Saturday, 4 June 2011

Ever heard of this happening? Identify TakeOver Scam So Beware!?

Imagine this. Someone where u work gets access to your personal infosuch as ssn, dob etc. They might need to make buy w/o their spouse knowing. They open up some charge cards in your name w/o your knowledge - get the statements- you never see them - charge on them - make payments to them. Even use cards you are aware of -you report charges not yours - payments not yours. you spot charges that are not yours - you spot payments not yours - you tell them there was an error - they send you a letter confirming - they change your credit card number to stop the fraud - but then the card comes to you at work, the person is once again aware of your new card number- Again the same thing happens - charges and payments not yours..... where might this be going? .

Well , imagine this type of identity scam - 4-5 years later and you are now being sued for any money that they CLAIM they paid on your cards!! Credit companies say it is rare - but it has happened. years later - how do you defend ?|||About 2 years ago, a best friend of mine said her best friend wanted to have a charge card but her parents would not let her. When she went away to college, her roommate had several cards. She kind of got a hold of her roommates charge card numbers, and charged things and yeah, then she paid on her roommates bills. She opened up two or three cards in her roommates name, and actually got pretty lucky cuz she got to then have her own cards. She got her roommates social number and date of birth and managed to get the mail before her roommate could get the mail. Just before graduation, 4 years later,this girl and her boyfriend had an idea so they went to the police and and told them that the roommate promised to pay back all the money that she wrote in checks for the charge cards that were in the other persons name. Kind of sounds the same type of thing. And, it sounds like people will do just about anything to take something from someone else. What you should do is find out what the card companies will do when you tell them what has gone on. Oh, and by the way, this guy and girl lost - they did not get money from her roommate . Why? because she opened accounts that the roommate did not know about. They said she did not benefit from those accounts and they were fraud accounts.

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