Saturday, 4 June 2011

How do you dispute something on your credit report?

Here%26#039;s some background. I have a credit card and a vehicle loan. both of which i pay extra for some kind of protection plan in the event of unemployment, death etc. well, a time came when i was unemployed and lated on some payments (60 days for the credit card and 30 days for the vehicle loan). Of course that went on my credit report. I%26#039;m currently paying on both of these (both are up-to-date) but the late payments are showing on my credit report. how do i go about changing that to %26quot;never late%26quot;? wasn%26#039;t the credit protection i%26#039;m paying extra for suppose to cover that?!|||You should ask your lenders for both the credit card and auto loan, who is the insure for my loan protection which covers me for unemployment, death, disability etc...?

Loan Protection Insurance policies are provided by another company and not your lender hence this is why you were not %26#039;automatically%26#039; covered fro your payments during your unemployed period.

Loan Protection Insurance policies are added to your loan amount and the lender would have paid your insurance premium to the insurance co holding your policy when you took out your loan and card.

So, ask your lenders for the insurance co%26#039;s name and contact details, then contact the insurance co and explain to them what happened to see if you can still make a claim...

If they can accept a belated claim from you, ask your lenders in writing to remove the %26#039;late payment%26#039; listing on credit file and cross your fingers. For further assistance, speak with the correct regulating body for the lending institutions you are dealing with for specific advice within your jurisdiction.

Kind regards,

LK :)|||If the credit protection company violated their agreement with you, it may be possible to sue them for breach of contract. There is not enough detail here to answer that question.

If the credit protection plan was from a company other than the creditor, you probably cannot get this removed. It was your responsibility to make sure that the credit protection company paid the creditor. The creditor is correctly reporting that they were not paid on time. If a friend agrees to take my check to the mailbox and forgets, it still goes on my credit report, not the friend%26#039;s, that the payment was late.

If the credit protection plan was from the creditor, you probably did not file the claim for benefits in time or missed some other weird detail (maybe it only pays after you have been unemployed for a certain amount of time).|||You would need to take that up with the agency you supposedly bought this %26quot;protection plan%26quot; from. What does the plan promise (in writing)?|||Those plans are not automatic.

Did you contact the companies when you were unemployed?

Were you unemployed by your choice? or were you laid off?

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