How long does it generally take for a credit card company to report a balance change to reporting companies?
Do all credit card companies report at the same time of month (beginning or end)?
Is it possible to actually use your credit card and pay it back in the same month and not have it show on your credit file? If so when should I use the credit and how much time would I have to pay it back before it gets reported?
Please help|||In general most do it in 30 day increments at the begining or the end of the month. This is not the same for everyone though some only report every 60 days. Contact the issuer of your credit card and ask a customer service rep when they do their credit reporting. I%26#039;m sure they can tell you.|||If you have new credit cards, you probably want to just pay enough to show you%26#039;re at a 3rd of the limit balance. This away when it does show on your credit, it will show very good status and paying history, which will make your credit score go up. The reporting is based on the bank, some do beginning and most ending month reporting. If you are trying to build your credit, I am a distributor with VR-Tech Marketing Group/United Credit Education Services and you can visit my site at and visit our UltraScore tab. This is a game plan with education to help you and you can get free customer service.
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