I%26#039;m getting my report card and i think i did worse in my classes than i thought i would
if i get all A%26#039;s and 1 B my parents will be estatic! i just want to know how to change my grade if i scan my report card in the computer
what do i do next?|||I%26#039;m sure others will agree that changing the grades on your report card is both unethical and, ultimately, futile. What you%26#039;re proposing is tantamount to cheating. You ought to think about whether it%26#039;s worth impressing your parents with dishonesty. Beyond that, your parents will learn the truth eventually, and lying about it will only compound the trouble for you.|||look, that is lying, and that is just leading to more trouble than it matters. First of all, there were so many successful people who didn%26#039;t get straight A%26#039;s (albert eienstien, henry ford, abe lincoln, bill gates...) but if your grade matters that much, go up to the teacher, explain your situation, and ask if there is any extra-credit progect you could possibly do to raise your grade. I know that your teacher may not seem like the one who would say yes, but teachers have a soft spot when they realize how much their student cares about school.|||A report card is considered to be a legal document of the schools. Any tampering of it could be considered a misdemeanor. While they might be ecstatic for a moment, they would not be proud of you when you get sent to the alternative school in you district next year.|||Do your homework. That will definitely raise your grade the right way. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, it is just that lying will only lead to you having to lie more, which won%26#039;t be easy or fun. Good luck and stay motivated!
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