Saturday, 4 June 2011

What is the Highest 'Level' That Can be Taken in High School?

I am starting high school next week for my first time, so I don%26#039;t understand their system yet.

To help me get a better understanding, what is the highest level that can be taken? And when can it be taken? What is the next best thing?

Also, when transferring from grade 8 (Middle School) to Grade 9 (high school), have my classes already been chosen for me depending on my report card and strengths from the last year? If so, can I change this, and how?

Thank you for your time!|||The highest level classes are AP ( advanced placement) courses. Usually they are not offered to freshman, Then there are CP1 and CP2 courses ( college prep courses) and honors classes. Your levels are determined by your middle school transcripts, but you can always talk with your guidance counselor about changing your levels .|||A.P ( advanced placement) classes are the highest placement

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