have aided and abetted in US households.
Americans have now racked up nearly $1 trillion in credit-card debt. As housing equity shrinks and costs rise, agencies such as Moody%26#039;s report swelling numbers of accounts with balances three or more payments past due. Reinforced by abusive industry practices, the plastic safety net is becoming a permanent cage.
But here%26#039;s the good news: If you%26#039;ve ever been steamed by surprise fees on your credit-card statement or had your interest rate cranked up without warning, the Federal Reserve Board wants to help you. The Fed? That oracular secret society whose chairmen say Yoda-like things about interest rates? Well, actually, yes.
Ever since its remarkable %26quot;oversight%26quot; of junk lending led to the mortgage melt-down, the Fed seems determined not to let credit-card defaults drive the American banking system any closer to Third World standards.
There%26#039;s plenty to reform. During the housing bubble, credit-card vendors inflated interest rates 鈥?even as the Fed slashed them 鈥?and found increasingly sneaky ways to usher their customers into perpetually indebted servitude. Such as:
鈥aising rates as high as 32 percent on existing balances, with no notice, even when they%26#039;ve always been paid on time.
鈥ompressing the time between statement mailings and due dates.
鈥harging interest on debt already repaid.
鈥osting on-time payments after their due date 鈥?and then charging late fees.
鈥eglecting to disclose how much interest and time it will take to pay off a balance with minimum payments (if ever).;_ylt=鈥?/a>|||You have changed my way of looking at my credit|||yes
Blue Ridge Summit, PA. - Would you sign a contract that says, %26quot;Any term can be changed at any time for any reason, including no reason%26quot;? Anyone who uses a credit card already has.
Such are the absurd terms of the consumer credit-card industry, which is poised to be the next big crisis (after housing) that banks have aided and abetted in US households.
Americans have now racked up nearly $1 trillion in credit-card debt. As housing equity shrinks and costs rise, agencies such as Moody%26#039;s report swelling numbers of accounts with balances three or more payments past due. Reinforced by abusive industry practices, the plastic safety net is becoming a permanent cage.
But here%26#039;s the good news: If you%26#039;ve ever been steamed by surprise fees on your credit-card statement or had your interest rate cranked up without warning, the Federal Reserve Board wants to help you. The Fed? That oracular secret society whose chairmen say Yoda-like things about interest rates? Well, actually, yes.
Ever since its remarkable %26quot;oversight%26quot; of junk lending led to the mortgage melt-down, the Fed seems determined not to let credit-card defaults drive the American banking system any closer to Third World standards.
There%26#039;s plenty to reform. During the housing bubble, credit-card vendors inflated interest rates 鈥?even as the Fed slashed them 鈥?and found increasingly sneaky ways to usher their customers into perpetually indebted servitude. Such as:
鈥aising rates as high as 32 percent on existing balances, with no notice, even when they%26#039;ve always been paid on time.
鈥ompressing the time between statement mailings and due dates.
鈥harging interest on debt already repaid.
鈥osting on-time payments after their due date 鈥?and then charging late fees.
鈥eglecting to disclose how much interest and time it will take to pay off a balance with minimum payments (if ever).;_ylt=鈥?/a>|||You have changed my way of looking at my credit|||yes
Will rejecting a credit card annual percentage rate increase amendment change my current repayment terms?
I have recently recieved annual percentage rate increase amendments from three seperate credit cards. Two of them raising the rate to 28.49%! Obviously I do not want to accept these changes and plan to contact the credit card companies to tell them so, but I am just wondering if this will change how quickly I will have to pay these cards balances back. I have never closed a credit card with which I still had a balance, so I did not know, will %26#039;rejecting these terms%26#039; (thus closing the card), cause my minimum payments to increase?
Logically to me, I would think that if a card is %26#039;closed%26#039; they wouldnt want me to have a balance with them and I would have a limited time to pay it back, but I have no clue if there is any truth to my thought.
Also I didnt know if because I am %26#039;rejecting the new terms%26#039; if that means they have to honor my old minimum payment agreement, so I would have normal payments- even if I would not if I closing this card on my own for no apparent reason. If that makes sense.
Also I know that closing a card can be bad for your credit score, but I think it is probably not as bad as having two cards with almost 29% interest rates. Plus I wasn%26#039;t sure if %26#039;rejecting these terms%26#039; would show up the same on a credit report as say just plain closing a card.
I am also just curious how this is legal. I know in the past congress had discussed (and I believe banned) the issue of credit cards putting you on the default rate for you defaulting with other unrelated credit cards, well this to me seems worse. I have paid all my cards on time, none are over the limit %26amp; I always pay more than the minimum balance. In fact on all three of these cards the rates had been dropping by a half to a whole percent every month for several months, I presumed this was because of fed rate changes, but not all my cards do that, actually just these three have been lowering. I don%26#039;t understand why they%26#039;ve been lowering my rates, just raise them back %26amp; then some!
Thanks!|||This is the current trend happening with most major credit card companies. If you read the fine print, refusal of the new terms will terminate your account and require payment in full.
Congress is STILL sitting on the bill and looks like the lobbyist will keep the vote in limbo for some time. Until then we are all pawns in this credit chess game.
Just do not use them anymore, make monthly payments and when the balance reaches $0 then close them. It will cause a small drop in your score by closing them, but it will not damage you for life.
Hope this answers your question|||I called my credit card company and cited the %26quot;Credit Cardholders Bill of Rights Act of 2008%26quot; in which it clearly states that I have the option to opt out and pay at my old rate of 9.99 and they still stated that there was nothing they could do to decrease my 15.99. RBS doesn%26#039;t fall under this act!
|||Reject the terms, then re-consolidate at zero percent with another credit card company. 29% is insane.|||They always write the contracts in their favor.
They have put in there that they can change rates whenever they like.
If you don%26#039;t like it you will have to pay it off and close the account.
Usually they will increase your rate if something else happened on your credit such as being late or something that lowered your credit score.
They do have a right to do this because they gave you the rate as an introductory offer. Or because you had a decent credit score you got a better rate, so if that changes they can change the rate.
Logically to me, I would think that if a card is %26#039;closed%26#039; they wouldnt want me to have a balance with them and I would have a limited time to pay it back, but I have no clue if there is any truth to my thought.
Also I didnt know if because I am %26#039;rejecting the new terms%26#039; if that means they have to honor my old minimum payment agreement, so I would have normal payments- even if I would not if I closing this card on my own for no apparent reason. If that makes sense.
Also I know that closing a card can be bad for your credit score, but I think it is probably not as bad as having two cards with almost 29% interest rates. Plus I wasn%26#039;t sure if %26#039;rejecting these terms%26#039; would show up the same on a credit report as say just plain closing a card.
I am also just curious how this is legal. I know in the past congress had discussed (and I believe banned) the issue of credit cards putting you on the default rate for you defaulting with other unrelated credit cards, well this to me seems worse. I have paid all my cards on time, none are over the limit %26amp; I always pay more than the minimum balance. In fact on all three of these cards the rates had been dropping by a half to a whole percent every month for several months, I presumed this was because of fed rate changes, but not all my cards do that, actually just these three have been lowering. I don%26#039;t understand why they%26#039;ve been lowering my rates, just raise them back %26amp; then some!
Thanks!|||This is the current trend happening with most major credit card companies. If you read the fine print, refusal of the new terms will terminate your account and require payment in full.
Congress is STILL sitting on the bill and looks like the lobbyist will keep the vote in limbo for some time. Until then we are all pawns in this credit chess game.
Just do not use them anymore, make monthly payments and when the balance reaches $0 then close them. It will cause a small drop in your score by closing them, but it will not damage you for life.
Hope this answers your question|||I called my credit card company and cited the %26quot;Credit Cardholders Bill of Rights Act of 2008%26quot; in which it clearly states that I have the option to opt out and pay at my old rate of 9.99 and they still stated that there was nothing they could do to decrease my 15.99. RBS doesn%26#039;t fall under this act!
Report Abuse
|||Reject the terms, then re-consolidate at zero percent with another credit card company. 29% is insane.|||They always write the contracts in their favor.
They have put in there that they can change rates whenever they like.
If you don%26#039;t like it you will have to pay it off and close the account.
Usually they will increase your rate if something else happened on your credit such as being late or something that lowered your credit score.
They do have a right to do this because they gave you the rate as an introductory offer. Or because you had a decent credit score you got a better rate, so if that changes they can change the rate.
Didnt recieve green card. filed for i-90, how long could it take?
we arrived in the US last feb 2007 as immigrants. we are done with the fingerprinting even before we left the country. we didnt recieve our green cards because our petitioner didnt report the change of address. and the green card was not mailed back to the USCIS. we reported it as stolen and we just mail an i-90 application form with a check. i there anything else we need to do after that? or just wait for it to be mailed to us? do we need to mail anything else? and how long will it take before we recieve our card? thanks for your answers.|||10 months to 2 years. You can hire an immigration attorney to assist you.|||Did they send you a new card ? and how mach time did it take ?
Report Abuse
A debt can legally stay on your credit report FOREVER if a company knows how to malnipulate credit system?
What they seem to be doing is reporting the account closed every year , for example, a credit card account had closed in 2005 for non payment, each year the debtor simply reports the credit card as just being closed as of the most current previous year , thus the item remains on credit report indefinitely? In other words they keep changing the date that the account was actually closed.
Is this legal ?
Is there anything customer can do to get the debtor to reflect the TRUE date that the account was really closed, to get it to be more accurate ? In hopes of having a more positive reflection of their credit profile?|||Collection accounts will stay on your credit report for 6 yrs and 9 months. If they are reporting the date incorrectly you have the right to put your personal statement on your report. These statements are taken into consideration when someone checks your report. Also, you can dispute the items and the credit reporting agency will investigate. If the item is being incorrectly reported the reporting agency will either get it corrected or remove it.|||Yes of course, the customer can file a law suit. This is defamation of character. However, you need to choose a counsel who is well versed with defamation.|||Every state has a different law regarding the length of time a debt can stay on your credit report. In most cases, court judgments and bankruptcy are given a longer period of time. However, ALL states DO give a maximum period of time. It is based upon the date that your account first went into default, not the date it was closed.
Sometimes a single account will be listed numerous times on a credit report because it changed hands from the original creditor to a collection agency to another collection agency. The details reported might vary a bit, but they are all required to report the date that the account first went into default. This would be the date that you were officially late on the payments. Keep in mind, however, that if you make any payments at all, this renders the collection account current and the new date of default could be changed. For example, suppose I have an account that has been in collection for 5 years and would fall off of my credit report in two more years if I do nothing. Now suppose I make payment arrangements with the collection agency and make a couple payments, but in two months I stop making payments. The new default date is now whatever date I stopped making payments recently and it could be another 7 years before the account falls off my credit report.
You do have the right to ask that any incorrect information on your credit report be corrected. If they do not correct it or you still dispute the validity, you have the right to write a short explanation that will be placed in the notes of that account and will be available to anyone who pulls up your credit report.
Is this legal ?
Is there anything customer can do to get the debtor to reflect the TRUE date that the account was really closed, to get it to be more accurate ? In hopes of having a more positive reflection of their credit profile?|||Collection accounts will stay on your credit report for 6 yrs and 9 months. If they are reporting the date incorrectly you have the right to put your personal statement on your report. These statements are taken into consideration when someone checks your report. Also, you can dispute the items and the credit reporting agency will investigate. If the item is being incorrectly reported the reporting agency will either get it corrected or remove it.|||Yes of course, the customer can file a law suit. This is defamation of character. However, you need to choose a counsel who is well versed with defamation.|||Every state has a different law regarding the length of time a debt can stay on your credit report. In most cases, court judgments and bankruptcy are given a longer period of time. However, ALL states DO give a maximum period of time. It is based upon the date that your account first went into default, not the date it was closed.
Sometimes a single account will be listed numerous times on a credit report because it changed hands from the original creditor to a collection agency to another collection agency. The details reported might vary a bit, but they are all required to report the date that the account first went into default. This would be the date that you were officially late on the payments. Keep in mind, however, that if you make any payments at all, this renders the collection account current and the new date of default could be changed. For example, suppose I have an account that has been in collection for 5 years and would fall off of my credit report in two more years if I do nothing. Now suppose I make payment arrangements with the collection agency and make a couple payments, but in two months I stop making payments. The new default date is now whatever date I stopped making payments recently and it could be another 7 years before the account falls off my credit report.
You do have the right to ask that any incorrect information on your credit report be corrected. If they do not correct it or you still dispute the validity, you have the right to write a short explanation that will be placed in the notes of that account and will be available to anyone who pulls up your credit report.
How to make a report card.?
I have this school project called character in a bag for the book outsiders we have to pick a character and use things to represent your character in the bag and i chose ponyboy curtis so in the bag im going to put the novel gone with the wind, pepsi, Hershey%26#039;s, picture of a sunset, and a Fake report card with good grades on it. i just want to know if you have any ideas on how to make a realistic yet not totally a copy and paste thing. i swear im not changing my grades i get good grades anyway shootin for all A+%26#039;s this quarter last year i got straight A%26#039;s and an A- please don%26#039;t sarcastic and say hacker or cheater or something i swear over the holy bible that im not going to change my grades or anything. thanks alot! :) i love the book outsiders give me your opinion if you read it please :)|||Best to scan the report card you have, make the changes and print on like paper.鈥?/a>
|||My school uses Microsoft Exel Spreadsheets. I mean, they give us a template to use so we%26#039;re not making it from scratch, but i think with a little work, you might be able to use that program as well.
You can have a title above each section like %26quot;math%26quot; , %26quot;reading%26quot; , %26quot;writing%26quot; , %26quot;behavior%26quot; , %26quot;science/ s.s.%26quot; and then fill in grades underneath. You could even have a comment section where the teacher would write a comment to his parents. Hope it helps!鈥?/a>
|||My school uses Microsoft Exel Spreadsheets. I mean, they give us a template to use so we%26#039;re not making it from scratch, but i think with a little work, you might be able to use that program as well.
You can have a title above each section like %26quot;math%26quot; , %26quot;reading%26quot; , %26quot;writing%26quot; , %26quot;behavior%26quot; , %26quot;science/ s.s.%26quot; and then fill in grades underneath. You could even have a comment section where the teacher would write a comment to his parents. Hope it helps!
A Photoshop question?
where do you go on photoshop to delete something and type something else in
like i scanned it and it says %26quot;the%26quot; and i want to take it out and switch it to %26quot;a%26quot; how do i do this?
i am a noob at photoshop so can someone please tell me how to do it word for word.
i am not doing this but heres the situation im in: imagine you want to change the amrk on your report card from a 85 to a 90 (THIS IS JUST AN EXAMPLE NOT REAL)
thats my situation
i have photoshop CS3 extended|||since you%26#039;ve scanned it, it%26#039;s not actually text. It%26#039;s just a bunch of pixels. What you have to do is clone out all the text and then recreate it with the text you want. This is easiest to do if the text is over an easily clonable background. If it%26#039;s not, this is just about one of the most advanced Photoshop techniques there is.|||Cover up what you want to change and type in the new information.
like i scanned it and it says %26quot;the%26quot; and i want to take it out and switch it to %26quot;a%26quot; how do i do this?
i am a noob at photoshop so can someone please tell me how to do it word for word.
i am not doing this but heres the situation im in: imagine you want to change the amrk on your report card from a 85 to a 90 (THIS IS JUST AN EXAMPLE NOT REAL)
thats my situation
i have photoshop CS3 extended|||since you%26#039;ve scanned it, it%26#039;s not actually text. It%26#039;s just a bunch of pixels. What you have to do is clone out all the text and then recreate it with the text you want. This is easiest to do if the text is over an easily clonable background. If it%26#039;s not, this is just about one of the most advanced Photoshop techniques there is.|||Cover up what you want to change and type in the new information.
If you change your name how do you go about getting your new name recognized by the credit reporting agencies.
I changed my name, but have trouble now getting credit cards because the agencies claim my information does not match the one they had prior to my name change. how do I rectify that?|||It just takes some times for it to take effect. There is a more information on this article I found while searching the internet.|||change your name back to what it was|||change your name back to what it was
I am a greeab card holder & got remarried. how can i report to us officials to change my huisband name?
i am an us immigrant. i came in usa through a family based petition by my brother (us citizen)on 1996. moreover the petition was filed for myself + my husband + my only son %26amp; the immigrant visa was issued for all of us. however my husband had died right before we got the visa. so i had to mentioned my husband name as %26quot;Late.....%26quot; %26amp; my marital status %26quot; widow%26quot; through all the paperwork with my passport, green card %26amp; uscis. now the problem is - two months back i have got married again in bangladesh while i was in a short vacation. my present husband lives in saudi arabia %26amp; i want to file a petition to bring him over.
my question is:
1) before i apply for my husband - do i need to change my marital status %26amp; husband name through my passport, my green card, my social security card %26amp; the rest of paperworks with uscis? or i can apply for my husband without any changes?
2) if i need to change any thing before i apply for my husband then which things should be changed, where should i go to change these things, what would be the cost for doing all these, how long does this process take?
furthermore, i used to live in califiornia %26amp; after my vacation i moved to philadelphia. for this reason, do i need to make any more paperworks/ my paperwork could be effected?
your kind advise regarding the above will be higly appreciated.
look forward to hear from at your earliest.
thanks %26amp; regards,
08/01/2008|||Why doesn%26#039;t your husband apply for himself to come over? As far as the name change, that should have happened when you signed your marriage license.
Do contact INS to see what needs to be done.
my question is:
1) before i apply for my husband - do i need to change my marital status %26amp; husband name through my passport, my green card, my social security card %26amp; the rest of paperworks with uscis? or i can apply for my husband without any changes?
2) if i need to change any thing before i apply for my husband then which things should be changed, where should i go to change these things, what would be the cost for doing all these, how long does this process take?
furthermore, i used to live in califiornia %26amp; after my vacation i moved to philadelphia. for this reason, do i need to make any more paperworks/ my paperwork could be effected?
your kind advise regarding the above will be higly appreciated.
look forward to hear from at your earliest.
thanks %26amp; regards,
08/01/2008|||Why doesn%26#039;t your husband apply for himself to come over? As far as the name change, that should have happened when you signed your marriage license.
Do contact INS to see what needs to be done.
Can you Eliminate Credit Card Debt by Novation?
creating a new contract to replace the first
A Novation is a new agreement and is recognized in the law. The definition of Novation from Bouvier’s 1856 law dictionary illustrates:
NOVATION, civil law. 1. Novation is a substitution of a new for an old debt. The old debt is extinguished by the new one contracted in its stead; a novation may be made in three different ways, which form three distinct kinds of novations.
2. , The first takes place, without the intervention of any new person, where a debtor contracts a new engagement with his creditor, in consideration of being liberated from the former. This kind has no appropriate name, and is called a novation generally.
Your Novation Contract substitutes a new debt (zero) and a new engagement for the one claimed by the credit card company.
EVERY credit card company uses the novation contract process. Any time you get a Notice of an update to the terms and conditions of your credit card agreement, this update is in fact an offer to enter into a novation contract (a new agreement). When you use the credit card after receiving the new update, you have agreed to the new terms. Your act of using the card is an acceptance of the new agreement. How else could they change your credit card agreement? Insurance companies use this also, such as when you have a claim for $20,000 for damage and they send you $3,000.
You can use the same process to enter into a new agreement with a card company, under your terms and conditions, by making the company an offer, which it can accept with an act. Simply, you send the card company a check for some amount, say $25, with the stated condition that by accepting the check, it agrees to your new terms and conditions (your Novation Contract). When the card company accepts the check by cashing it, it has agreed to your new Novation Contract. And you eliminate credit card debt in a simple, legal procedure. Get out of debt by using their law to your advantage.
Your notice of debt dispute and Novation Contract is designed to do the following:
(1) Bind your credit card company to the terms and conditions of your Novation Contract which include but are not limited to:
a) the cancellation of any and all prior in-force agreements;
b) its admission that the debt and all prior agreements are now paid in full;
c) its waiver of all claimed right of arbitration against you;
d) its obligation to report the account in dispute as “paid as agreed” to credit reporting agencies;
e) its agreement to not take any collection activity against you and to inform any assignees of the account that it has agreed that the account is “paid as agreed”;
f) the requirement that it verify under oath the amount of debt you allegedly owe in any correspondence to you; and
g) its agreement that any breach of the terms of the Novation Contract by them will injure and damage you and that it will be liable for all damages;
(2) Upon notice, bind any and all collection agents of your credit card company and third party collection companies to your Novation Contract;.
(3) Establish a legal basis for a claim of zero liability for the disputed credit card account;
(4) Establish a legal basis for declaring invalid any and all allegations of debt made against you that are associated with the credit card account and sent through the U.S. mails;
(5) Establish a legal basis for claiming injuries and damages should the credit card company or any collection agency breach the terms and conditions of your Novation Contract; and,
(6) Destroy any legal basis for the credit card company or any collection agent to ignore your card dispute and Novation Contract by your:
a) choosing and using a procedure permitted and recognized by contract common law, the Uniform Commercial Code, the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, and the Fair Credit Reporting Act;
b) establishing the card company’s obligation and third party collector’s obligation to verify under oath the amount of any debt they allege you owe;
c) removing any controversy between your demand for verification of any alleged debt and any and all presentments by third parties containing unverified allegations of debt against you; and,
d) removing any presumption that you willfully avoided a known debt.|||They are not stupid. They will not accept a check that you send %26quot;with the stated condition that by accepting the check, it agrees to your new terms and conditions (your Novation Contract).%26quot; When the card company rejects the check by not cashing it, it has reject to your new Novation Contract, and it will charge you a late fee because of your failure to send a check without conditions. And they keep you in credit card debt in a simple, legal procedure.|||Thats because the credit banks thinks your an Adverse Party after not making distributions on the interest of a dividend, like a criminal gang, they will come after YOU the living for not paying your partners-in-crime with payment-in-kind.
|||What%26#039;s the question?
A Novation is a new agreement and is recognized in the law. The definition of Novation from Bouvier’s 1856 law dictionary illustrates:
NOVATION, civil law. 1. Novation is a substitution of a new for an old debt. The old debt is extinguished by the new one contracted in its stead; a novation may be made in three different ways, which form three distinct kinds of novations.
2. , The first takes place, without the intervention of any new person, where a debtor contracts a new engagement with his creditor, in consideration of being liberated from the former. This kind has no appropriate name, and is called a novation generally.
Your Novation Contract substitutes a new debt (zero) and a new engagement for the one claimed by the credit card company.
EVERY credit card company uses the novation contract process. Any time you get a Notice of an update to the terms and conditions of your credit card agreement, this update is in fact an offer to enter into a novation contract (a new agreement). When you use the credit card after receiving the new update, you have agreed to the new terms. Your act of using the card is an acceptance of the new agreement. How else could they change your credit card agreement? Insurance companies use this also, such as when you have a claim for $20,000 for damage and they send you $3,000.
You can use the same process to enter into a new agreement with a card company, under your terms and conditions, by making the company an offer, which it can accept with an act. Simply, you send the card company a check for some amount, say $25, with the stated condition that by accepting the check, it agrees to your new terms and conditions (your Novation Contract). When the card company accepts the check by cashing it, it has agreed to your new Novation Contract. And you eliminate credit card debt in a simple, legal procedure. Get out of debt by using their law to your advantage.
Your notice of debt dispute and Novation Contract is designed to do the following:
(1) Bind your credit card company to the terms and conditions of your Novation Contract which include but are not limited to:
a) the cancellation of any and all prior in-force agreements;
b) its admission that the debt and all prior agreements are now paid in full;
c) its waiver of all claimed right of arbitration against you;
d) its obligation to report the account in dispute as “paid as agreed” to credit reporting agencies;
e) its agreement to not take any collection activity against you and to inform any assignees of the account that it has agreed that the account is “paid as agreed”;
f) the requirement that it verify under oath the amount of debt you allegedly owe in any correspondence to you; and
g) its agreement that any breach of the terms of the Novation Contract by them will injure and damage you and that it will be liable for all damages;
(2) Upon notice, bind any and all collection agents of your credit card company and third party collection companies to your Novation Contract;.
(3) Establish a legal basis for a claim of zero liability for the disputed credit card account;
(4) Establish a legal basis for declaring invalid any and all allegations of debt made against you that are associated with the credit card account and sent through the U.S. mails;
(5) Establish a legal basis for claiming injuries and damages should the credit card company or any collection agency breach the terms and conditions of your Novation Contract; and,
(6) Destroy any legal basis for the credit card company or any collection agent to ignore your card dispute and Novation Contract by your:
a) choosing and using a procedure permitted and recognized by contract common law, the Uniform Commercial Code, the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, and the Fair Credit Reporting Act;
b) establishing the card company’s obligation and third party collector’s obligation to verify under oath the amount of any debt they allege you owe;
c) removing any controversy between your demand for verification of any alleged debt and any and all presentments by third parties containing unverified allegations of debt against you; and,
d) removing any presumption that you willfully avoided a known debt.|||They are not stupid. They will not accept a check that you send %26quot;with the stated condition that by accepting the check, it agrees to your new terms and conditions (your Novation Contract).%26quot; When the card company rejects the check by not cashing it, it has reject to your new Novation Contract, and it will charge you a late fee because of your failure to send a check without conditions. And they keep you in credit card debt in a simple, legal procedure.|||Thats because the credit banks thinks your an Adverse Party after not making distributions on the interest of a dividend, like a criminal gang, they will come after YOU the living for not paying your partners-in-crime with payment-in-kind.
Report Abuse
|||What%26#039;s the question?
If charge offs appear on my credit report, will paying them change my credit score?
I made the mistake of getting several high interest, small credit line cards. When I became unemployed and unable to pay, the penalities skyrocketed. One bill went from around $400 to over $2500 in a few months. %26#039;%26#039;Offers of settlement%26#039;%26#039; started coming in but they all demanded one lum sum payments. Debt consolidation is not an option. Has anyone found a way to pay in installments and after paying these debts, how is your credit score changed? Thanks.|||Charge offs, paid or unpaid, remain for 7 years from date of last activity. Credit reporting agencies do not forget to remove them; they purge automatically.
Paying a charge off won%26#039;t remove it, but not paying can cause a judgment to be filed, and that also can remain for 7 years from date filed.
Paying a large debt may increase your score somewhat, but, also, future creditors look at unpaid charge offs less favourably than paid charge offs.|||That is a very mature attitude. Congratulations on recognizing past mistakes and striving to work toward fixing them.
|||After my husband lost his job, we could not pay our cards either. We also occurred %26quot;write-offs%26quot; We later filed for bancrupcy thinking that it would take care of all of those %26quot;write-offs%26quot; showing up on our credit history. Later, we realized that we should have just left things alone. No matter how much you had owed or when the %26quot;write-off%26quot; occured, that bad mark on your credit will dissapear exactly seven years after the date of your first late or missed payment in connection with that account. And for us, it was easier waiting for it to dissapear than to pay it off. Besides, paying it off will only show that you have less debt, the blemishes on your credit will remain for seven years, regardless. Our score did suffer for a bit, but we eventually got a new card with a crappy intrest rate and very small credit limit just so we could rebuild our credit. Getting a new card and always paying it full on time every month will slowly add points to your score. And recheck your credit report every year and make sure that stuff that is supposed to be taken off does dissapear. Sometimes the reporting companies %26quot;forget%26quot; to take things off at the end of the mandatory 7 years.|||You can work with the people you own with to see if they can work something out as far as installments go.
If the debt is paid, the score will be better since you dont owe anyone any money anymore. However the history of the debt stays on the credit report for many years.|||REdsoxfan is correct. Not paying can cause more trouble than it%26#039;s worth. I tried that wait 7 years thing, and it never made it 7 years it turned into a judgment that I ended up getting garnished for. That made my score worse than it would have been had I just paid it. I will tell you this, if you pay it even if your score doesn%26#039;t change much, you have more leverage if you go into a credit union or bank and ask for a loan. When you sit down with the loan officer they%26#039;ll see that you%26#039;ve had some bad things but you%26#039;ve paid them.
Paying a charge off won%26#039;t remove it, but not paying can cause a judgment to be filed, and that also can remain for 7 years from date filed.
Paying a large debt may increase your score somewhat, but, also, future creditors look at unpaid charge offs less favourably than paid charge offs.|||That is a very mature attitude. Congratulations on recognizing past mistakes and striving to work toward fixing them.
Report Abuse
|||After my husband lost his job, we could not pay our cards either. We also occurred %26quot;write-offs%26quot; We later filed for bancrupcy thinking that it would take care of all of those %26quot;write-offs%26quot; showing up on our credit history. Later, we realized that we should have just left things alone. No matter how much you had owed or when the %26quot;write-off%26quot; occured, that bad mark on your credit will dissapear exactly seven years after the date of your first late or missed payment in connection with that account. And for us, it was easier waiting for it to dissapear than to pay it off. Besides, paying it off will only show that you have less debt, the blemishes on your credit will remain for seven years, regardless. Our score did suffer for a bit, but we eventually got a new card with a crappy intrest rate and very small credit limit just so we could rebuild our credit. Getting a new card and always paying it full on time every month will slowly add points to your score. And recheck your credit report every year and make sure that stuff that is supposed to be taken off does dissapear. Sometimes the reporting companies %26quot;forget%26quot; to take things off at the end of the mandatory 7 years.|||You can work with the people you own with to see if they can work something out as far as installments go.
If the debt is paid, the score will be better since you dont owe anyone any money anymore. However the history of the debt stays on the credit report for many years.|||REdsoxfan is correct. Not paying can cause more trouble than it%26#039;s worth. I tried that wait 7 years thing, and it never made it 7 years it turned into a judgment that I ended up getting garnished for. That made my score worse than it would have been had I just paid it. I will tell you this, if you pay it even if your score doesn%26#039;t change much, you have more leverage if you go into a credit union or bank and ask for a loan. When you sit down with the loan officer they%26#039;ll see that you%26#039;ve had some bad things but you%26#039;ve paid them.
How often does your credit score change?
I just paid off 2 major credit card bills through debt collectors. We made a settlement on both and I received a letter from them stating that I paid them off in full. It%26#039;s been a month now and there is no change to my credit score or report. I%26#039;m wondering if it takes some time. I called one of the debt collectors and they told me it takes time to change on my score. If I got screwed, what can I do?|||Your score is calculated at the time it is requested. So, it will reflect all newly reported information. It can also change from day to day because each day, the data is one day older and the importance of data changes as it ages. Plus the agency may fine tune its formula at any time.
In your case, the lack of change to your report means that the collector hasn%26#039;t reported the current status. This is not the credit bureau%26#039;s fault. The responsibility rests squarely with the collection agency. You have grounds to dispute the credit report. Send the credit bureaus your proof of payment. Once this piece of data is taken care of, your score will take care of itself.|||Creditors often report to reporting agencies on a quarterly basis, so be patient, give it a couple more months and if it still hasn%26#039;t changed than dispute the entry with the agency and the creditor.|||Every month.|||it changges every day, just like the stock market does
In your case, the lack of change to your report means that the collector hasn%26#039;t reported the current status. This is not the credit bureau%26#039;s fault. The responsibility rests squarely with the collection agency. You have grounds to dispute the credit report. Send the credit bureaus your proof of payment. Once this piece of data is taken care of, your score will take care of itself.|||Creditors often report to reporting agencies on a quarterly basis, so be patient, give it a couple more months and if it still hasn%26#039;t changed than dispute the entry with the agency and the creditor.|||Every month.|||it changges every day, just like the stock market does
Does a Foreclosure change available credit with credit card companies?
Will your current credit card company look at this after you been a good customer for all these years and still paying but lower your available credit limit or raise your rate?. Again,you have always been on time with them all these years.....
PLEASE this is NOT a question of what is a foreclosure or how long it stays on report I know that. Please answer the specific question. I want to help a friend the best I can... Thanks|||Unless your card company is looking for an excuse, it should not. However, card companies are free to raise or lower you credit limit at will. One reason why they might do this is via a risk evaluation. This might give you some dings and may prompt them to lower you limit. The good news is I have a foreclosure and neither of my two cards had the limit changed. Like you, I always payed on time.|||Many credit cards have begun to tie your available credit and interest rate to your overall credit score. If that is the case for you, a foreclosure would have a large effect.|||Most all credit card companies have whats called the universal default clause in their terms and conditions this means that if they check your credit and find that you have paid someone else late or not at all suffered a foreclosure, bankruptcy, collections, tax lien, law suit or just about anything else they have the right to up your interest rate to the State maximum, lower your credit limit or cancel your card all together regardless of how you have paid them in the past.
PLEASE this is NOT a question of what is a foreclosure or how long it stays on report I know that. Please answer the specific question. I want to help a friend the best I can... Thanks|||Unless your card company is looking for an excuse, it should not. However, card companies are free to raise or lower you credit limit at will. One reason why they might do this is via a risk evaluation. This might give you some dings and may prompt them to lower you limit. The good news is I have a foreclosure and neither of my two cards had the limit changed. Like you, I always payed on time.|||Many credit cards have begun to tie your available credit and interest rate to your overall credit score. If that is the case for you, a foreclosure would have a large effect.|||Most all credit card companies have whats called the universal default clause in their terms and conditions this means that if they check your credit and find that you have paid someone else late or not at all suffered a foreclosure, bankruptcy, collections, tax lien, law suit or just about anything else they have the right to up your interest rate to the State maximum, lower your credit limit or cancel your card all together regardless of how you have paid them in the past.
How is your credit card company responding to the current market? Have they changed your terms?
We have a creditor who pulled a very slick routine with us this week.
They offered us a balance transfer with 5.99% APR for the life of the loan that had to be transferred by November 27th. We took advantage of the offer, and then found out TODAY (Dec 1) that they have already changed the terms. We either have to accept
a. A monthly service fee AND an increased minimum payment from 2% to 5% of the balance (which more than doubles our payment each month), OR
b. go to 7.99% APR for two years only, and keep it at 2% minimum payment and no service charge (but a higher interest rate and a shorter term than we agreed to just five days ago), OR
c. pay the balance of the loan in full.
Yeah, like most people, we are in such a position to either double up on our payments or pay the balance in full......leaving us essentially no other option than to go with a higher APR than what they conned us into.
This is a MAJOR credit card company, and no fly by night as we would have defined it before today. When I asked them how they could legally penalize us this way and change the terms so capriciously, their reply was they had every legal right to make the change, and this was their response to the fluctuations in the market.
I would have thought the Fair Credit Reporting Act would have protected consumers better than this, but apparently not. It would seem that creditors can change terms at will, even as early as one week after the transfer has been made.
And we were told there were no %26quot;opt-outs%26quot; except the options presented.
My question is have you experienced any changes in the terms of agreement with your creditor(s) since the recent downfall in the economy, and how did you respond to it if you did?
|||If I had to guess I would say your bank is CHASE, because what you have written is exactly what Chase has done to me.
Yes I got one of those change in terms papers with my statement, and I have never been late with a payment or missed a payment in my life with them or anyone else, the only difference between us is my rate was 4.99% APR fixed for the life of the loan, and I have had it more than a week.
I have been on the phone for two days.
Call your bank, and if they don%26#039;t do anything for you, call the Comptroller of the Currency (202) 874-4700 they are the ones that told the banks that they could do this to us. You need to file a complaint.
If you want to email them instead
Also call your Senators, Congressmen, and the Attorney General.
We must all be vocal and let them all know that we are not going to be treated unjustly.|||I haven%26#039;t yet had my credit card terms change (in this economy), but several years ago I did receive notices to change in terms. My debt to income ratio had gotten large and 2 cards were going to up my APR. I wasn%26#039;t able to talk them out of it, so I cancelled the cards. I had the well hidden option of canceling the card before the new terms automatically took effect, so I was grandfathered to the previous terms I had when I accepted the credit in the first place.
If you have free legal care through your work perhaps you can talk to them. I%26#039;m not a financial expert, but I thought with lines of credit they couldn%26#039;t immediately change your terms. It%26#039;s not uncommon that companies sneakily put a tiny piece of paper with microscopic jargon stating your rates will be going up in 30 to 90 days, but immediate?|||Yeah, when they passed the Check 21 law there were a lot of hidden loopholes for credit card companies to change the terms of their lines by merely including disclosures or offering other means of %26quot;refinancing%26quot; with balance transfer checks. I have had nearly every card offer me credit limit increases, but pay off my balances monthly so I haven%26#039;t experienced any of their new tricky little bait and switch schemes. I understand by watching the financial pundits on CNN and CNBC that there is going to be a lot more credit card companies taking advantage of these loopholes as they protect themselves from what they see as the next credit crisis which they assume is credit card default as the unemployment numbers continue to increase.|||No, mine hasn%26#039;t changed yet but I am looking for it to. The fine print says they can change the percentage anytime. I have been trying to pay the interest of the account AND the minimum payment so far. It is getting ridiculous to have to keep up with this since I am on a lower income than I was when I first got the card.
They offered us a balance transfer with 5.99% APR for the life of the loan that had to be transferred by November 27th. We took advantage of the offer, and then found out TODAY (Dec 1) that they have already changed the terms. We either have to accept
a. A monthly service fee AND an increased minimum payment from 2% to 5% of the balance (which more than doubles our payment each month), OR
b. go to 7.99% APR for two years only, and keep it at 2% minimum payment and no service charge (but a higher interest rate and a shorter term than we agreed to just five days ago), OR
c. pay the balance of the loan in full.
Yeah, like most people, we are in such a position to either double up on our payments or pay the balance in full......leaving us essentially no other option than to go with a higher APR than what they conned us into.
This is a MAJOR credit card company, and no fly by night as we would have defined it before today. When I asked them how they could legally penalize us this way and change the terms so capriciously, their reply was they had every legal right to make the change, and this was their response to the fluctuations in the market.
I would have thought the Fair Credit Reporting Act would have protected consumers better than this, but apparently not. It would seem that creditors can change terms at will, even as early as one week after the transfer has been made.
And we were told there were no %26quot;opt-outs%26quot; except the options presented.
My question is have you experienced any changes in the terms of agreement with your creditor(s) since the recent downfall in the economy, and how did you respond to it if you did?
|||If I had to guess I would say your bank is CHASE, because what you have written is exactly what Chase has done to me.
Yes I got one of those change in terms papers with my statement, and I have never been late with a payment or missed a payment in my life with them or anyone else, the only difference between us is my rate was 4.99% APR fixed for the life of the loan, and I have had it more than a week.
I have been on the phone for two days.
Call your bank, and if they don%26#039;t do anything for you, call the Comptroller of the Currency (202) 874-4700 they are the ones that told the banks that they could do this to us. You need to file a complaint.
If you want to email them instead
Also call your Senators, Congressmen, and the Attorney General.
We must all be vocal and let them all know that we are not going to be treated unjustly.|||I haven%26#039;t yet had my credit card terms change (in this economy), but several years ago I did receive notices to change in terms. My debt to income ratio had gotten large and 2 cards were going to up my APR. I wasn%26#039;t able to talk them out of it, so I cancelled the cards. I had the well hidden option of canceling the card before the new terms automatically took effect, so I was grandfathered to the previous terms I had when I accepted the credit in the first place.
If you have free legal care through your work perhaps you can talk to them. I%26#039;m not a financial expert, but I thought with lines of credit they couldn%26#039;t immediately change your terms. It%26#039;s not uncommon that companies sneakily put a tiny piece of paper with microscopic jargon stating your rates will be going up in 30 to 90 days, but immediate?|||Yeah, when they passed the Check 21 law there were a lot of hidden loopholes for credit card companies to change the terms of their lines by merely including disclosures or offering other means of %26quot;refinancing%26quot; with balance transfer checks. I have had nearly every card offer me credit limit increases, but pay off my balances monthly so I haven%26#039;t experienced any of their new tricky little bait and switch schemes. I understand by watching the financial pundits on CNN and CNBC that there is going to be a lot more credit card companies taking advantage of these loopholes as they protect themselves from what they see as the next credit crisis which they assume is credit card default as the unemployment numbers continue to increase.|||No, mine hasn%26#039;t changed yet but I am looking for it to. The fine print says they can change the percentage anytime. I have been trying to pay the interest of the account AND the minimum payment so far. It is getting ridiculous to have to keep up with this since I am on a lower income than I was when I first got the card.
After disputing items on your Credit report , How long does it take for your score to change?
I have a credit score of 561 and I need at least a 580 to be able to get into a HUD and FHA programs. I have hired a credit repair company, that has sent letters to all three credit agencies disputing the items on my credit report. They have 30 days to respond and I鈥檓 on day 18 wondering if things work out to my favor and some of those things on my credit report come off. How many more points will I get and how long will it take? Keep in mind I really only need 19 more points. I have also been paying at least a $100 a month on my credit cards to get the balance down.|||You can use credit repair agency, for example this one -
They will dispute lots of bad stuff from your credit report - and do it much faster and effectively than yourself, so your credit will go up fast.|||Assuming the bureaus have up to 45 days to respond to a dispute, it could take up to 60 days to see your score go up.. This is assuming they delet the information. How many points you get depends on what they deleted. You should be able to get the 19 points you need with no problem. Hopefully they disputed some inquiries as well as the negative items.
Good Luck!
Nancy|||could take 60 days -- but an easy 10 points to your score or more by opting out. call 888-567-5688. This stops companies from pulling your credit for those offers that fill your mail box. This will get your score up in just about 1 weeks time|||as long as you do not take out any more debt, have anyone pull your credit and make your payments on time, you should be ok. I had a borrower go up 15-18 points in a month. It depends on the the reporting bureau, expedian was very helpful and quick with a dispute I had, and they will take disputes online, the other two don%26#039;t and they take 45 days. I%26#039;d say another 6 weeks, as long as you pay on time, dont take out any more debt and have no inquiries should get you where you want to be. Good luck
They will dispute lots of bad stuff from your credit report - and do it much faster and effectively than yourself, so your credit will go up fast.|||Assuming the bureaus have up to 45 days to respond to a dispute, it could take up to 60 days to see your score go up.. This is assuming they delet the information. How many points you get depends on what they deleted. You should be able to get the 19 points you need with no problem. Hopefully they disputed some inquiries as well as the negative items.
Good Luck!
Nancy|||could take 60 days -- but an easy 10 points to your score or more by opting out. call 888-567-5688. This stops companies from pulling your credit for those offers that fill your mail box. This will get your score up in just about 1 weeks time|||as long as you do not take out any more debt, have anyone pull your credit and make your payments on time, you should be ok. I had a borrower go up 15-18 points in a month. It depends on the the reporting bureau, expedian was very helpful and quick with a dispute I had, and they will take disputes online, the other two don%26#039;t and they take 45 days. I%26#039;d say another 6 weeks, as long as you pay on time, dont take out any more debt and have no inquiries should get you where you want to be. Good luck
If you pay off a balance on a credit card and months later, that balance is still on your credit report...?
do you request that the bank notify that you have paid the balance and it is now $0 or do you just wait till they report again. How long is too long for a balance change not to be noted on a credit report.|||The balance should be updated every 30 days. Dispute the balance with the credit bureau and they will get it cleared up for you.|||i believe that it can take a year or more to get something off of your credit report. you can try calling the bank, but I%26#039;m not sure if there is anything they can do.|||Ask the credit card company to update your file at the credit bureau.
Mail a copy of your zero balance statement to the credit bureau or provide it to someone checking your credit.
It can take up to three months for an update to post to your credit report.|||That should be updated every month. so if after a month your credit report is showing the wrong information you should dispute it by mail, phone or online by simply contacting the credit bureau who needs to update your CR.|||you notify the reporting credit bureau...not the peeps that reported it. and then it is up to the credit bureau to make it right. the company may tell you they are fixing it but they might not. its up to you to tell the credit bureau in writing that they have a wrong entry and to straighten that out or remove it. trhey may take their time doing it too.|||GO ONLINE AND DISPUTE IT THROUGH EACH BUREAU...THE BUREAUS WILL CONTACT THE CREDITORS TO SEE IF THIS IS TRUE ONCE IT IS CONFIRMED THE BUREAU WILL UPDATE YOUR CREDIT REPORT WHICH USUALLY TAKES 30DAYS OR LESS AND SEND YOU AN UPDATE VERSION OF YOUR REPORT.
Mail a copy of your zero balance statement to the credit bureau or provide it to someone checking your credit.
It can take up to three months for an update to post to your credit report.|||That should be updated every month. so if after a month your credit report is showing the wrong information you should dispute it by mail, phone or online by simply contacting the credit bureau who needs to update your CR.|||you notify the reporting credit bureau...not the peeps that reported it. and then it is up to the credit bureau to make it right. the company may tell you they are fixing it but they might not. its up to you to tell the credit bureau in writing that they have a wrong entry and to straighten that out or remove it. trhey may take their time doing it too.|||GO ONLINE AND DISPUTE IT THROUGH EACH BUREAU...THE BUREAUS WILL CONTACT THE CREDITORS TO SEE IF THIS IS TRUE ONCE IT IS CONFIRMED THE BUREAU WILL UPDATE YOUR CREDIT REPORT WHICH USUALLY TAKES 30DAYS OR LESS AND SEND YOU AN UPDATE VERSION OF YOUR REPORT.
What do you do if you feel your child deserves better grades on her report card?
I have saved every paper that my daughter has brought home from school this year, on every single paper, she has recieved a 90% or above accept for one. My daughter is in first grade. I just got her first report card, and she has 2 N%26#039;s on it. I am not happy about this, I feel that she deserves higher markins, one was in handwritting and the other was in Language arts. I feel, as a parent that her handwritting is pretty good for only being in first grade. It is always quite legible. I am poor, and I feel that the school is discriminating against her because she comes from a poor, single parent home. I feel that my daughter is above average in intelligence. I was expecting her to bring a report card home with straight A%26#039;s, I feel my daughter is gifted. What can I do? How would I go about appealing this? I have written a letter to her teacher explaining that I feel my daughter deserves higher markings, if her teacher does not change her grades, what can I as a parent do? What rights do I have? How do I go about enforcing those rights? How do I go about requesting a formal hearing? If I am denied at a formal hearing, how do I go about taking the matter to court?|||I guess every teacher is different and she could be discriminating against your daughter. But before you jump to that conclusion, I think you should request a conference with the teacher to find out why your daughter got these Ns, how she compares to the other children in the class, and how it can be corrected.
My daughter is also in first grade and for several weeks, she insisted on writing her name in her own creative way. Don%26#039;t get me wrong, I love uniqueness and creativity, but there is a time and place for everything and a big part of first grade is learning how to write properly. ... Is your daughter, by any chance, trying to incorporate her own style while the teacher is trying to teach everybody to write properly?
My daughter finally started writing her name the right way after several discussions about it. I told her that I love how she writes her name! It is so creative and it would be nice if she made me a poster with it :) But while she is in school or doing school work, she needs to write the way that the teacher tells her to. That means writing letters the correct direction, only making capital letters where she is supposed to, making the lower case letters shorter than the capital letters, etc. ... I am shocked at how much her handwriting has improved over this past week!
Anyhow, if the teacher thinks that your daughter%26#039;s handwriting is poor, I think you should talk to her about it. Find out why. Ask to see examples of excellent handwriting from her classmates and compare. Also, compare your daughter%26#039;s handwriting now to her handwriting over the past few weeks. If there isn%26#039;t a significant improvement, the teacher may think that your daughter isn%26#039;t practicing her writing skills enough.
For language arts, do the same. Ask to see your daughter%26#039;s work and compare it to that of her classmates with %26quot;excellent%26quot; skills. I have noticed that although my daughter is very intelligent, when I look at her papers from school - she sometimes makes a lot of simple mistakes that just come from not paying attention.
I haven%26#039;t heard of the rainbow curve, but I guess it makes sense. I had some teachers that practically handed out good or bad grades. Every class should have some students making high grades and some making low. When you see that a few kids have high grades - it shows that it is at least possible to make good grades in a class. And when you see that a few have bad grades, it shows that they are being challenged and not just handed As all the time.
It%26#039;s good to hear that you are sticking up for your daughter when you think she is being graded unfairly :) Just remember to communicate with the teacher first and take what she says into consideration before taking it up to the school board. |||I would suggest that you arrange a parent/teacher conference with your daughter%26#039;s teacher. There you can down and talk directly to her teacher and together you can address any problems your daughter may be having in class that would cause her get an %26#039;N%26#039;. Maybe her conduct? I doubt that the teacher is discriminating against her. |||First of all, when it comes to school, it doesn%26#039;t really matter what we think or feel our kids should receive on their report card. We send our children to school to identify their weakness and use every opportunity to help them strengthen that weakness.
As a parent, I do not expect my child to be good at everything, that maybe the reason why she%26#039;s failing the class is because it%26#039;s not of her interest or the teacher isn%26#039;t teaching it on an interesting level.
There are several factors why a child fails in school and it all revolves around their interest. But as a parent, I%26#039;d sit with the teacher, not write her letters, and discuss on what part of the subjects my daughter is failing and find a way how she can improve it. Then when you go home, you can think of something creative to teach your kid.
The best one I found that works for my son are the crossword puzzles for kids. It will teach them how to read, think about what they read, produce the answer, write the answer, and read the question and answer out load. This should cover your kid%26#039;s writing and language difficulties.
Just keep in mind that if they fail on something, we need to show them how they failed and how to recover from that failure, so that they will know what they need to do next time around. The sooner we can teach them to identify this, then better they are going to be in school -- and in life.|||Its highly unlikely that the teacher is grading her based on the fact you are poor. My mother teaches at a middle school and is confronted by parents all the time wanting higher marks for their children. Perhaps in your mind she is doing well. But it could be possible that compared to the rest of her classmates, she is not.Does she have a good grasp on the five strands of Language arts (reading, writing, speaking, listening, viewing)? Does she have learning disabilities? Also, grading systems are different in different states, what does a %26quot;N%26quot; stand for?|||Where I live (and work) an N is not marked at this time. Is it possible that it could mean that?
Have you had a parent teacher conference with the teacher? Most teachers are very willing to sit down and I don%26#039;t know a single one that does not want to work WITH the parent at home. |||How much experience do you have with the average level of handwriting of first graders? Your opinion as a parent of your child%26#039;s handwriting for her age level is meaningless unless you have something to base it off. Similarly for your opinion as to whether she is %26quot;gifted%26quot;. Above average =/= gifted, and above average will not get your child straight As either.
Appeals? To court? For heavens sake, it is a first grade school report. You have the right to a teacher who isn%26#039;t intimidated by other parents into grade inflation. Sure, she could give your child straight As. She could give every child in the class straight As. But what would be the point in that? Your child isn%26#039;t in school to be patted on the back. She%26#039;s in school to learn. The report isn%26#039;t to pat you on the back either. It%26#039;s to tell you what her weak and strong areas are.
Before you go non-linear over this, I suggest you make an appointment to see your daughter%26#039;s teacher. Take the papers you have saved in with you. And, in a non-aggressive manner, ask the teacher to explain how the grades work, since you are confused how all these good grades can lead to a poor grade over the whole term.
The best thing you can do right now for your daughter%26#039;s future education is to NOT get yourself a reputation as a sue-happy mum who thinks her daughter is perfect. But go in there ready to discuss with the teacher what your daughter%26#039;s weaknesses are (yes, she will have some, every child does) and how you can help, and she won%26#039;t give a monkeys that you ae a single parent or how much money you have.|||The previous posters make excellent points.
If you feel that your child is gifted, then you should request that she should be tested for the gifted program.|||A lot of good advice above, especially to not panic because an N may mean not graded and that doesn%26#039;t reflect on your daughter at all.
I just want to add that the grades are NOT IMPORTANT in early elementary school. They won%26#039;t determine anything about your daughter%26#039;s future. Pay attention to how your child is placed. Is the work challenging, but not too challenging? Also pay attention to any signs from teachers or your daughter that your daughter is having behavior or social problems. Other than that this isn%26#039;t part of any permanent record. Colleges don%26#039;t see this. Employers don%26#039;t see this. Unless you are trying to get her into a private school I would not worry about this.
My daughter is also in first grade and for several weeks, she insisted on writing her name in her own creative way. Don%26#039;t get me wrong, I love uniqueness and creativity, but there is a time and place for everything and a big part of first grade is learning how to write properly. ... Is your daughter, by any chance, trying to incorporate her own style while the teacher is trying to teach everybody to write properly?
My daughter finally started writing her name the right way after several discussions about it. I told her that I love how she writes her name! It is so creative and it would be nice if she made me a poster with it :) But while she is in school or doing school work, she needs to write the way that the teacher tells her to. That means writing letters the correct direction, only making capital letters where she is supposed to, making the lower case letters shorter than the capital letters, etc. ... I am shocked at how much her handwriting has improved over this past week!
Anyhow, if the teacher thinks that your daughter%26#039;s handwriting is poor, I think you should talk to her about it. Find out why. Ask to see examples of excellent handwriting from her classmates and compare. Also, compare your daughter%26#039;s handwriting now to her handwriting over the past few weeks. If there isn%26#039;t a significant improvement, the teacher may think that your daughter isn%26#039;t practicing her writing skills enough.
For language arts, do the same. Ask to see your daughter%26#039;s work and compare it to that of her classmates with %26quot;excellent%26quot; skills. I have noticed that although my daughter is very intelligent, when I look at her papers from school - she sometimes makes a lot of simple mistakes that just come from not paying attention.
I haven%26#039;t heard of the rainbow curve, but I guess it makes sense. I had some teachers that practically handed out good or bad grades. Every class should have some students making high grades and some making low. When you see that a few kids have high grades - it shows that it is at least possible to make good grades in a class. And when you see that a few have bad grades, it shows that they are being challenged and not just handed As all the time.
It%26#039;s good to hear that you are sticking up for your daughter when you think she is being graded unfairly :) Just remember to communicate with the teacher first and take what she says into consideration before taking it up to the school board. |||I would suggest that you arrange a parent/teacher conference with your daughter%26#039;s teacher. There you can down and talk directly to her teacher and together you can address any problems your daughter may be having in class that would cause her get an %26#039;N%26#039;. Maybe her conduct? I doubt that the teacher is discriminating against her. |||First of all, when it comes to school, it doesn%26#039;t really matter what we think or feel our kids should receive on their report card. We send our children to school to identify their weakness and use every opportunity to help them strengthen that weakness.
As a parent, I do not expect my child to be good at everything, that maybe the reason why she%26#039;s failing the class is because it%26#039;s not of her interest or the teacher isn%26#039;t teaching it on an interesting level.
There are several factors why a child fails in school and it all revolves around their interest. But as a parent, I%26#039;d sit with the teacher, not write her letters, and discuss on what part of the subjects my daughter is failing and find a way how she can improve it. Then when you go home, you can think of something creative to teach your kid.
The best one I found that works for my son are the crossword puzzles for kids. It will teach them how to read, think about what they read, produce the answer, write the answer, and read the question and answer out load. This should cover your kid%26#039;s writing and language difficulties.
Just keep in mind that if they fail on something, we need to show them how they failed and how to recover from that failure, so that they will know what they need to do next time around. The sooner we can teach them to identify this, then better they are going to be in school -- and in life.|||Its highly unlikely that the teacher is grading her based on the fact you are poor. My mother teaches at a middle school and is confronted by parents all the time wanting higher marks for their children. Perhaps in your mind she is doing well. But it could be possible that compared to the rest of her classmates, she is not.Does she have a good grasp on the five strands of Language arts (reading, writing, speaking, listening, viewing)? Does she have learning disabilities? Also, grading systems are different in different states, what does a %26quot;N%26quot; stand for?|||Where I live (and work) an N is not marked at this time. Is it possible that it could mean that?
Have you had a parent teacher conference with the teacher? Most teachers are very willing to sit down and I don%26#039;t know a single one that does not want to work WITH the parent at home. |||How much experience do you have with the average level of handwriting of first graders? Your opinion as a parent of your child%26#039;s handwriting for her age level is meaningless unless you have something to base it off. Similarly for your opinion as to whether she is %26quot;gifted%26quot;. Above average =/= gifted, and above average will not get your child straight As either.
Appeals? To court? For heavens sake, it is a first grade school report. You have the right to a teacher who isn%26#039;t intimidated by other parents into grade inflation. Sure, she could give your child straight As. She could give every child in the class straight As. But what would be the point in that? Your child isn%26#039;t in school to be patted on the back. She%26#039;s in school to learn. The report isn%26#039;t to pat you on the back either. It%26#039;s to tell you what her weak and strong areas are.
Before you go non-linear over this, I suggest you make an appointment to see your daughter%26#039;s teacher. Take the papers you have saved in with you. And, in a non-aggressive manner, ask the teacher to explain how the grades work, since you are confused how all these good grades can lead to a poor grade over the whole term.
The best thing you can do right now for your daughter%26#039;s future education is to NOT get yourself a reputation as a sue-happy mum who thinks her daughter is perfect. But go in there ready to discuss with the teacher what your daughter%26#039;s weaknesses are (yes, she will have some, every child does) and how you can help, and she won%26#039;t give a monkeys that you ae a single parent or how much money you have.|||The previous posters make excellent points.
If you feel that your child is gifted, then you should request that she should be tested for the gifted program.|||A lot of good advice above, especially to not panic because an N may mean not graded and that doesn%26#039;t reflect on your daughter at all.
I just want to add that the grades are NOT IMPORTANT in early elementary school. They won%26#039;t determine anything about your daughter%26#039;s future. Pay attention to how your child is placed. Is the work challenging, but not too challenging? Also pay attention to any signs from teachers or your daughter that your daughter is having behavior or social problems. Other than that this isn%26#039;t part of any permanent record. Colleges don%26#039;t see this. Employers don%26#039;t see this. Unless you are trying to get her into a private school I would not worry about this.
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