Saturday, 4 June 2011

Can someone explain my Equifax credit report, and IF this means my debt has been written off?

Can someone please explain my (canada) Credit Report to me. It says at the bottom Under %26quot;comments:%26quot;


Transferred or sold

and another one said This Under Comments:

Comments: Written-off

Monthly payments

Comments: Written-off

Acct assigned to third party for collection

Are these written off Or are they with collections?? There are two from 2-3 years ago under the section %26quot;Collection Accounts%26quot;

there are two and they say date of last payment was over 2 years ago. Im almost 100% sure date of last payment was even further back then what is posted.

Anyways Both are from 2008 April, and 2008 May, I know these werent paid before that because the one account was Rogers home phone and I switched to Cogeco when my contract was up And Cogeco was suppose to %26quot;take care of everything%26quot; and Somehow i was still being charged every month for a phone service that was disconnected so that is why It wasnt paid. It was maybe 20-50 dollars i actually owed which they somehow turned it into 500 and something.

Is there any way I can find out if they are Lying about the date of last payment? If i contact my bank and see what were my last payments is there anyway to change this on Equifax without Acknowledging the debt?????

Theres also another one an ex got in my name and then stopped talking to me we broke up then he lied got a peace bond against me because he owed me money and did not want to pay it ont he credit card even though i had written proof so i wasnt able to contact him again or else i would of been arrested (nice guy eh) there was NEVEr any payments on this card opened Sept 2006 and It says last date of activity 07 2007 this sint correct... If they have proof of acknowledgment How would that be? A recording or just there word versuses yours/ Shouldnt the date of last activity be sepot 2006??? Not July 2007???

Also the site says This section contains information on each account that you%26#039;ve opened in the past. It is retained in our database for not more than 6 years from the date of last activity.

does that mean after 6 years debts are removed off your report??|||First, yes written off simply means a bad debt. The debt will undoubtedly be shopped around to various collection agencies for the next 10-15 years, and you%26#039;ll keep receiving random phone calls and letters trying to threaten, cajole and con the money out of you. You do OWE this money, they will keep trying to collect.

Now, despite the fact that you owe this money you are correct again, the statute of limitations for consumer debt in Ontario, Canada is two years. After this limitation period has expired they cannot get a judgement against you (you should note that in some cases they may try, and you would have to go to court to defend yourself to make sure they do not obtain a default judgement - the SOL is not automatic).

The debt will continue to be reported with both equifax and transunion for 6 years after the date of last activity (this could be a payment or other acknowledgement of the debt) at which time it will %26quot;drop off%26quot; your credit report.

Collection agents will continue to try and collect the money, this is what they do. And they have a series of shady practices involved in this (multiple hard credit inquiries to drive your score down, multiple reporting - different collection agencies reporting the same debt, and in some cases %26quot;re-aging%26quot; the debt where they report the debt as being more recent than it is, they also contact debtors and offer to settle debt for a fraction of the original debt, if you take them up on this make sure you get it in writing, otherwise you have just %26quot;reset%26quot; the date of last activity, and it%26#039;s your word against theirs that you didn%26#039;t promise to pay it all and the %26quot;settlement%26quot; wasn%26#039;t just the first payment).

Complaints against collection agents and agencies often fall on deaf ears. You don%26#039;t own the moral highground here. You skipped out on a debt, and failed to pay your obligations. It%26#039;s hard to paint that as a victim. Even so you can complaint to Consumer Affairs about their conduct.

Finally, the items will fall off your credit report 6 years after the date of last activity.

One last important note. The companies you defaulted on have LONG memories. If you do business again later with the same company they can take money you give them and apply it against the old debt. The 6 years rule applies to credit bureaus, not the creditors.

Hope this was some help. Good luck!|||it is not written off. it is on your record and the company are waiting to see if there are any takers (collection agent) to harrass you for collecting the amount. reagrdless, your credit record is tarnished. you have to contact the company where you owe the money and sort it from them. make sure you contact them via letter so you%26#039;ll have proof in the future because they will come again if the debt is not erased on your record and maybe that time, the amount is larger than 500.|||They are %26#039;written off%26#039; in the sense that the creditor does not think you will pay, but they can use a collection department, lawyer, or collection company to try to collect the amount you owe. Sometimes activity is not just you paying, but some other change in information or collection process. Even closing an account can be an activity.

Dispute the items through the credit bureau and you might just get lucky and get them removed, IF the creditor does not respond and verify the debt and information within 30 days.|||Last question first: Most of those reports will drop off after 6 or 7 years.

Date of last activity would be accurate as to CONTACT by the company requesting payment, or last payment on that account. Nobody is %26quot;LYING about%26quot; date of last contact. You are free to contact any creditor on report that you have, and ask for PROOF of DEBT! That is you don%26#039;t remember having that account or using that line of credit or whatever (works well with books clubs) or you were a victim of ID theft.

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