Saturday, 4 June 2011

How fast does your credit report change?

I have a 650 and i just got my credit report. It said I was over on one of my credit cards. I just fixed it. Now that card is within its balance.I also got rid of a card cause it said i have to many. How fast would it change?|||1st of the month is when most cc companies will report again

but, if you recently paid one off or sold a home, paid off a car note, some of them will report immediately.

if you make an inquiry (fill out a credit app for a new credit account), you lose 3 points for that as soon as it is processed.|||Expect at least 30 days though it can take as much as 90 days. You have to remember that the credit bureaus report on over 200 million people every day. It sometimes takes time to get around to everybody.|||It changes when that credit card company sends it%26#039;s info to the credit reporting agencies, which is usually once a month and the date depends on the credit card company. So it could take up to 30 days but could be less.|||bad debt seven years.

if you begin to pay your bills on time and get things under control you can see an increase each year.|||Now within balance, but if the balance is still high, it is not going to improve your credit score. Hopefully you got rid of a newer card not and older one, and had the balance paid off. They are updated once a month, but as stated in this case will not make much of a difference.

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