Saturday, 4 June 2011

How long does it take for equifax to post a credit inquiery on your report and\or change your score?

There has been a variety of different answers on this topic so I was wandering if someone who knows for sure could please answer :If I apply for three credit cards online at the same time (within 2-3 minutes) are these inquieries instantly posted on my report and my score lowered instantly after each hit? If yes by how much?

Thank you|||It really depends on how quickly the credit card company submits data to the credit bureau. Generally you should assume a couple of days. Your biggest issue isn%26#039;t really whether it will lower your credit score (it usually will) The bigger problem with applying for a number of cards at the same time is that it makes you look like a credit seeker and the card companies/banks start to ask why you%26#039;re trying so hard. As a banker I usually recommend that if someone is applying for a bank issued card they do it in person. This allows you to explain if there is a question about the number of inquiries and if the application is declined you find out why and what you need to do to eventually get the card. This is an advantage you dont get when applying online or by mail.|||It Takes One Or Two Days. But Don%26#039;t Apply For To Much Credit It Is Bad For Your Credit|||It depends on the company in which you are applying credit with. Usually, it is nearly instantaneous with larger companies to hit your credit score. Doing three at once will still reflect a request for credit for the 2nd and 3rd after you do that first one. Each time you request credit, you lose 2 points. Everytime you change address, you lose 5 points.

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