Saturday, 4 June 2011

How would you punish your sophomore daughter who you caught changing her report card grades?

so so umm, lets say ur 15 year old daughter, a sophomore in highschool has been telling you how well shed been doing at school and you trusted her. now comes the time when the report cards are supposed to be mailed home, and she gives you this piece of paper, and on it are 3 bs and 3 as. these grades are the same as the grades she got her freshman year, but your wondering why is the paper just like this? you go on the computer and u see a file named DELETE and so you open it and on it you see your childs real report card, an F in math, 2 ds, 1 c and 2 bs. now how would you punish your daughter whom youve given pretty much everything. oh and i forgot to say your daughters excuse was, %26quot;i didnt want to disappoint you, and i know i can fix this%26quot; blah blah blah.

ps. is it fair that a mother would take away her daughters skin care(proactiv) as part of punishment??? so now her daughters face is swelling and breaking out llike no other????|||Um, no, it%26#039;s not right to take away medication. Messing with a child%26#039;s face is never okay. Messing with a teenager%26#039;s self-esteem is never okay. Besides that, a punishment should be related to the actual crime committed.

If it were my daughter, she would be grounded until at least midterms when we would review the grade situation. I would also make contact with her school and let them know the situation and work out a method to check her school progress. I would also ask the school to punish her because she broke a school rule on top of a rule at home.

Needless to say, she would be %26quot;on probation%26quot; for quite some time and wouldn%26#039;t be getting any extras until she%26#039;d proven a repentant spirit and had %26quot;done her time.%26quot;

Teenagers make stupid mistakes. That%26#039;s why they still live at home with their parents and aren%26#039;t out on their own yet. As parents, it%26#039;s our job to guide them through these mistakes and help them to see the error of their ways. It is not our job to make them feel like their physical maintenance or sense of self-worth can be cast aside when they%26#039;ve messed up and done something they shouldn%26#039;t.|||Woah, that%26#039;s a harsh punishment. I think that your daughter needs to know that you are disappointed in her grades, but even MORE disappointed in her lying and changing her grades. Her punishment should be %26quot;normal%26quot; not taking away treatments that make her skin healthy. Make sure she understands that just because you get disappointed your love for her doesn%26#039;t lessen. She doesn%26#039;t need to lie to you. She needs to work harder and look for help to fix her grades early on, but your love stays the same.|||Taking away the skin care product is out of bounds.

Grounding the girl in question, to ONLY be at home or at school, with no other activities, until she can raise her grades is well within practical guidelines. As also would be limiting her social activities and internet usage.

The attempt at forgery is grounds for further disciplinary action... my parents would have spanked me red %26amp; blue for that.|||The daughter should understand that academic honesty is important and that lying is not an amiable quality. A meeting should be set up with the teachers of the classes she is failing. She should also be enrolled into summer school, that is punishment in itself. As for the punishment that is distributed to her, taking away skin care products is a little petty. One should make her sign an academic acheivement policy and agree to keep up grades, and if the promise is not kept, her worldy possesions will be systematically taken away,( cell phone, camera, computer, t.v., car, time with friends).

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