Saturday, 4 June 2011

My younger sister hates me wants to kill me because i told on her?

my sister is 15 in grade 10 and i am 20 we are Asian

my sister gave her report card and my dad gave her 200 dollars because she got 4 A

in math, biology, physical education (PE), Spanish

i found it suspicious because the school phones all the time that she not at class so we all know she skips a lot of classes and my family never seen her study and she talk long hours on the phone with this girl from another school who is younger plus she is lazy and unorganized and i know she don%26#039;t even try so no way can she get an A in PE

so in my computer i saw many report card copies

when i click on one it different from the next so then i knew she fake her report card

i told my dad that maybe her report is fake he should go see principal to see real version

my dad said if she fake it he can not tell them because he is scared they might kick her out of the school for changing the real copy i told him it not like she changed it from the school she just cheated on him . He asked her and she said it is real

the next morning my dad made up his mind i guess he spend all night thinking about it so he confront her he yelled at her saying no way can you get good grades in the end she showed her real report card and he showed me the real and fake the real one is yellow paper and fake is white so she fail Spanish but got b in math and bio she dropped PE there was no mark there

my dad ask for his money back but she spend it on her ipod

i told my dad he should take away the ipod she didn%26#039;t earn it and that she don%26#039;t even feel guilty if you were guilty you would have not spend it

i notice my tunes $50 dollars gift card my parents won it from a draw gave it to me so i can sell it

it was missing i ask her about it and she kept ignoring until finally she told she took it and sold one

i told my dad that she stole the tunes and sold it she stole my money before i yelled at her before that if you take my stuff without asking me that is stealing

she was planing to run away from home but my dad came out to stop her

later on she came to my room and almost threw a heavy bottle at me but instead she threw it on the ground later my youngest sister told me she was planing to smack me with a textbook

she really want to kill me and beat me up

my sister who is 15 said it was my fault that i told him and she didn%26#039;t tell my dad when i failed my driver test on the computer im like so they found out and wanted to see proof about it she said by failing i cheat on my dad money that was 30 dollars not 200 i told her and i paid it with the money i got from new years he didn%26#039;t give me money

im like ya i told about your report card but not on you running away i said to her i don%26#039;t care if you do, so why would i tell on you about it i want you to go away she keeps telling me to shut up

my dad told he will forget about it but she can not it again

i don%26#039;t think she even wants to forget because my dad called for breakfast today and she didn%26#039;t come i said to him you want to forget how come she still ignoring you that means she wont let it go

she blaming it all on me that i told my dad about her report card i think my dad should ship her to china and live in those village where my mom is from

i am tired of her altitude thinking it all my fault and not even thinking of the wrong she did

how should i handle it? is it any of my fault should i not tell

if you saw someone stealing shouldn%26#039;t you tell the police|||sounds like your sis is a very difficult teenager... this is really something your parents have to deal with, I%26#039;m afraid you can%26#039;t do that much

your parents have to give her the same strict education...|||Some things one needs to do because it is the right thing to do. What you did was the right thing to do. If you need protection from you sister, hire a bodyguard. :) OF COURSE, she%26#039;ll blame it all on you. That is what folks do when they cannot take responsibility for their own actions. You have done a good thing. Keep up the good work!!!|||%26quot;How should I handle it?%26quot;

I think you should just stop worrying about it, but since you%26#039;ve already told your father, all you should do now is stay away from the situation. Soon enough everyone will have forgot about it, just don%26#039;t bring it up for a few days. Good luck with everything, and next time leave your sister alone, she wouldn%26#039;t have faked her report card if she didn%26#039;t care, so obviously she still cares.|||ok im asian too (korean specifically) and i dont talk to my brother anymore (im 23 hes a year older) cus he did the same sh*t u did and always told on my parents when it couldve been avoided. he couldve just talked to me about it first instead of getting me in trouble to my parents like u did with ur sis. trust me, she really hates u now and i wouldnt be surprised if she stopped talking to u. and she didnt tell on u but u told on her which is what my bro did all the time and he was a hypocrite. u couldve at least talked to ur sister and told her either use the $200 for the family or ur gonna tell ur dad about the report card. she woulda still been pissed but at least u warned her first. when ur sister starts to give u an attitude and stops talking to u, dont wonder why shes bein a b*tch and ask urself what u did wrong.

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