Saturday, 4 June 2011

How often does your credit score change?

I just paid off 2 major credit card bills through debt collectors. We made a settlement on both and I received a letter from them stating that I paid them off in full. It%26#039;s been a month now and there is no change to my credit score or report. I%26#039;m wondering if it takes some time. I called one of the debt collectors and they told me it takes time to change on my score. If I got screwed, what can I do?|||Your score is calculated at the time it is requested. So, it will reflect all newly reported information. It can also change from day to day because each day, the data is one day older and the importance of data changes as it ages. Plus the agency may fine tune its formula at any time.

In your case, the lack of change to your report means that the collector hasn%26#039;t reported the current status. This is not the credit bureau%26#039;s fault. The responsibility rests squarely with the collection agency. You have grounds to dispute the credit report. Send the credit bureaus your proof of payment. Once this piece of data is taken care of, your score will take care of itself.|||Creditors often report to reporting agencies on a quarterly basis, so be patient, give it a couple more months and if it still hasn%26#039;t changed than dispute the entry with the agency and the creditor.|||Every month.|||it changges every day, just like the stock market does

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