Saturday, 4 June 2011

How do you get your parents to get you a cell phone?

Okay so my mom told me that she would think about getting me a cell phone when my first report card came out. Then I messed up and she now says when my second report card comes out and I have good grades she will think about it. Well I talked to her about it tonight and she said things can change and that we will just have to evaluate the situation when my second report card comes. Then she asked when it came out and I told her mid January. So now she said that she might as well wait until my birthday in April because the phone costs a lot. And she is worried about me getting obsessed with it and my grades falling and things like that.I told her it won%26#039;t happen. And my parents read about the texting in the paper and stuff. So I need to persuade my mom into getting me a cell phone and then she can talk to my dad. So I need your help. How do I do that? PLEASE HELP ME. I feel left out because I don%26#039;t have one and all me friends do. And I want it as a way to communicate with family and friends better. I really need it cause I have a guy asking for my number because he has to ask me something and he can%26#039;t ask me until Wednesday because I won%26#039;t see him until then. So what do I do? How do I persuade my parents? HELP!!|||I think you keep doing what you have been doing. Keep getting good grades and being a good person. BE PATIENT. And aside from a misspelled word or two, your question was well written and understood. You should be proud of yourself. Don%26#039;t worry about feeling left out. Having a cell phone is a big responsibility and your parents want to make sure you are ready for it. And when you are they will tell you.|||I think you shld make the good grades and get your teachers to sign a paper saying your grades are goo. Ask for an trial period of having a phone so you will know how to act once you have one! Then tell her that you need a phone because you are maturing and you would like to be responsible. Parties and extracurricular activities are starting up since school has. And if you ever have to stay for tutorials, you will be able to call her and tell her.|||aww you%26#039;re so cute. Well, best way is to point out the problems with you not having a cell phone. Sit them down, make a list if you have too. Some reasons are, you could be lost or in trouble and its always safe to have a cell phone for emergencies. They can always know where you are. Tell them you%26#039;ll be responsible with it. That%26#039;s pretty much the best you can do. they can always get u a little prepaid cell phone from the store. they%26#039;re not the best looking but theyre good enuff for talk and text and that%26#039;s all that matters

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