Saturday, 4 June 2011

If you pay off a balance on a credit card and months later, that balance is still on your credit report...?

do you request that the bank notify that you have paid the balance and it is now $0 or do you just wait till they report again. How long is too long for a balance change not to be noted on a credit report.|||The balance should be updated every 30 days. Dispute the balance with the credit bureau and they will get it cleared up for you.|||i believe that it can take a year or more to get something off of your credit report. you can try calling the bank, but I%26#039;m not sure if there is anything they can do.|||Ask the credit card company to update your file at the credit bureau.

Mail a copy of your zero balance statement to the credit bureau or provide it to someone checking your credit.

It can take up to three months for an update to post to your credit report.|||That should be updated every month. so if after a month your credit report is showing the wrong information you should dispute it by mail, phone or online by simply contacting the credit bureau who needs to update your CR.|||you notify the reporting credit bureau...not the peeps that reported it. and then it is up to the credit bureau to make it right. the company may tell you they are fixing it but they might not. its up to you to tell the credit bureau in writing that they have a wrong entry and to straighten that out or remove it. trhey may take their time doing it too.|||GO ONLINE AND DISPUTE IT THROUGH EACH BUREAU...THE BUREAUS WILL CONTACT THE CREDITORS TO SEE IF THIS IS TRUE ONCE IT IS CONFIRMED THE BUREAU WILL UPDATE YOUR CREDIT REPORT WHICH USUALLY TAKES 30DAYS OR LESS AND SEND YOU AN UPDATE VERSION OF YOUR REPORT.

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