Will your current credit card company look at this after you been a good customer for all these years and still paying but lower your available credit limit or raise your rate?. Again,you have always been on time with them all these years.....
PLEASE this is NOT a question of what is a foreclosure or how long it stays on report I know that. Please answer the specific question. I want to help a friend the best I can... Thanks|||Unless your card company is looking for an excuse, it should not. However, card companies are free to raise or lower you credit limit at will. One reason why they might do this is via a risk evaluation. This might give you some dings and may prompt them to lower you limit. The good news is I have a foreclosure and neither of my two cards had the limit changed. Like you, I always payed on time.|||Many credit cards have begun to tie your available credit and interest rate to your overall credit score. If that is the case for you, a foreclosure would have a large effect.|||Most all credit card companies have whats called the universal default clause in their terms and conditions this means that if they check your credit and find that you have paid someone else late or not at all suffered a foreclosure, bankruptcy, collections, tax lien, law suit or just about anything else they have the right to up your interest rate to the State maximum, lower your credit limit or cancel your card all together regardless of how you have paid them in the past.
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